I fell in love Overnight

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CONTEXT- Overnight challenge makes you fall in love. Based in 2018 and the second one in 2020 and 3erd in late 2020. Kind of like a timeline. Also thanks for the feedback!

Author Note- sorry the vlog has been delayed to next week, I had a writing assessment on Thursday and that kind of messed up my schedule. sorry. 

It's been almost half a year since I started working at hi5 studios and frankly it's been great. One spring day in march, Matt called me into his office. I enter his office nervously. Am I going to get fired or what's going on here. 

"Oh Hey Y/N" Matt says as I peek my head from the door. 

"hey" I say shyly. 

"come have a seat" He says in a cheerful voice. 

"ok" I nod and sit down IN front of his desk. 'I'm going to get fired'

"so you know the click crew, right" He says knowing I know. Odd question but ok. 

"yeah I edit Connor, Tanner and Your videos" I answer. 

"well me and the boys are planning a overnight challenge like a 24 hour challenge, Paul has backed out of doing it so Me and the boys talked and Woods suggested we bring you. So do you want to do a hi5 studios 24 hour challenge" Matt says. 'well I was wrong'

"Sure I'll do it" I say. 'wait Woods suggested this... does he like me.' I've lowkey had a crush on Woods for a while now but never had the courage to speak to him or confess my own feelings. 

"great we're doing it next month sometime" Matt says. I nod ok and leave. Maybe Woods does like me. I haven't really had any interactions with Woods but that may be just cause I'm shy. (ah Author also Being shy :))


Me and The click crew just sitting at the table in orange base just editing and making jokes. Matt walks up to the table and starts talking. I sat right across from Woods. We went out like 3 times fist was to Walmart to get Pajama's, Woods filmed. 

"Look at this click crew just walking thro Walmart like we own it" Woods says walking in front of me with Connor right beside him. They made about serval bits throughout Walmart. 'aw I love it' 'stop catching feelings'

About half way thro Walmart, Woods walks right beside me. He vlogged a little bit of me. 

"have you ever been on camrea before Y/N" Woods asks clearing the silence. 

"I think so but just a couple of Matthias videos" I say smiling. 

"oh" He smiles. His smile is so cute. 

"Thanks for inviting me ,Woods" I say looking down at my shoes and then finally lift my head up to see his beautiful face. Woods smiles a little bit more. 

"Your Welcome Y/N, I really like you and thought you would be perfect for this" he says almost admitting his heart. 'did he just... wait what'

"oh" I say not knowing what to say. My face turning a tint of pink. He giggles while looking over at my face. 

"you blushing" Woods asks me smiling. 

"Am I" I lie knowing I look strawberry shake pink.

"yeah It's cute" He says sliding in the cute part. He runs his fingers thro his hair and moves his hand closer to mine. 'aw he ?does? like me' 

His hand touches my hand gently before I accept and our fingers tie themselves together. When I take his hand his face turns a little pink. We continue walking holding hands like a married couple until Matt and Tanner look back at us. We let go abruptly as they're eyes look at our hands then straight to our Salman pink faces. They smirk. 

"were you two just..." Matt begins to say. 

"holding Hands" Connor finishes as Tanner just looks amazed. 

"no" We disclaim together. They laugh a little before walking a little further. Woods looks at me and smiles. Our faces lose the pink tint as the night go's on.  

Once we get to Matt's car It's me in the backseat. Woods is in-between Me and Tanner. Connor beat us in rock paper scissors for the passenger side seat. We get back to the office and sit down at the floor of red base to eat our food. I sit beside Woods and he starts filming. Matt points out his camrea. We Laugh. 

We film hours of footage till finally we film the last video. 

The Last video we film is the hide and seek video (author's FAV). Woods go's and hides somewhere after explaining the rules. we wait outside orange base as everyone enters the bases. I have a vlog camrea. 

"I'm going to Red base" I lye leaving orange base to get to blue base. I hear distant Ok's. I run across the parking lot and start searching Blue base. 

"oh wow Little creepy" I say searching thro common office. Nothing. No one. I walk thro the armerey and closets that look straight out of a horror movie. I accidently knock something over.

"oh gawd" I say looking around for what fell. 

"That scared me to death" I say to myself and the camrea. 

Woods POV

I'm hiding in blue base warehouse on the bottom self of something. All of the sudden while talking to the camrea I hear a loud noise coming from outside. I imminently stop talking and listen. "oh gawd" I hear in a females voice. Y/N? It was very sudden and quiet so it may have been Connor or Tanner. But Y/N is very quiet. I listen closer. Nothing. I really like Y/N. I tried hinting to it but I'm not sure if she got what I meant. 


"I hate this, I hate this" I say walking thro the empty bases. If woods is in another base I'm a be so mad. 

Back To Your POV

I finish up searching thro blue base and go upstairs to search. 

"nothing, Nothing, Locked, Nothing" I say opening door and looking around. I walk back downstairs and see Matt trying to hide behind some BU props. I look over at him as he just stands there and mores his index finger over his mouth gesturing for me not to tell anyone. I nod as in yes and start looking thro back of blue base. 

I open the warehouse door and get a breeze of fresh air. 

"oh It's creepy in here" I say as I stat looking around.

"Woods if your not in here" I say looking to the right. Woods is there smiling. 

"oh I didn't see you there" I say and his smile steals my heart in less then a second. He smiles and moves over a little bit. 

"did you see anyone" Woods whispers. His voice was already like a relaxing shore but whispers were like a breezy forest under a midnight moon. 'oh gawd I'm in love'

"nope" I say putting the camrea down. 

"also did you drop something earlier I heard something Fall" he whispers softly. 

"yeah I knocked over a couple BU props." I answer. 

"oh" He smiles. 

A little bit of time passes before I point blank ask. 

"do You Like me... like more then friends" I ask refereeing to his hints earlier today. The holding hands, the calling me cute.  

"y... Yeah do you like me more then friends" he asks in a soft gentle voice. His voice was usually rough and tough but this was adorable. His voice was like an loving hug for my ears. 

"yeah" I say softly my face turning pink without him noticing. 

"can I k... kiss you" I ask trying to confirm our "relationship". 

Next thing I know his lips were pressed up against mine so gently. They were soft like a teddy bear and his arms around me really helped. We let go from hearing blue base door opening. He smiles and lightly blushes. Pretty soon everyone finds us and has no idea about the kiss. 

PART 2 Tommrrow

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