I Accept. (CoMmIsHeNnEr'S RULES)

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Context-- You work for hi5 studios specifically Rekt. You know just audio and random other PA stuff. During a Rekt shoot one day you are the CoMmIsHeNnEr (hehe do you get the bit remember) And basically you... just read.. find out for yourself what you do. 

Author note- You are openly dating. ALSO can we get this story to be Number 1 Out of 8.6k stories. Also new vlog posting Monday

Your POV

"Good Afternoon Woodsy" I say as he opens the door to orange base. His lovely smile greets me.

"Good Afternoon N/N" He says handing me a cup of coffee. I smile. 

"REKT Shoot in 5 minutes" Gunner shouts from the warehouse. Me and Woods begin to walk to the warehouse. He opens the door for me like a gentleman. 

"Oh hey Y/N could you be the commissioner and cameraman for today's video Mitch's sick" Gunner asks nicely. 

"Sure what are we doing" I ask. Woods puts his arm around me as his simple but precious smile takes me by the hand. 

"we're doing a... ...got to catch the object... after it's being thrown over the wall" Gunner explains horribly. Tanner walks into the room and explains it much better. 

"Basically We're going to have a wall across this area right here and toss items over it to see who could catch the most" Tanner says and Gunner nods along. 

"Yeah what he said" Gunner says nodding. Tanner sighs jokingly. Me and woods bring out the black wall like thing from the storage closet to the set. Once everyone gets the Rekt merch on we intro the video. 

Gunner, Woods and Tanner stand in a line in that order as I stand in front of them with he camrea. 

"ready Rolling" I say pressing the button. Woods smiles. 

"uh um Wassup guys welcome to Rekt" Gunner does a choppy intro. Woods begins to giggle. 

"Today we're going to toss things over this Wall" Tanner says as I point the camrea towards it. 

"And see how many items we can catch" Tanner finishes. 

"and whoever wins gets to choose the losers punishment" Woods says giggling making me smile behind the camrea. 

"Also can we not play favorites this time" Pat says from the audios equipment. 

"Yeah last time Y/N was commissioner she made me lose." Gunner complains. I begin to giggle. 

"oh stop your laughing... This kid was scememing the whole plan last time and they're entire thing was to dump glitter on one of us. I noticed and simply bribed her into not having me lose." Tanner says laughing at gunner complaints. 

"let her make the rules" Woods says in the background as I zoom in on him sitting on one of the tables. He smiles. 

"You look so cute on camrea" I say sweetly. 

"Oh thanks honey" Woods says half way across the room.

"see what I mean" Gunner says.

"Let's just start the video who's going first" I say putting down the camrea. There's already about 5 different camrea filming from different angles.

"rock paper scissors" Tanner say as they gather in a circle. 

"rock paper scissors" They chant. Woods draws paper, Gunner draws scissors and so does Tanner. 

"Woods Loses" They say. I agree already scememing plans. 

Gunner and Tanner draw again for the winner. Gunner loses. Tanner sits up on the other side of the wall standing beside me almost.

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