If memory lane was a nightmare

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CONTEXT- this story was requested. A small injury at work could lead to an entire trip down memory lane and only 1 person can comfort you in these hard times.


[WARNING, Mention of past abusive relationship, mention of blood and injuries]

Flashback/ nightmare
My vision as dark as the darkest horror movie. Not even a speck of light was in sight. The sound of glass shattering than sirens. The flash of blue and red lights thro the window. The feeling of blood pouring out of my leg. I felt dead both inside and out. A knife layer right across me as HE hid. The sound of the doors being thrown down and distant conversations of the police officers.

"Ma'm are you ok" A young police officer spoke to me. The light blinding me. My hand started to shake and dummy voice trembled for words.

I couldn't speak. I lifted my touch less hand up and pointed to the closet. HIS eyes stared at me with a mighty roar. The officer looked behind her and immediately spotted HIM. HE got up and tried to shoot the officer and missed big time. HE tried to shoot again but was out of bullets. A couple other officers caught him and thrown him on the ground.

The police officer helped me. As I was in the ambulance, I heard distant gun shots. In hope they got HIM but I never seen them leave. HE never came out of the household. I hope they had him but as the ambulance drove away I saw HIS figure wonder into the Woods beside our home. I started to gain sight and my voice.

"What is your name" another man asked from beside me in the ambulance. I took a deep breath and tried to speak.

"Y/N L/N" I say nervously and afraid.

"That was my husband of 2 years, He stabbed me during an argument. He assumed I was cheated and I wasn't. After he stabbed me I dialed 911 and tried to explain it... Did they catch him" I stumble across my words. I look at my left hand to the wedding ring and take in off.

-------- nightmare over--------

I wake up with tears in my eyes from the nightmare. I look around   making sure that wasn't my real reality.

I wipe my tears and check my phone. Ugh 5 am.

Since that happened, I've gotten alot better. I also have moved states and found a new job.

I live in california and work at spellbound. I dont think I'm ready for love just yet. The trama of HIM still wanting me and needing me still stabs at my scars.

Tommrrow is my first day at spellbound. My friend recommended it to me since my "explosive vivid imagination".

--------- TiMe sKiP----------

-—--------first day--------------

As I walk thro the studios, a young girl with vibrant hair greets me.

"You must be the new PA" she says happily with a smile.

"Yes, I'm Y/N" I say smiling.

"Oh I'm Sam, I'm the production director, Matt's upstairs in his office since your new" she says optimistically.

"Okay thank you" I say walking up the stairs. Much nicer than the last job I had. I walk upstairs to Matthias's office as he welcomes me in. 

"Good morning Y/N" Matthias said with a smile. I smile back at him. 

"Good morning" I say smiling. 

"At the moment I have a little bit of work to do so Woods is going to show you around to all the bases and warehouses" Matthias said as a guy with brown fluffy hair appeared. 

"Um Hello, I'm Woods" He said with a happy beam of joy. 

"I'm Y/N" I said gladly. His smile was not like the girl's smile. It was softer somewhat sweeter. Comforting. His eyes were a bright brown as it gleamed across the light.  

He took me to all the bases. Eventually once we were finished, he asked me to lunch. 

"so that's basically hi5 St... I mean Spellbound Inc." Woods said right before giggling at his sentence. 
His laugh was cute. His smile. These emotions, I've barley ever felt. It felt so good but so bad. My heart didn't feel tortured for once it felt almost like it was loved. Is this love? It feels like some sort of syndrome. Am I okay?

"Wanna go get some lunch" he said checking his watch. His brown orbs looked down at it for a few seconds then came back to starting at me.

"Sure" I said nervously. My mind had wondered off into space as his eyes sparkled at me. My face turned a light pink.

--------A couple days later-------

"Todays shoot day for project 863" Woods said walking into my office.

"What time" I said. After he showed me around, he was mainly the person I talked too. I've gotten used to seeing him. We spend time together like all the time but i never asked him on a date.

"Oh here in like 15 minutes" Woods says as i gather the equipment. His voice was soft and angelic.

"Aftershoot do you... wanna... like get some dinner" I ask as my face turns cherry blossom red. He smile preciously.

"You mean like a date?" Woods said as he blushed a little. His smile was adorable.

"Um.. yea" I said while nodding. He could see how nevous I was. He's also the only person who knows about my past. Not even Matthias knows.

"I'd love that y/n" Woods said lifting my head up with the tip of his fingers. I smiled softly and went ahead with the shoot.

During the shoot, I basically got to destroy the mountaineer.

"Can I do a window" I said geti ngf a bat.

"Matt nodded as he filmed.

"Go for it y/n" Woods said after matt.

I swong the bat into to the side window. All of the sudden, I felt a pain on my side. I looked down to see a piece of glass sticking out of my side. Blood dripped off of the tip of the glass.

"Y/n" Woods shouted running towards me. I could hear the worry in his voice. The memory rushed to my mind and made me collapse.

"We need to get her to the hospital" Matt said concerned.

"I'll take her in my car." Woods said courageously. He looked into my eyes. He held out his hand and helped me off the ground. He wrapped his arm around me to help me walk.

On the way there,

"Woods c... could you hold my hand." I say in words. A year run down my face. My past was there to haunt me.

"Of course y/n" Woods said in a soft caring voice. He held my hand and helped me all the way there.

After a few minutes, the pulled the  glass out.

I told Woods he didnt have to wait on me. He cared about tme thro. Before anyone could speak he came to me. Before anyone could be with me he was there.

Once they patched me up, he came in.

"Y/N" Woods said as he begun holding my hand again.

"I'm okay, I only hurt when they pulled it out and when my mind remembered what happened" I said looking into his brown coffee bean eyes. His caring precious smile.

"I love you y/n. I care about you." Woods begun to say. I stopped him mid sentence and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and blushed.

"Love you too Woodsy" I said.

He blushed more than kissed me once more.

Later that say when I was able to leave.

I stood up as his eyes sparkled my way. Woods wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back as we left for a lovely dinner.


Tell me if I should write more angst fanfictions or more like hurt comfort type.

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