Secrets are to be hidden, Like ours

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Context- You and Woods are dating but no one knows. Key words NO ONE KNOWS and frankly you two don't want anyone to know yet. Maybe that changes. Just a simple BU shoot could ruin your secret. RIP Battle Universe 2016- 2020. Lowkey based in 2018 or 2019 after REKT died but with 2021 Woods. You know what I mean. Also RIP REKT.

Author note- Thanks for the 1.5K reads Also has anyone noticed that I quote lyrics in almost every oneshots. -- Like this one most of the time something would be bolded. 

"hey Woodsy" I say as he opens up the door to orange base with 2 cups of coffee in his hands. 

"Hey N/N I got you you coffee" He says handing me 1 cup of coffee. His smile was so precious. 

"aw Thanks Honey" I say accepting the coffee as his smile grows bigger. We walk into my office which used to be Gunner and Tanner's old office from Rekt. After we shut the blinds and shut the door, He sits down on the couch beside me.  

We just start randomly talking about music and our favorite BU bits and plenty more. His laugh is so Happy. It's like a lovely morning on a spring day. It's like winter, it's like a snowstorm even in the summer. The train with my heart already in the snow. His laugh could cure everyone's worries at the same time. 

He shows me pictures and videos on his phone and I do the same. Before we know it 30 minutes have gone by. I end up with my legs across his lap and his arm around me tightly. One arm around me to my opposite side, the other holding his phone with some old funny bits on it. My arm around his back holding me from falling but not holding me back from falling more in love. My head lightly laid on his shoulder. 

He quickly looks at his watch.

"I got a BU shoot in about 20 minutes" He says smiling his smile. I want you to stay until the flowers bloom. 

"Oh We've got a little more time to talk" I say smiling. 

"We do" He says smiling laying his phone on our overlapped laps. He looks into my eyes with sparkles in them. Sparkles like Snow petals fell and disappeared.  He smiles. His head moves closer to mine to share a delicate kiss. A delicate kiss we shall share. His lips gentle and soft. Pressed on mine softly like fluffy pillows on a soft sofa. 

Little did we know The door opened without creaking. 

"You have a shoot in.... Um" Someone said from the door before looking at us. It was Paul. We let go abruptly as Paul's eyes go wide and his mouth begin to hang open. 

"Uh" Paul says not knowing what he just saw. 

We looks at him in silence before we get confidence to speak words. Before we can say anything Paul speaks again.

"Were you two just..." Paul says not finishing. Kissing. Yes. 

"Yeah" Woods answers with the red blush of embarrassment. 

"Could you not tell anyone tho" Woods continues trying to hide the blush. He's so cute. Even more cute when he tries to hide it tho. (fangirls, Am I wrong?) 

"um lunch for a week and I won't tell anyone that I just saw you two making out of the couch of Y/N's office 10 minutes before a shoot" Paul says with his eyes still wide and still with a bit of shook. Both of our faces turn even more red. 

"first of all we were not..." Woods say before nervously giggling a little. 

"first of all we were not... N/N help me out here" Woods says before the embarrassment turns into a completely red face with nervous laughter. 

"We were not making out... it was a simple kiss" I help him out in just as much red. 

"yeah" Woods says encouragingly. 

"second of all fine we'll buy you lunch for a week if you don't tell anyone" I finish as my face loses a little bit of red and turns to a bright pink. 

"ok" Paul agrees before walking out of the room. 

"shut the door?" Paul asks holding the door with one hand. 

"shut the door." Me and Woods accept as he pulls the door shut. 

Once Paul leaves, Woods gets up and locks the door before bringing my legs back across his lap. He looks at me and smiles nervously. 

"whoa That was a close one" I say still blushing. 

"yeah" Woods answers placing his hand on mine. Our fingers intertwined together like a knit blanket. He pulls my head closer to his shoulder, wraps his arm around me and hugs me tightly almost making the blush go away. 

"I love you Y/N" he says as the blush starts to disappear. 

"I love you too Woods" I say wrapping my arms around him gently. He hesitates a second before wrapping his arms back around me lightly hugging me tightly. 

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