Bribed Battles

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CONTEXT- You, Woods, Pat, Roze and CJ are filming a Battle universe Video and the finale battle is You vs Woods. Girlfriend vs boyfriend. Also no one knows your dateing by the way.{ BEFORE COVID} Rip Battle universe 2016- 2020   ENJOY

      "Battle universe shoot 20 minuets" Woods says standing at the doorway of my office.  "what are we doing today for BU" I ask.  "uh don't fall off the ledge I think... I don't know something like that " He says leaning up against the doorway relaxed. "ok I'll be there " I say. He walks over to my desk and kisses me on the cheek. I blush. I walk over to blue base. Once I get there all I see is a square of Lego's filled with brightly colored plastic balls in the back of blue base. I look over at Woods puzzled and confused. He shrugs and says, "don't ask CJ didn't tell me anything".

AUTHOR NOTE- I don't  know if this is the actually intro or not

"What's up guy! Welcome back to battle universe. Today we are going to try and not fall off this incredible Lego ledge while being shot by nerf blasters" CJ intros. "first will be Pat vs Woods then it'll be Roze Vs Y/N " CJ tells us. "there will be buckets full of nerf darts on 2 of the corners. When I say go you will try to shoot each other off while Roze and Y/N shoots you as well. It's 2/3" CJ  explains to us. CJ hands Roze and I this big rifles and shouts, "GO" to us. I start shooting and Roze starts shooting Woods. Woods falls off first. Pat falls off second. This was the finaly for them. I rapid fire at Pat as fast as possible. Roze decides to join in and gang up on Pat. "aw come on" He shouts. He ends up tripping on his own feet and falling to the floor. "DANG IT" He yaps. "ok so Pat lost next it's Roze vs Y/N" CJ says. I stand up onto the Lego ledge and Roze stands across from me. "GO" CJ yells at us to begin. Woods immendently starts shooting Roze and pat begins shooting me. I pick up a bunch of bullets at the same time and start rapid firing off. Pat then switches over to shooting Roze. He laughs. Roze falls off. Pat laughs at her. I giggle. Woods looks at me and winks. I smile. Roze gets back up on to the ledge and starts rapid firing at me. I dodge. Woods starts shooting at Roze as Pat joins in for payback.  Roze trys to escape the darts moving towards her but fails. She falls to the ground as Pat starts giggleing, "Payback". I look at Woods as he smirks at me. "OOOKKKK final round Woods vs Y/N for this blaster right here. Roze, Pat youo can use anything to make them fall. 3/5 wins" CJ says vlogging the exhausted pat and roze. 

CJ looks at Woods and I and starts interviewing us. "so how are you going to beat Woods" he asks me. "well I'm not going to beat him that's for sure. I mean, yeah he's gonna win." I say having no hope in myself. CJ moves over to woods and asks the same thing as Woods answers. I could not hear any of it. "Ready" CJ shouts. Woods and I nod. "3/5 wins, GO" CJ yells. Woods shoots me serval times as Pat and Roze shoot us both.  I try and dodge. It lasts for about 5 minutes. "ok so that was taking too long so we gave Roze and Pat any blaster and gave Y/N and Woods these big ear cleaner things" CJ says. CJ shouts go as Roze and Pat start blasting at us.  I take a swing and miss Woods completely. Roze grabs a different yet more powerful blaster and starts to aim at Woods. Pat still shoots me. Woods takes a stoke at my feet. I fall forwards as my left foot hits the ground. "dang this is intense" I hear Roze say.  Woods smiles at me with that smile of his. It melts my heart instantly and makes me blush. "ok GO" CJ shouts as I actually kind of try this time. I begin trying to wack Woods off the ledge. Roze just rapid fires at me as I keep trying. Woods trys to get me near the knees as I try as well. Woods falls back after Pat joins Roze in shooting at him. "1 to 1  it's still anyone's game" CJ says. I prepare myself on the ledge and prepare to hit. He stands across from me. "3 2 1 GO" CJ yells standing farther away from us. I try to cover my face while trying to get him. I look down at his feet. They are plated on the corner of the ledge. One black converse shoe on the vertical, the other on the horizontal. "oh I see" I mumble to myself. I position my feet the same as his. Pat chuckles in the background. "changing the strategy up a little" CJ says looking through the camrea. Woods looks up at my face and aims again.  Making him change his strategy. He moves closer to me and hits my feet.  I stay there. I aim at his knees as he falls to the ground. "dang it" He mumbles softly. "2 to 1 " CJ says as Woods gets back up onto the ledge. "This is good battle" Pat says still laughing at us battling.  "do you think you can beat Woods" CJ asks me. I shake my head no as my eyes get bigger. "do you think you can beat Y/N" I hear CJ ask. Woods looks over his shoulder at me and winks, "Maybe I think I might know her weakness. -". He countiens about what he THINKS my weakness would be. *INADUIABLE* I mean he winked... he probably had just said it for the bit. I give him a smug look as he just looks back at me and smiles an evil grin. I think I know what he's going to do. He's going to make a funny little bit or joke and get me to crack up laughing at it. DON'T FALL FOR IT I tell myself. 

