1 AM

207 7 0

Context- After woods' girlfriend breaks up with him, hes sad and... just read it.

A/N so sry for not posting last week I was a little bit sick... fine now tho.

Text messages 12:47 AM

Woods- Hey y/n I really need someone to talk too

Y/N- yeah, what's up

Woods- well my girlfriend just broke up with me and I'm pretty sad about it so I was hoping that I could talk to you to get some things off my chest

Y/N- would you like to come over so you can talk about it

Woods- Y/N it's almost 1 AM

Y/N- and?

Woods- fine I'll be there in 5 minutes *lightly blushes at phone*

5 minutes later

A few knocks come across the door as I walk over and open it. Woods immediately gives me a big hug. His head rested on my shoulder and his hands were placed on the back of my neck and at my lower back.

"I'm so glad I could come over" Woods mumbled into the collar of my sweater.

"I... y... come inside out for the cold." I said speechless. This wasn't a normal hug, it felt more warm and comfy. This was a hug only people very close to him experienced.

He came inside and toke off his jacket and mittens than lied them on the edge of the sofa.

"I'll go make you some hot chocolate" I said nervously but happy. My mind didnt wonder how horriable a girlfriend she was but it wandered on how great of a boyfriend he was.

"Soo..." I said handing him a cup of hot chocolate. He blew on it just a little to make the steam move.

"I... I dont know what happened to be honest. Something just clicked and she broke up with me. She argued about how my work interfered with her schedule and tried to convince me that it was my fault" Woods explained.

"And half of it was over text messages" Woods said clutching his phone for dear life. His eyes sparkled against the light in the room, full of tears.

"May I read some of them" I said as he handed me his phone. I scrolled the the copius amounts of, "THIS IS ALL YOU FAULT"s and, " BECAUSE OF YOU"s. Even more messages read, "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE".

The past messages apparently didn't matter to her. All of the "I love you" s sent from Woods but never one sent back.

"Wow she sounds like a bitch" I said reading more of the text messages.

"When she got back to the apartment, she continued to shout until her voice was hoarse. She yelled so much. I'm pretty sure the neighbors called the cops" Woods explained finnaly letting some tears escape.

"Its okay tho" Woods told himself trying to calm himself down. A few tears left his dark brown eyes.

"Did she try and hurt you" I asked trying to comfort him. He hesitated before answering. He nodded a little before answering.

"Yeah, she kind of slapped my face about an hour before she..." Woods said before stopping at his words. His voice grew lower near the end. He relaxed more into the couch. He rested his teary eyed head in his hands and took some more deep breaths. I could tell he was hurting and that he was crying.

"I... It's alright, everything will be okay" I said resting his head on my shoulder. He rested his hand on my hip by accident then took it back.

"I... I don't know what to do anymore" Woods said defeated. He still rested his head on my shoulder. I messed with he curls of his hair.

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