Just some cute moments in a day <3

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CONTEXT-- Just a simple conversation and midnight moon kiss. Nothing new. Just a regular Monday on a rooftop after it had rained for 2 days. 

Author note- Sry I didn't post yesterday I had no ideas and couldn't come up with 1.  

Morning. More specific a Monday morning. I sigh and rise from my lovely peaceful slumber from a screeching bird outside. It's not raining anymore. Nice. I look beside me to my Lovely boyfriend sleeping adorably. Woods lays beside me asleep so beautifully and adorable. His soft brown eyes open slowly. 

"Good Morning Woodsy" I say as a smile grows across his face.
"Good Morning N/N" Woods says still a little sleepy. His eyes barely open. His hand in mine. 

About 15 minutes later we head to Starbucks for some coffee then to Hi5 studios. He said his coffee order then I said mine.  

Once we get to the studios he opens the door to blue base as we walk in. Sam's sitting on a chair that's right outside MegaDesk room. 

"Good Morning You 2" Sam say smiling happily. 
"good morning Sam" Woods and I say in a very tired voice. His voice was a melody for my ears even when It was rough. 

"you 2 seem tired" Sam comments with a smile. 
"we are-- very" I begin to say as Woods finishes.  She laughs a little before walking upstairs to her office. 

Woods and I walk into our office and sit down at our desks. Our chairs facing each other. He smiles at me. 

"*sighs* You look so cute when you smile" I say softly. I still blush every time I look at him. I don't know why but It's something about him, We've been dating for at least a year now yet my face is still just as pink as when we first met. 

He giggles a little bit. 
"And you look so cute when you blush" Woods says holding my hand beside his laptop. I smile a little bit before starting to edit videos like always. 

Next thing I know hours have gone by.
Woods taps me on my shoulder lightly. 
I quickly take my headphones off and lift my head up to him. 

"Wanna go get some lunch" Woods says smiling into my heart. His smile so cute. 
"wait it's already lunchtime" I ask confused.
"Yeah hon you've been editing for hours" Woods says laying his hand on my shoulder. 
"*sighs* yeah let's go get some lunch" I say removing my headphones completely and shutting my laptop. 

I get up and accept his hand. 

"Oh my gosh Your hand is freezing" Woods says holding it with both his hands. I giggle a little as he squeeze's my hands till then warm up. He quickly wraps his arms around me tightly just making me smile even more. 

We go out and get some lunch. Once we get back to the office we sit down in red base and eat. We finish and start talking about... well everything. Woods lays his arm around me across my shoulder as I gently rest my head on his shoulder. He smiles. 

"I love you N/N" Woods says holding me close. 
"I love you too sweetie" I say with my arms around him. 

After work we get home and start working on random projects that we've started and never finished. Woods sat beside me and randomly put pieces together and made something. I love your creativity and ideas there so random yet they end so wonderfully. Im in love with an engineer/ inventor/ creator, artist. Woods checks in on my artwork every once in a while. Oh I love it. 

Monday 75% complete. 
Final level- Date Night. 

We sit done on the roof of our house and look out at the stars. The midnight moon shining in our eyes. Making his eyes sparkle like diamonds. I quickly snap a photo of his cuteness. He smiles at me after hearing the click. I snap another. He smiles even more and begins to laugh a little. I lay my phone beside me and lean on his shoulder. 

"ahh best Monday ever" I say intertwining my fingers with his. Our hands tied together. 
"even better with you by my side N/N" Woods says adorably with me close. I smile as we lightly share a delicate kiss under the moon and stars. 

Woods looks over at me and gently puts his hand on my neck and pulls me close to him. I look up into his eyes. They're so open and full of life. He smirks at me. He leans down to my face as the stars shine down on us. Our lips touch slightly as we share a delicate kiss. 

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