Dared Duets

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CONETEXT- You and Woods are apart of a Roze vlog and everyone knows you too are dating.  This vlog just so happens to be truth or dare which makes the best fanfiction. What could happen? Could You and Woods get dared to do something Crazy. Or could more happen?

Author note- 😁Thank you

Blue base- Friday, at 12 Noon

Everyday at about 12 Noon I go and hang out at Woods' office with him. We usually go out for lunch to like in or out or somewhere else.  We go thro the group chat a few times just to see what's happening today. Everyone just found out that we just started dating. 

"Hey Woods" I say leaning up against the doorway of his office. He spins around in his chair taking his headphones off. 

"Hey Y/N, Noon already" He says sitting back in his chair. 

"yeah today's been going fast" I say happily. 

We end up talking for about half an hour before checking chat. 

"Oh Roze is filming a video tonight" I read from chat. 

"What time" Woods asks in that sweet precious voice of his. 

"uh... 7 o clock" I say scrolling. 

"what video is it" Woods asks smiling a million dollar smile. 

"she didn't say" I say worried. 

"Ok" He nods before checking his watch. 

"so what do you want for lunch" He asks. 

"in and out?" I ask. 

"yeah" He says conically grabbing his keys. 

We head out of the base to his car to get some lunch and head back to the office afterwards. We As we walk out the base the wind blows thro the leaves and branches of the trees. His hand moves closer to mine. Precious. Our hands touch for a minute or two before letting go. He smiles and lowkey blushes a light shade of pink. When you smile the world stops and stares for a while. 

As soon as we get into he car he turns on the radio. Too young plays on the radio as I lowkey sing along. He giggles at Me trying to sing. I end up laughing just as much. His laugh is contagious. 

Once we get back to the office We sit back down at his office. 

Time skip To later that night. 

Once we drive over to Roze while listening to Your soul by Hippie sabotage We stand outside her door and wait for her to open it.

"HeLlO" She says all zany opening it imminently vlogging us. "Hey" Me and Woods say in unison. We sit down as she sits up the tripod. 

"so what are we filming today" Woods asks curiously. She looks back at us. 

"you'll see" She says evilly grinning.

Woods looks down at me with worried eyes. Oh his eyes, his eyes. 

"that's never good" I whisper to Woods.  He smirks and looks back up at the tripod as Hannah giggles beside us. 

Roze finally sits up the tripod and starts to intro.

"Does anyone know what we're doing today" She asks looking around. 

"no" we all share an answer.

"thought so" She says grinning like a villian.

"truth or dare" She speaks. 

"oh no" Woods, Hannah and I say together.

Roze imminently looks at us. 

"Rock paper scissors. " she says holding out her hands. We all join in. 

"rock paper scissors shoot" We all chant. I draw a rock, Woods also does Rock, Roze does paper and so does Hannah. 

"Ok so Y/n and Woods lose" Roze says all of us knowing what that means.

"truth or dare" She says looking over at us. 

Woods looks down and me and mumbles. "dare" He whispers as we both stare back at Roze. 

"Dare" We both say. 

Roze smirks. 

"aw perfectly planned" She says like a cartoon villian plotting her evil plan and exacting it. 

We look at her confused as she looks over at Hannah. Hannah smirks. Oh no she was in on it. 

"I want you 2 to do a duet of your favorite song . It will be up on both there Instagram accounts" Roze says knowing very well I can't sing. 

I look up at Woods as he just nods and go's with it. 

"can we choose the song" I question. 

"yeah" She says. Woods and I begin talking it out. 

"too young" I ask.

"oh yeah we know all the lyrics" He answers quietly. 

"we do, That's perfect" I answer just as quiet. 

We both loo over at Roze and say the same Words. 

"TOO YOUNG BY ZEDS DEAD" We say together. 

Roze smirks. 

"you do know this was my whole plan to beat you in one game of rock paper scissors and just film a duet" Roze say explaining her plan. 

She finds Too young on her phone and plays it filming us with Hannah's phone. The piano rings thro my ears like the sun shines in my eyes.  Me and Woods vibe along with it. Till the words start playing. 

 "Girl, we're too young, don't give up on life" Woods begins to sing so beautifully.

"Don't, don't stop believing" I sing like a complete idoit. The room fills to the brim with giggles. 

"Girl, we're too young, don't give up on life" Woods sings once more so lovely. 

"Don't, don't stop believing" I sing like a dyeing duck. 

The piano keeps going as the room's giggles turns to straight up laughter.

"Look at you, art girl" Woods sings like a straight masterpiece. 

"You live in the art world. Attracted to boys in the hood" I sing but this time actually trying. The laughs turn in to gasps as everyone begins staring at me making me laugh. We skip a couple lyrics as the room just stares at me. Are they surprised. did I actually sound good for once.

"You sound amazing Y/N" Woods says beside me. 

"No I don't" I say unbelieving their faces. 

"no really you do sound good" Woods says confidently. 

"really" I say still in unbelief. 

"yeah" Woods says smiling sweetly. 

We continue to sing the song. 

"That ain't perfect, girl, ain't no perfect world. Why we takin' life so serious?" Woods sings adorably. 

"The past is the past and it's old. The future is bright and it's bold" I sing trying even harder.

"Bigger goals, bigger Rolls. Bigger stage, bigger shows" We sing word for word. 

"Girl, we're too young, don't give up on life. Don't, don't stop believing'. Girl, we're too young, don't give up on life. Don't, don't stop believing'" we sing the chorus together as the room fills with wonder. 'oh wonder'

We continue to sing together trying to make it sound beautiful. Once we end the song Roze shows us the footage as oh wonder strikes. 

"Oh my gawd we sound good" Woods says wrapping his arm around me. 

"Yeah you sound amazing" I say complementing him as his arm hangs around me tightly.

He leans over a lightly kisses the side of my face making me blush. 

" I love you Y/N" He says holding me close. 

"I love you too Woods" I say as his arms wrap around me like the lazy ocean hugs the shore. 

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