HeadCannons to think about when you're Sadge

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Cute moments to think bout when life sucks.
Note- the dash's------------ equal a new moment

-----on the floor------

I layed on the floor of our bedroom listening to the quietness of our apartment.

"What are you doing" Woods asked walking into the room.

"Nothing... at... all.. " I said looking up to where he stood. His tall figure stood there. His smileing face in confusion.

"Why? Can I join" Woods said taking off his jacket to lay beside me. He ran his fingers thro my hair beside me. His eyes sparkled against the light.

I scooted across the carpet close to him as he did the same. I layed my head on his shoulder. Woods smiled preciously.

I sighed happily beside him. He sighed to mock me than kissed my check.


"How was work sweetie" I said hugging Woods as he enter the room. I buried my head into his jacket as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Eh, it was okay, it's better now that I'm home" Woods said smileing down at me. His smile was always keeping me alive. He has so much life to him.

"Aww would you like a cupcake, I made some while you were away" I said happily trying to make him feel better. He took off his jacket and walked into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and sighed agin.

"Here, I haven't decorated them yet but I have the iceing and food color" I said noticing the sadness in his eyes. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, kissing his forehead softly.

"I love you" I said smileing as his looked up at me. He took a little peice of frosting and stuck it to my nose.

"I love you so much y/n" Woods said leaning up to kiss me geting frosting on his nose. We laughed.

———- What If———-

Our arms locked together as we walked into blue base together. We had been dating for almost 4 years now. Sam still greeted us the same old way she had always.

"Good Morning you two lovebirds" She said as if it wasn't 8 AM in the morning.

"Morning..." We said still a little tired. We went to our office and laid down our things.

Woods POV

"Hey" I said opening the door to Matt's office.

"Hey Woods what's up" Matt said putting his phone down.

"Could you uhm... maybe during lunch..." I said as nervousness took control of me.

"Uhm... It'll be easier if I show you" I said reaching into my pocket to reveal a small black box and a sparkling diamond ring.

He gasped.

"You're going to propose to Y/N" Matt said surprised.

"Yeah, but I have to get a start to the conversation during lunch" I said making sure to not let the others here.

"Don't worry I'll help you out during lunch" Matt said as I put the box back in my pocket.


Sam and Matt laughed as we entered the room. Woods and I sat down in the two chair in front of Sam and Matt.

"What are you to talking about" I asked curiously. Woods smiled.

"Ryan and I just put out a video titled what ifs but with different broadway stories and movie characters and He just sent me this really cute screenshot of bailey" Sam explained showing me and Woods the photo.

"Aww... She's so cute" Woods said smiling. I smiled at the photo enjoying Woods' joy.

"What were the questions like" Matt asked. Woods smiled a little bit more.

"Ya know just like, 'what if Ryan Reynolds was married to someone who worked at DC'" Sam said. Matt thought about it for a second.

"We should do that on the podcast" Woods said excited.

"Yeah, what if it was only Woods and Y/N on the podcast" Matt said as Tanner walked in and put the lunches on the tables then sat down in the massage chair.

"What if it was only me and you on the podcast" I said laughing at the thought of it.

"That would be an really funny podcast" Tanner butted in.

"What if we made our relationship more public in videos, just like randomly during videos like a cheesy flirt line or a kiss or something" I said looking at Woods' precious eyes.

Matt laughed. Sam smiled. I looked over at Tanner laughing handing me my bag of food. I stood up to get it from his hands.

"Yeah What if we were married" Woods said from behind me.

I turned around. Woods had kneeled down on one knee. He held out a small little black box and opened it. A small dazzle came from onside the box, a diamond ring. I held my hands up to my face in surprise, tear ran down my face.

"Y/N, the love of my life, the reason for my happiness, my love, my only love. You're the best... ya know. I wish you knew how much I loved you. But I love you so... very much... I know it sounds cheesy but I'll finally ask you this. Will you Y/N love me to the next level. Will you marry me" Woods said so very happy and heartfelt.

His happy sparkling eyes stared up at me. To be fair they sparkled more than any ring ever could. I nodded in speechlessness.

"Yes Woods... I..." I tried to talk but bursted into tears.

Before any other word could escape my mouth I felt his arms wrap around me. My arms felt limp as he held me close. I lifted my arm up to his shoulder as it fell limp again.

He separated from me and slide the delicate diamond ring onto my finger. He looked up at me and smiled. My face still full of tears as he hugged me again.

So this is what it feels like...
What it feels like to be...
In love...

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Pls request more chapter ideas. Could be just a little head cannon or a whole plot line.
Should I write more headcannons like this ? Let me know in the comments below.

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