Journal pages never lie

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CONTEXT- You have a journal that you write stuff in, stories, video ideas, secrets and sometimes even little doodle. (basically a diary) Just so happens, someone specials who you really don't want to see this book finds it and they may have red it. Wonder who that could be?

Working at Hi5 studios always is every Fangirl's dream, no matter who there favorite is. I usually carry around a notebook basically a diary but I prefer journal. One the first page there's a just a little doodle of myself with my name signed in F/C colored ink at the top. I write down video idea's for GG and Dope or Nope but Also I write down deep secrets. Just a way to get stuff off my chest. 

Just like most fangirls I had a crush on one man. Woodland Demars. His laugh, his smile, his eyes, his humor and his sweetness. One day at work I'm pretty sure I blushed when he jokingly said something. 

It was after a Dope or Nope video and I think I blushed.

"Hey Y/N" Woods said walking over to my desk. 

"Oh Hey Woods What's up" I say taking my headphones off. 

"Nothing really, I just wanted to ask what you thought of this" He says in that handsome voice he has. 

"what is it" I ask holding out my hands. 

"shut your eyes" Woods says pulling something out of his hoodie pocket. 

"ok" I say shutting my eyes. He places something in my hands. 

"open them" he says leaving the object on my hand. I open my eyes to an odd looking thing in my hands. He just handed me a jewel covered frog with a guitar. I laugh a little. 

"Omg that is adorable" I say laughing at my words. 

"yeah" Woods says laughing.

"did you buy this" I ask smiling. He smiled. So cute. 

"yeah it's from the dope or nope video we just shot" He says preciously. 

"what's the video cause this would make an amazing thumbnail" I ask smiling. 

We continue talking about dope or nope and random other stuff. I blushed at it all. My face was so preciously pink. I'm a friggin strawberry shake. A couple days while wondering around the office helping people like the good PA I am, I lost my notebook. I didn't notice this till at the end of the day. I looked everywhere for it. Little did I know this happened...

Woods POV

While walking around the office I found somebody's notebook in orange base warehouse.  I asked Sam what she would think I'd do with it. I already saw that it was Y/N's. 

"hey Sam, I found this notebook in orange base warehouse" I ask walking upstairs to her office. 

"oh who's is it" She asks as I hand her the notebook. 

"I think it's Y/N's" I answer. She smirks at me. 

"oh and you haven't flipped thro pages to see if she likes you" Sam says showing off that I may have accidently told her that I like Y/N more then friends. 

"well I... I wanted to see if I should... I m... mean I don't want to evade her privacy" I say nervously. I mean I like this girl, I don't want to embarrass myself before she knows I like her. 

"yeah good point" Sam agrees. 

"so should I look thro a couple pages" I ask holding the notebook in both hands.  The curiosity is killing me. 

"If your really that invested and have to read I would read maybe... 1 page" Sam comments. I nod my head and open up to the first page. 

"well it is Y/N's" I say as her name written so beautifully on the first page in F/C ink. I flip to the next page. 

"oh video ideas for dope or nope" I say reading it. 

"are you going to continue reading till you get something juicy" Sam says watching me flip thro the pages. 

"yea...." I say before something catches my eye. 

"what" Sam asks after I gasp. 

"well that answers my question... " I say turning pink. Sam smiles. 

"what is it" She asks concerned. I read off the notebook. It read...

Woodland Demars <3 <3 

My name written with two hearts next to it. I hand her the notebook. She quickly reads it. 

"she defiantly likes you" Sam says.  

"hand me a pen" I say having an idea in my brain. 'IM A FRIGGEN GENIUS'

"ookay what are you going to do" Sam asks handing me a pencil off her desk. 

"I'm going to write her name below mine in my handwriting so when I hand her the book back she'll flip thro some pages and know I read it and like her too" I say explaining my plan. 

"ookay but what if she gets mad at you for reading her diary" Sam comments. I nod my head. Sam's got a point. 

"well it says right here that it's a notebook not a diary and she wrote it very big on the page. She sounds very defenceful about that. But you do got a good point. what should I do" I ask. Sam smiles at my nervousness. 

"I mean she might find it very cute that you like her back" Sam speaks softly and convincingly. I smirk. 

"she'll probably ask if you read it or not so I would just tell her" Sam says. I nod my head yes and walk out of here office. Downstairs to Y/N digging in her bag.


I go searching all over the bases before almost giving up. I remember knowing I'm forgetful and it's probably in plain sight. While digging for my notebook Woods walks downstairs and stands at the doorway of my office. 

"Hey Y/N" Woods says leaning against the doorway. 

"oh Hey Woods have you seen my notebook lying around" I say turning around. 

"uh... yeah that's actually why I'm here. I found it in orange base warehouse" Woods states. His voice sounds Shakey and nervous. His hands shook a little more then usually while he handed me the notebook. 

"oh thanks" I say as another sentence pops into my head. 

"did you read it" I ask. He smiles nervously and runs his fingers thro his hair. 

"yeah only a little" Woods says rubbing the back of his neck. His smile imminently gave it away that he was nervous. He was so cute. 

"oh" I say nervously blushing. My face was a light tint of pink as I begun to flip thro the pages. 

"I like you too, More then friends" Woods say quickly. I almost didn't hear him. His voice sounded like... like... more so felt like a rainy day on the ocean and his voice was like the sun coming out from a cloud. 

My face was tilt down blushing. I starred at my notebook in my hands feeling the embarrassment run over me. Woods walked over and lifted my face up. His rough fingers slightly touched my chin as he lifted my face up from the ground. Woods' smile took the embarrassment away. He starred into my eyes kindly. He smirked as soon as my eyes looked up at his precious face. 

"aw" Woods says sweetly, pushing my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me as fast as he could. Woods' hugs were always the best. Just so comforting and nice. This is the shoulder I want to cry on. 

"I love you Woods" I say muffled against his shirt. He gently moved his fingers in circles on my back really making me feel better. 

"I love You too Y/N" He says lifting my head up to look at his face. I smile at him as he smiles at me. 

So this is love...

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