A Familiar voiced vlogger (Melt it down) (in love)

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CONTEXT- You fell in love with A vlogger. surprising? shouldn't be. Just a fun walk thro the park with a break could be the start of a friendship or maybe even a relationship. While on a walk one day you decide to take a break and just so happens you sit beside a vlogger filming a video at the park. He just so happens to see you scrolling thro your phone. Just maybe he's on it and you have no idea who your sitting next to. You sit down once he's finished and he talks to you. Friends? Dating? 

Author Note- this was an idea I've had for a while but never had the courage to do it. It's a backup idea and I'm now officially out of ideas. If you have ideas for fanfiction, send them to me. 
Also random question--- Do you like the poems or poetic fanfictions? 

Author Note pt. 2-  Go follow woods on SoundCloud working link in my description. 

Everyday, I would walk thro the park just to get a breath of fresh air and to get away from my dead end job. Yesterday I quit my job to move on to new things. My friends recommended I work at a place called hi5 studios.  I applied for a job at hi5 studios to be a thumbnail designer or graphic designer. I got the job and I start working there tomorrow. But for now It's just a walk in the park for me. 

I lace up my converse shoes all the way to the top and get some good music playing. Soundcloud.com, too young, oh wonder lose it, melt it down, love at first sine, happy love, devil eyes and plenty more. I begin walking thro the sunny day. The green grass as bright as ever and the flowers blooming pink and purple. 

About half way thro my walk I decide to take a break and sit down. Out of the corner of my eye I see this guy. Brown fluffy hair, chocolate brown eyes, early 20's, about 5'8 and kind of cute. He was vlogging something. He talked to the camrea in a familiar voice. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was about him that triggered my brain into thinking I know him. He finished talking to the camrea and starting to look around at the flowers and trees. 

I sit beside him and begin scrolling thro SoundCloud. Unaware of who I was sitting beside, I scrolled to melt it down. The Man smiled. My headphones around my neck and my phone showing the play screen for melt it down. He tapped me on my shoulder. I look over quickly still oblivious of who he was. His eyes sparkled brown against the sun. 

"I made that song" He said in the familiar voice. They matched. Both melt it down and his voice were the same. 

"Really" I ask in unbelief. His voice was in my head and right beside me. 

"yeah I'm Woodland DeMars But you can call me Woods" He said beautifully. 

"I'm Y/N" I said smiling. We shoke each others hands and smiled at each other. When we put our hand down they laid on top of each other. We're holding hands. 

"So what do you think of the music I've made" Woods asks me. He sounded insecure and nervous. 

"I love it, I mean you voice is perfect, It's so lovely to listen to and Up&Down, Shakey and Fallen are just as perfect " I complement him. It is perfect. He smiles preciously and holds my hand even more. 

"Glad you like it Y/N, Could I maybe get your number or something" Woods asks. 

"yeah sure" I say scrolling thro my phone. I read off my number as he adds it to his phone. 

"Maybe we can talk sometime, for now I got to get home and get ready for work tomorrow" I say standing up from the bench. 

"It was nice meeting you Y/N" Woods says as his eyes follow me as I leave. 

"It was nice meeting you too Woods" I say smiling walking away. 


Waking up to the springtime sunshine and heading to the fabulous Hi5 studios. I open up the doors to blue base as a guy stood right in front of me. It was Woods standing beside Matt. I think they just finished filming a video. 

"Oh Hey Y/N. I wasn't expecting to see you here" Woods says leaning on the doorway of MegaDesk. Matt stood behind him leaning on the wall. 

 "wait you 2 know each other" Matt said confused. 

"well we just meet yesterday but yeah" I say as Woods stands next to me and wraps one arm around me. My head resting on his shoulder. 

"Oookkk well today you just get to meet people so um... Woods would you like to take Y/N on a small tour of the bases" Matt explains. Woods smiles and nods. 

"Ok come with me Y/N" Woods say walking closer to the door. Matt smiles before walking upstairs. Woods opens the door for me as we walk out to orange base. 

Matt's POV. 

I think Y/N and Woods are a little more then friends. Hmmm. Once they leave I spot Sam at the top of the steps getting ready to go get lunch. She heard the entirety of the conversation. 

"Was that Woods' girlfriend" Sam asks. 

"I think so, they didn't say tho" I say. 

"they may have just been really close friends" I continue walking up to my official office. Sam walks downstairs and heads off to lunch or to get some snacks. 

Back to your POV

Meanwhile in orange base Woods showed me orange base. Empty. 

"So this is orange base. Empty offices. Upstairs to the right is the GG set and to the left is more empty offices" Woods says happily walking thro orange base. 

"And this is just storage and this is the warehouse" Woods explains opening up the final door to orange base. 

"wow I wasn't expecting so many empty offices then this" I say surprised. 

"Yeah. If any one ever tells you to go the orange base and get like a screwdriver or wrench or... Mid evil weapon" Woods says opening up draws to cabinets then a door that had an entire armerey in it. I giggle a little. 

"Cool" I answer. While exiting orange base Woods introduces me to Tanner and Paul. 

"Oh yeah and this is tanner and Paul" Woods says as we walk up to 2 men. They smile at me. 

"You must be Y/N" Tanner says. I nod my head. Woods smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. Paul and tanner look at each other and nod. Woods and I look at them confused. 

We continue walking thro the base to red base. We hear Tanner and Paul mumble to each other add we leave the base.  We continue to red base as he shows me more empty offices to the warehouse and mountaineer to the arcade machines and couches upstairs. To the theater room to more empty offices. 

"most of it's just empty offices" Woods explains showing each room.  

"what happened" I ask. I assume many people worked here at 1 point in time but now most of the space is just ghost town. 

"I don't really know. Many people quit to move on to better things and Matt fired a lot of people in the last 7 months then ever before. This place was full of people and laughter maybe 3 years ago but then covid came and channels got cancelled  and people just left or got fired. some people just work from home now leavening their offices completely bare." Woods explained siting beside on a random desk upstairs red base. 

"oh wow" I exclaim. 

"Yeah if you ever get time watch some Rekt, Battle universe, Click crew or Roze's vlogs, that's really when the place was beaming" Woods comments. His voice made everything sound so genuine and full of life. 

"I will" I answer. He continues walking thro the base to blue base. He shows me blue base too. 

"Do you want to go get some lunch with me" Woods asks looking into my heart with that smile.  

"sure" I answer as we walk out of the base to in and out. 


Sry again, Pulling a Matthias once more.  I ran out of time. PART 2 TOMMRROW 

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