Piano Keys (switched)

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Context- Same as the first Piano Keys just switched. Instead of Woods' birthday that your preparing for him, He's preparing a way better Birthday surprise for you.

Author Note- Y/B- Is your birthday, This isn't the best fanfiction I've written. (also thanks for the 994 reads, almost at 1K  😁) Also If Woods does so happen to see this, Thank you for everything. 

Your POV about 5 Days before your birthday

"Good morning Woodsy" I say entering blue base. He smiles at me thro his office window as I walk closer. 

"Good morning N/N" He says happily. 

"Also Happy early Birthday" He says smiling looking back at me. 

Woods POV

Once Y/N greets me with a wonderful Good morning, I open my laptop back up. I continue working on her Birthday gift. I've set up almost a Scavenger hunt for her to find all her gifts. 

She always went big for my birthday. My turn. Her birthday was on 5 days. 1 gift a day. with very much detailed clues. I gotten see her reaction to this whole thing. 

Roze also wanted some Vlog footage. I grab the vlog camrea and head to her office.

Back to Your POV

I open up the doors to my office to find a box on the floor in front of my desk. I walk towards it and begin reading the card that's tied to it. 

"hey N/N" Woods says standing at the doorway vlogging me. 

"Did you put this here" I say referring to the mysterious wrapped box. 

"maybe, Maybe not" he says in a very convincing voice. 

I look at him confused. I read the tag of the box out loud. 

"Dear My lovely Darling, Cheers to You My dear" I read out loud. 

I Look back at Woods and smile. He looks at me in confusion. 

"what" He says in more confusion. 

"You are the one and only person in this office to call me Darling" I say smiling. 

He tilts his head and says, "Just open it". 

I nod my head and begin tearing the wrapping paper off the box. Then ripping the tape off the box to open it. I pull the piece of fabric out of the box. Aw it's a hoodie. I'm basically sitting on the floor of my office holding  a hoodie with a note attracted to it as Woods sits in front of me to vlog it. 

"Happy Early Birthday N/N" He says smiling, vlogging me. 

It's a plain dark grey hoodie with a print of a vlogging camrea on the front and the YouTube logo on the back. Under the YouTube logo it says, 'I'M A PROFESSIONAL YOUTUBER'. 

"I love you Woodsy" I say holding the hoodie up to my chest. 

"I love you too N/N" He says still siting on the floor vloggging me.

I try on the hoodie and look at the mirror in my office. I do a little spin in front of the camrea and mirror like a model. 

"You look beautiful" He says smiling then putting the vlog camrea down. 

I smile and give him a big hug. His arms wrapped around me tightly. 

"You'll see Your next gift in a few days" He says leaving my office. 

"a few days" Later 2 days before Y/B

I enter the office and greet Woods and Walk right to my office to start working on some videos. Just got to make some trailers and work on some thumbnails. Around Lunch time I hear a knock across my door. My door opens slowly as Woods enters. 

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