Soulmates? V1

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A/N This is version 1 of soulmates, there will be 2 or 3 versions but the story do not connect in any way beside they're all soulmates au.

In a world where your soulmates name appears on your wrist after you turn 18.

YOUR POV age 18
Text messages 1:45 Am


Friend- what is it

Y/N- I cant tell if it's a W or a M

Friend- what name starts with a W or M

Y/N- Wilbur,  William,  Wilson,  Willaby, Matthew,  Minnie,

Friend- okay... tell me when the next letter appears.

The Next day
The interview

"Good morning" I said opening up the door to a company my friend recommended to me.

"Good morning... Y/N?" The lady at the front desk said. She had long brown to blonde hair and a beanie.

"Yeah that's me" I said looking around the place.

A giant 'can you keep a secret' stamped to the wall in spray paint. A young girl sat in front of it with a big monitor. She had short brown hair that curled at the ends.

"I think Matt's upstairs, I'm Cat" She said shaking my hand.

"Matt's in mega desk" The girl behind the monitor said. 

"I'm Bailey by the way" she smiled a soft smile. Her voice soft and quiet. She said something into the room beside her as a large man walked walked out.

"You must be Y/N" He said standing very tall before me. I nodded.

"I'm Matt or Matthias" He said with a smile. A Taller girl walked out of the same room right behind a... young guy with an undercut like hairstyle.

"I interviewed you right" He asked as everyone else sat down on the couch. I nodded. "Well, these are your new co workers"

"I'm Sam" the tall girl spoke before sitting back down.

"I'm Woods" the young guy with fluffy hair said. "What did you say your name was"

"I'm Y/N" I said shaking his hand. He gave me a sweet smile before sitting back down.

Woods POV
The Name

In the middle of filming a video today, bailey interrupted us with some news.

"Theres a new hire out here" She said and immediately got Matt's attention.

He walked out the room as we followed behind him. Matt said something to the new PA but I couldn't quiet hear what it was.

Everyone started introducing themselves to her. She looked vaguely familiar, like I've seen her before.

"I'm Woods" I said shaking her hand. She smiled a soft smile. "What did you say your name was"

"I'm Y/N" she said shaking my hand. I could tell she was a little nevous. Her wrist had a W on it.
I'm smiled before sitting back down. Matt toke Y/N around the office to show her where everything was at.

"So... do you think... that's her" Sam asked nearly immediately once they left.

"I would think so considering their name is on my wrist" I said looking down at the last letter to appear.

Sam looked shocked and happy.

the next few letters

After Woods shook my hand, an O appeared on my wrist, maybe just a coincidence. I could quite read his wrist but I think I saw the first letter of my name.

"Is there something wrong" Matt asked noticing I was staring at my wrist.

"No... just another letter" I said looking at it.

"What letters" He asked curiously.

"W, O" I said thinking about what other names besides Woods it could be.

"Could it be Woods" Matt asked reminding him of his on wrist. He had a wedding ring on so I figured he had found his soulmate.

"It could, I did feel a connection when he shook my hand, like I've done it a million times before" I said as we walked back to Blue base.

"That happens sometimes when you find your soulmate. When I found mine, it felt as if we'd been together forever" Matt explained reliving the memories.

"I couldn't tell what the letters were tho." I said.

"He probably already noticed your name on his wrist" Matt said knowingly.

Once we got into blue base, Sam and Matt went back to their video leaveing me and Woods alone.

Before leaveing Sam quickly turned back around.

"We have to go finish something, why dont you two stay down here and talk." Sam said into the room behind Matt.

"Just curious, may I ask you a quistion" I said sitting down next to Woods on the couch in front of the kitchen.

"Of course" Woods said with a small smile. Something about him made me fell connected to him in a way.

"Have you found your soulmate" I asked curiously. He fidgeted with the tips of his fingers nevously.

"No but I think I know who it is, what about you, have you found you soulmate" Woods said in the kind reassuring voice that could make anyone happy.

"Not yet but... I think" I said tripping over my words, he smiled a sure smile, he felt safe, home.
"I think its you"

"I think so too" He said revealing his wrist. The letters of my name said it clear. We were mean ttb to be.

I gasped watching another letter appear on my wrist,  W O O D.

Woods looked at me confused than noticing the next letter. He smiled, precious.

Time went by as fast as time could fly. By 2 months we had already been in a relationship. By 4 we were already cuddling together.

By 5 the next letter appeared as an L. By 8 we had kissed in front of people dozens of times. By 9 an A appeared soon after on christmas day, the N appeared.

By 12 months on our 1 year anniversary of our meeting, the last letter appeared, D.

It spelt the name clear on front of me. Woodland. Woodland DeMars. My love. My home.

My soulmate.

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