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Park Ahra

Jeno came over my office to talk about something important.

He came with a not so looking good look.

"I heard Jaemin stayed with you last night" I only nodded, he smiled.

"Ahra I think It's better that way, the twins needs him more, let's stop this engagement and you should focus what's best for your children" he started to get all the seriousness, even him he is siding with his ex-best-friend "I know it is hard for you, but even if I am there for them, they will still continue to look for him because that's their real appa"

"I wasn't able to sleep last night with him being in my house" I stated.

"Ahra it's time for you to get all those grudges thrown out and try to replace them with happiness"

"I'm not even happy seeing his face"

"You will get use too it soon" he added his signature eye smile "do it for the twins" he pats my shoulder.

"What about you?" He continues to smile at me, behind those smiles is also hurting itself silently.

"I will be much more happier if the twins will be happy with Jaemin" he replied "I just want what's best for the twins"

"Maybe it's also time for you and Jaemin to fix your problems, since this have been going for years now, specially now that the public eyes knows about Jaemin and the twins, you should give the perfect family that you have always dreamt of"

"You you said it yourself that trying will be worth than nothing" I only nod to Jeno "I should go now too, I still have another schedule in an hour" he said while looking at his phone clock "enjoy!" He cheered before living the room.

After Jeno left, Jaemin came back with the twins with big smiles plastered in their cute faces "what are you guys smiling at?" I asked while they both came towards me "can we go to Lotte World with appa tonight?" Jasmine asked with a smile, what did Jaemin feed them again? "Appa told us that there is a lot of fun stuff in there" I look at Jaemin who is smiling while looking at the kids.

"There is a lot of people-" Jason cut me off "-there is always a lot of people anywhere mommy, please?" He rubbed his palms together while closing his eyes.

I let out a sigh and they both started cheering that made me confuse "why are you both cheering?" I asked my two happy twins who are cheering for unknown reason "please" they both starting to beg cutely, I smiled while looking at their cute moves.

"Ok, fine" I agreed, they stared to hug me in enjoy "thank you mommy!" They both said.

I stood up from my chair after they both let go of me "go get ready, we will leave in 10 minutes" I said to them, they both started racing towards their room.

Jaemin suddenly grab my wrist, I look at him with a 'what' look "thank you" he said shortly with sincerity "I know you don't normal agree going out with me around and I am beyond happy to take you 3 to that place"

"I only agreed since I want them happy"

"I know you don't want to disappoint them and I will still continue to try once again, even just as friends" he smiled to with his eyes straight up to mine, I really hate this feeling when I look at those eyes once again, I look away from him "let's just enjoy the day for them" he let's go of my wrist "you better go change too, I will wait in the living room" he left the right away, I just continued my journey to my room and prepare myself for this outing.

We all meet up in the living room, the twins are so excited to go out with Jaemin. They've always want Jaemin and I to go together and I started to doubt that this has something to do that involves Park Jisung or someone else who told them to do this or what, but they could also want this since they just want both of us at the same time.

We all got in Jaemin's car, Jaemin always says that he will pick up the kids or drive us anywhere we wish since he said that he doesn't want to see me driving, and it is really kind of him to do these kind of thing for the kids, at least he can do for them.

"Mommy, why are you always quite in appa's car?" Jasmine started to ask this question to me.

"Because I have nothing to say" I said while shifting to face her behind Jaemin "I am also tired of thinking after working last night" she only nod to my reply that also convinced her.

"You should talk to appa" she said randomly.

"Appa is driving, he should focus on driving" Jason answered her, thankfully this son of mine is smart enough to have this kind of conversation to help me out.

After 5 hours in Lotte World

The twins enjoys riding the rides that they both wished to ride, there are some fans who spotted us and started taking pictures while the twins also noticed and give them fan service by smiling at the camera, Jaemin laughed while looking at them. I really wish they will both stay this cute and stay as a baby.

"Do you guys like them taking pictures of you?" Jaemin asked the twins who are now distracted with the food that Jaemin brought for them.

"They said we are cute" Jason replied while having his attention to the fries.

Jaemin offered me the orange juice I wanted and he sat next to Jason "where do you guys want to eat dinner? since it's almost dinner time too" he asked to the busy kids.

"SM Restaurant" they both said in union. I really hate Xiaojun's influence and now they also like going to SM for the food and the other things they see there, even other artist knows them because they are always in there, the Lee Sooman himself even gives them free pass and other things for free like they are his grandchildren. Everyone in the company is really attracted to them and invites them for treats when they are around.

Jaemin agreed to eat dinner there, we let them finish the fries that they wished to eat while they are talking to Jaemin with random things and plans they wish to do.

Fans stills continue to look at us from distance while taking pictures, I am sure other guys are probably enjoying watching these pictures when these fans post them on social media. This is one of the reasons why I don't like going anywhere with Jaemin around because of the fans and I am also scared because there are some crazy fans out there, they can harm the kids when they wish too.

"Ahra" Jaemin called out, I look at him, they are already standing while Jaemin held out his hand for me to stand up. I accepted his hand and the fans suddenly started cheering. What the heck?

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