I Don't Deserve You

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Context- love triangle ish... Idk but also hurt/comfort

A/N weekly uploads soon til SOLs next week than they will presume around the ending weeks of December.


"Good morning darling" Woods said looking into my awaking eyes. His arms still half way holding me.

"Hmm... Good Morning Woodsy" I said smiling. Our legs tangled together, facing each other. He blinked than admired me. I did the same.

We had only been dating for a few weeks but it felt much longer than that. It felt like home. It felt so good.

Every cup of coffee we bought for each other, every kiss we ever shared, every time his hand placed on my hip, everytime the most joy a girl could feel.

"I love you y/n" Woods said happily cuddling me in his arms. Curesting my torso.

"Love you too Woods" I smiled.

One sercret from nearly a week ago still bared with me on my chest.

---at A friends house---

"So how have you been y/n" She said sitting beside me on the couch.

"Oh you know the same old stuff" I said nervously. She had called me here today for no reason which was not normal.

"Can I ask you something?" She said more secretive.

"um... sure what is it" I asked as she leaned in closer towards my face.

"Do you happen to be in a relationship at the moment" she said kind of beautifully. Her curtain bangs hung down in front of her pretty ocean blue eyes.

"Uh um... yes" I said a little uncomfortable.

She leaned in more. Her hand curested the side of my face making me look at her lovely face. She smirked and smiled. She tucked her dyed hair behind her ear.

Her soft red lips touched mine ever so gently. She reached to hold the side of my neck and she kissed me so gorgeously. I tried to resist but I gave in.

Her beauty.
Her grace.
Her dyed hair.
Her cute bangs.

Eventually she starting basically making out with me. Her gentle red lips carelessly moved down to my neck. Her touch was starting to become calming.

---Real time---

This morning I woke up and squeezed myself put of woods arms.

"Shit" I exclaimed quietly spoting the hickey in the mirror.

"What's wrong" Woods must have heard and said from the other room.

"Uhm... er.. nothing" I said trying to find a turtleneck sweater to wear to work today. It covered up th e hickey.

"Ready to go"Woods said near the door.

"Yep" I say following him to the door with my bag.

Today was just like any normal day. Tonight on the other hand was not.

I sat down on the side of the bed and he sat down beside me.

"You seem a little off today, are you alright" Woods said as I layed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and squeezed me tightly and comforting.

I couldn't say anything. I tried but nothing came out of my mouth. He kissed the side of my face dangerously close to wear the hickey was.

"Its okay baby" Woods said tugging at my turtleneck. He rolled it down and spotted the hickey.

"W... Y..." He stuttered completely stunned. "Did you..." He begin to speak again. It hurts me so much to hear the worry and pain in his voice.

"I... um..." I stuttered, I was too stunned to speak about it.

"No..." he muttered sadly. "This cant be true".

"I never meant for this to happen. I went to my friends house and she... kissed me" I explained trying not to cry.

"What do you mean Y/N" He said a little upset... louder than normal.

"It was an accident, I told her... but she... ignored me and then kissed my neck." I tried to explain. 
The tears in my eyes leaked out falling down my face. He stood.

"You mean... it was an accident and you did'nt expect it to happen" He said standing before me still a little tempered.

"Y... yes... I... feel so bad about it too... I dont deserve you Woods" I said placing my face in the palms of my hands.

"No dont say that" Woods said lifting my face up with both of his hands. I started up at his precious eyes.

"But... I ~" I muttered. He placed his hand on my chin and his thumb on my bottom lip to keep me from talking.

"It's okay, I'll always love you mr dear, It's alright, please say It's alright" Woods said still hold my face up.

I begun to say something but he moved his thumb over my lips and moved closer to my face. He smirked furiously and ran his fingers over my jawline. Woods leaned in close to my face and pressed a kiss on my lips.

"Is it alright now, baby" Woods said letting go of our kiss.

I moved back on the bed rested my body on the wall beside the bed. Woods crawled across the bed putting his hands on the wall above my shoulders and kissed me once more, his lips moved down to the other side of my neck.

Let's just say tommrrow I will definitely have to wear a turtleneck sweater.

Follow for more <3
Hope you liked this chapter =]

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