Get Rekt Mr. LoverBoi

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Context- Rekt video- openly dating- you and woods may have cheated a little bit- but we won and didn't get caught  -- also btw this is not a real Rekt video I thought up of this idea last night. I made it up . This is kind of based off a lot of videos

Author note - again it's early and I'm tired and bored might not be the best fanfiction {WARNING- Might make you fall in love =] } ALOS TITLE IS NOT THAT GOOD I JUST THOUGHT IT SOUNDED FUNNY 

Another day another Rekt shoot. "good morning Honey" Woods says to me welcomingly. "morning Woodsy" I say smiling. "Rekt shoot in about 20 minutes" he says standing right in front of me. I smile and say, "ok". He leans down and kisses me on the forehead gently. His lips pressed up against my head so gently and soft I could barely tell they were there. His smile so pure and precious it could make anyone's day. His laugh so perfect it could make anyone smile. My thoughts apparently make me blush.  I snap out of it and ask, "so what are we doing for Rekt today". "something with glass" He says happily. "oh cool was it the pre-planned win one or different" I whisper to him. He whispers back, "yes" and nods.

 A couple weeks ago we were told there was a trivia Rekt shoot that had a 20$ Starbucks gift card for whoever won. So me and Woods deliberated and found out a flawless way for him to win. The loser was going to get messy with whatever the winner wanted and since we have already planned our win to the minute, we already planned that the messy substance would be Glitter and sparkles since both tanner and gunner hate glitter. 


Woods, Tanner and Gunner line up against the wall and start introing. "Hello and welcome back to Rekt. Today we're going to drop stuff off that ledge into the bucket that's down here. " Gunner says happily. "but we have to not break any of it. also our lovely Y/N is doing the scores" tanner says. "she is the judge whatever she says goes" Woods says knowing he's going to win. "also whoever wins gets a 20$ Starbucks gift card and the loser gets messy with whatever the winner wants" Tanner says holding up the gift card to the camrea. "we're also not playing favorites Y/N" Gunner says upset from the last time where I played favorites but we didn't plan it our well and Woods didn't win or lose. But it made gunner lose. good times. "ok ok I won't play favorites" I say crossing my fingers behind my back without him noticing. 

Before the camrea start rolling for the challenge Tanner walks my way. "hey I feel like you and Woods planned something for him to win" Tanner asks. I nod my head as he continues. "I'll give you 20 more dollars if you make Gunner lose" he says pulling out 20 bucks. I hesitate. "let me just ask my boyfriend I guarantee he will say yes but just to make sure" I say walking over to Woods. "Hey Woodsy hon." I whisper to him. He turns his attention towards me. "Tanner figured our our secret plan.. he offered 20 more dollars if we win and gunner for sure no doubt loses" I whisper to him. An evil smile covers his face. "deal" he says walking over to Tanner. Tanner hands him the 20 dollars and lets out a sigh of relief. 

Once Gunner comes back we arrange the box to where it's almost impossible to get it. He doesn't get it as it breaks into millions of little pieces. "that's 0 points for gunner" I say to myself writing it down. Next It was Woods' turn. We arranged the box to where it's impossible to miss. Gunner is still completely oblivious to the whole plan.  Woods drops the piggy bank right into the bucket with an epic replay. I chop that down on my note as Tanner go's next and gets it in. "that's 0 for Gunner 2 for Woods and 2 for Tanner" I shout. "dang it" Gunner says as his voice gets higher. Tanner giggles under his breath. 

Time skip till near the end of the Rekt shoot

"so that's 10 for Gunner, 18 for Tanner and 18 for Woods" I say reading it off the notes. "tiebreaker whoever gets this jar in that small little spot the best wins" I say handing them a 2 jars. Tanner go's first and misses by a longshot. Next was Woods. He dropped the jar and made it in. "OH MY GOSH" he says excited and in disbelief. 

Once everyone has.. collected themselves from laughing so hard I declare Woods the winner. "ok ok I don't believe you did this fairly" Gunner says upset. "What do you mean" I ask knowing exactly what I did. "I think you, Woods and Tanner cheated so I would lose and get covered in glitter" Gunner exclaims to us like we don't know what we've done. "here look at the scoreboard yourself" I say handing him the notebook. He reads thro it carefully and counts t on his fingers. "ok ok Woods won" He says in defeat. Woods stands behind me and kisses me on the forehead softly. I hand him the gift card as Tanner giggles under his breath knowing what happened. Gunner still unaware. 

Woods grabs the jar of red glitter and hands me the Orange glitter with stars in it. Tanner takes the jar of Blue glitter. We stand behind Gunner pouring the glitter all over him as he outros. 


Gunner leaves the room after being covered in glitter and accepting his defeat. We begin cleaning up all laughing at what just happened. Once we're done Woods sits beside me. "thank you" He whispers. I smile at him. He then puts his hand around my neck softly and kisses me. I blush. "so you want to go get some coffee?" he says waving his new gift card. "of course" I say waving the 20$ Tanner gave me. We get up and head out of the warehouse. He puts his arm around me gently as we walk out orange base like royalty. 

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