Just a normal day for Us

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Context- it's just a normal day for you and woods being openly dating now. Let's see what happens...

Author note- Just me writing because I haven't written in a few days and I'm bored Probably going to be a very bad crappy fanfiction but we'll see. also time setting is a saturday

My eyes open slowly to light beaming from the windows. "g... good morning Honey" I say still a little sleepy. Woods laying beside me barely awake. "oh morning baby" he says in a raspier ruff voice. We lie there for about 5 minutes just smiling. "you look so cute" Woods says moving the hair our of my face to behind my ear. I laugh softly. "aww I love you woodsy" I say running my fingers thro his hair playfully. "Love you too n/n" He says happily as we finally get up. 11Am

"what do you want for breakfast" he asks standing at the counter pouring a cup of coffee. "I don't know anything I'm starving" I say playfully.  "ok" He says pulling out 2 bowls from the cabinet. "cereal?" He asks. "captain crunch" I say siting down at the table with a freshly poured cup of coffee. He grabs the bag and spills the cereal into the bowls and a little on the floor.   He takes out the milk and pours it amounts the bowls. I turn on the Tv and sit down at the couch. "my lady" He says handing me the bowl of cereal. "thank you my love" I say accepting the cereal.  11:30am

After we eat it's around 12 noon. "so what do you want to to do today" I ask Woods. "I don't know wanna go help me with a project I've been working on" He asks. "sure" I say walking with him to the garage. 12:15pm

We sit down at a very messy table as he begins just putting pieces together and going with it. "could you pass me that spray can of white paint?" he asks pointing over on a shelf. I pass him the paint. He passes me a mask and puts one on himself and begin to paint. Once he finishes painting he sits back and admires his work. "now we wait till the paint dries." he says happily. "ok" I say beginning to scroll thro my phone. 1pm

"hey I just checked the group chat Roze wants us to go skating tonight around 8" I say as he lifts his head from his phone. "oh cool what time is it now" He asks happily. "it's 2:30" I say reading it off my phone. "yeah let's go skating tonight we got nothing else to do" He says seeing if the paints dry yet. "needs another coat of paint" He says testing it on his fingers. I put my mask back on and pass him the paint. After that coat of paint he admires his work another time. "lunch?" I ask smiling. "yeas" He says excited. "in and out?" he asks still very happy. I nod while saying, "yes".  2:45pm

We hop into the car and head to in and out's drive thro. I order my usually and so does he. The person who hands us the food notices us from YouTube.  "hey your from YouTube" He says handing us our food. "yeah" Woods says not amused. "can I take a picture with you too" He asks very excited. "of course you can" Woods says. He takes a selfie with us and introduces himself. "oh yeah My name's Daniel by the way" He says while taking the picture. 3PM

Once we get home we begin eating. Then we finish as we go back to his project. "perfect" he says testing to see if the paint was dry. 3:30PM

Time skip to about 7:50

"should we go meet Roze at her house for skating tonight" I ask looking at my phone. "oh yeah I'll grab our boards" He says excitedly. 

Once we get to Roze's house she welcomes us at the door also introing her vlog. "hello there" she says very wacky and zany. 8:00Pm

We get out onto the streets and start skating. "hey Y/N wanna vlog this cool trick" Roze asks me handing me the camrea. I accept and vlog it. She kickflips then does an ollie. "cool" I say vloggging her. Woods looks over at me and then does a kickflip and nose ollie. I laugh. "cool I wouldn't be able to do that... I would fall for sure" I say laughingly. Woods laughs then says, "I'll teach you". I hand Roze the vlog camrea as woods shows me how to do a simple kickflip and ollie. "here you can hold my hand" He says holding out his hand for me to trust. I Put my hand in his nervously. "I'm a little bit scared" I say very nervously. Woods smirks at me. "you'll be fine I'll catch you" He says confidently. "ok" I say nervously preparing myself. "Now put your foot there" he say pointing. "I'm nervous" I say obeying his directions. "You'll be ok" he says comforting my little heart. I hold on to his hand tightly and try the kickflip. I succeed and almost die. "see not that bad" He says letting go of my hand. I try to do it without his guidance. I almost got it. I almost go flying to the floor but I'm almost there. I try again. "you got this" He say encouragingly. I try again and succeed without almost dyeing. Roze vlogged the whole thing. We then go skating another go around.  Woods and Roze vlogs most of it. I try and do a little slide off a railing and succeed. I look over at Woods after I did the trick excitedly. "please say you got that" I say very proud of myself. "that was sick N/N" he says pointing the vlog camrea at me. Once we finish up skating we go back to Roze house and play a few games. Once we get home it's around 11Pm. 

I unlock the house and walk in right beside Woods. *I yawns* "you tired hon" Woods say rubbing his eyes. "a little" I say sleepy. *yawns again* "ok maybe a lot" I say very tired rubbing my eyes harder. 

We end up going upstairs for sleep around 11:30. "good night N/n" he say lying down beside me. "good night woodsy" I say moving his hair behind his ear. He giggles and we head off to sleep.

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