I Love You (mistakes)

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CONTEXT- Woods is talking to Sam about the new girl (you) and You accidently say something to woods that basically confesses your feelings for him. 2 scenes  (very short fanfiction)

Author note-- Sry for this fanfiction being so short, I just signed up my high school classes for next year and Im very tired. Well and I want to do a art tonight.  ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)

Lowkey based in 2018 but with 2021 Woods. Know what I mean. 

First days. 
horrible for introverts 

But I can't wait to meet the youtubers I've looked up to for years now. I enter blue base early in the morning on a Monday. Meet Matt in his office, Im a PA. While Walking downstairs a stranger catches my eye. It's Woods. Matt introduces me to him. 

"Hey Woods" Matt says walking downstairs in front of me. 

"Oh Hey Matt" Woods says with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"Im Woods by the way" He says holding out his hand. He's kind of cute... HANDSOME

"Oh Im Y/N" I introduce myself. His hands were rough but gentle. Think that Cupid's up to something. I think I'm in love again. 

Matt said to just meet people today and walk around see what its like. I officially get to help everybody with really whatever once I get an office.

Woods POV

I open the doors to blue base. Matt's walking downstairs with the new girl behind him. Her eyes adjust to the light then glance at me.

"Hey Woods" Matt says walking downstairs. 

"oh Hey Matt" I intro. 

"Im Woods by the way" I introduce myself to the new girl. She smiles. 

"Oh Im Y/n" She said beautifully. I Think I'm falling in love. She walks off with matt, Im assuming to meet everybody and to see the place. 

I walk into Common Office while Sam sits across from me. I'm pretty sure she's already meet the new girl. Wonder If Y/N's single. Maybe Sam knows. Unlikely but maybe. 

"Is Y/N dating anyone" I randomly ask. Sam looks at me. 

"No I don't think so" Sam says not noticing what I just asked. 

"why" She finishes. Umm. Obvious reason. She gasps with an evil smile spread across her face. I blush a bright pink. 

"You like Y/N Don't you" She says loudly laughing. My face as pink as pink could be. I don't want the whole office to know before Y/N even does.  

YOUR POV  ( The a few days later ) 

"hey Y/N you got a sec" Woods calls from the other side of orange base warehouse. His voice... AH TAKE MY HEART AWAY ALREADY  

"Yeah sure what's up" I say walking over to him. He smiles. Baby, I'm fallen. I hope you catch me when I land. 

"Do you wanna go get some lunch with me" He says preciously. His voice... so soft, gentle, rough... It's perfect. 

"sure" I say smiling. Woods makes me so happy. His smile simply just made me smile. Happiness is contagious I guess. I LOVE HIM. Passenger side of his car, drive thro of McDonalds. 

Woods' eyes glace up at me from the steering wheel. They sparkle like little snowflakes on wood. He smiles. 

"Can I tell You something" Woods says nervously. His eyes looking right into my eyes. aw. 

"of course you can" I say. He smiles a little more before continuing. 

"I like you...Y/N.. like a lot... more then friends" Woods explains. His small pink blush disappears once the words are out. I smile softly. I reach over the console to his hand. I begin holding it on the console. He smiles. 

"I like you too... Woods... way more then friends" I say as our hands hug each other wonderfully. Woods smiles more and more to the point where even Kim Taeyoung (V bts) himself would be jealous.  (that's saying a lot)

Once we get back to the office after our lovely meal *DATE* together. His smile is still there. Matt calls me from back of Blue base to help him with a a couple desks. 

"Bye Woods, I love you" I say letting go of his hand as he go's and sits at his desk. Then I notice what I just said. 

"did you... " Woods says as his face gets it's blush back. 

"I think I did" I say looking down at my shoes. He smiles. Spinning around in his chair. 

"aw Come here" he speaks. I walk towards him. He smiles and stands up. 

"I love you too Y/N" He says lightly kissing my face. Blush is back alright! Oh My god we're back again. I gently wrap my arms around him for a hug as he accepts. Matt calls again for my help as we finally let go. 

I love you....

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