The next round I stand up on the ledge as Woods stands across from me.  "begin" CJ Shouts. "knock knock" Woods says aiming at my feet. "who's there" I say playing along hitting his converse shoes. "a kiss if you let me win baby" He says confidently. I look up at him surprised ( I mean I thought we weren't gonna tell anyone) as my cheeks turn rosy red. I giggle a little then smirk at his wining face. I step down off the ledge purposely. The look of defeat on my face.  He had never kissed me on the lips before. An offer anyone would take. There's silence across the room for a few minutes. Everyone shares a stare at us. Woods walks over to me and stands over me. "I hate you" I say jokingly looking up at him. "aww I hate you too" He says as he leans down and kisses me on the lips with a grin. One of his hand around my back and the other on one of my arms. One of my arms is being held by his and the other is around his neck gently. When we let go we begin holding hands beside one another. Once we let go no one says anything. They all look at us like we just committed a crime.  "uhhhh" CJ says nervously with his mouth like a gaping black hole. "WWwwHhhhAAttTTTT" Roze shouts all zany and wacky.  Pat looks around the room for permission to say something. "I thought you guys had partners" Pat says look at the to of us holding hands. Roze looks over at pat and puts her pushes her hand to her face embarrassingly. "no you dingus THEY'RE each others partner, right" Roze says looking over at us. We nod together. Pat gasp. CJ still in shook. Roze slightly staring at us a little less dramatic then they others since she's married.  Dead silence. "oookkkk well let's go back into the Armrey to claim our winner" CJ says still a tad bit stunned. CJ puts the camrea down. "so you to have actually been dating and this isn't no very planned out and well exacuted bit" CJ says. I know someone would say something like that. Yeah this is real we wouldn't go this far from a simple little funny wacky bit. I mean come on with his humor and my humor no way this is fake. "We have actually been dating for about a year __that was a real kiss not scripted not fake." Woods and I say finishing each others sentences. "really" Pat says looking at us surprised. "I mean for a second I thought you know they could have really planned this for a bit or something" Roze says. "nope__ This is real" We finish each other.  "well meet me in the Armory when your down interrogating them" CJ says walking into the kitchen to the Armory . 

We meet up into the Armory after Roze and Pat wonder about us. "sooo after that interesting battle of girlfriend vs boyfriend and the romantic bribe our winner and the one getting to hang the blaster up on there wall is Woods " CJ Says handing the blaster to woods. Woods smiles at the camrea then looks over at me. I stand in front of my near empty wall of blasters. He looks down at my face so sweetly and preciously and hands me the blaster. "here you go Baby" He says moving closer to me. The blaster now in my hands. "that's not against any rules to give your blaster to someone right" Woods says nevousliy at CJ. CJ shakes his head no. Woods opens his hand up next to me as I put my hand in his. I hang the blaster up on my wall and give him a cute little side hug with both hands. He smiles back at me happily. "for the first time ever a blaster has been given. " CJ says at the camrea. "Remember to Like__ and subscribe__ Battle__ On" me and Woods say finishing each others sentences again so romanticly. Us still holding each others hands. The cameras cut. I look up him and laugh a little. He smiles at me and gives me a big hug. 

Hope you enjoyed this fanfiction.. remember to at me to your playlists and follow me. 

Til next time my Fangrils and Fanboys

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