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3rd person's point of view

Hello everyone, this is NCT Dream's Na Jaemin.

I want to have a proper statement about something that was already hidden for 6 years already. Jason Park and Jasmine Park are my real children, I am their real father, the reason why everything was hidden is I didn't know that I have children with my ex-girlfriend 'Park Ahra' they both grew up in Canada without me knowing.

I found out nearly year ago, I had a hard time trying to have and get everything legalized due to my relationship with their mother.

When those kids came to my life I felt really happy to have them in my arms, but some parts of me don't feel happy because of my bad relationship with their mother due to our awkward situation.

I really hope my children will be in good hands.

I will always love them.

Mark Lee

Early morning, Hyunmo hyung was already calling me because Jaemin disappeared, he is not in his house nor in his parent's house.

His parents received a text from him last night about him leaving, they said it seemed like a suicidal letter, but it also seemed like he is no where here in Korea.

Hyung tried to track his phone, but his phone was left in a taxi. The taxi drive also said that he dropped him off in Incheon.

Jeno also told us that Ahra and Jaemin talked last night which didn't end really well.

SM is also trying to hide it from the public that Jaemin is missing.

"I think Ahra triggered Jaemin hyung" Jisung suddenly spoke, we all looked him right away.

"I remembered talking with him last week, he seemed prepared of what's going to happen next, he even told me that after all these problems he wants to rest somewhere" he continues to speak "he keeps saying he wants to go in different places like Bali, Switzerland, Europe alone and he didn't say much after that"

Hyunmo hyung barge in "Jaemin really flew off" he said "they are still trying to locate him" we all sighed in relief.

"Hyung, if we can trace him, let's just let him be for awhile, I think he also needs it" Taeyong hyung suggested.

"I can't believe that he is smart enough to leave his phone in unknown places and his laptop in his own house so we can't track him down" Hyunmo hyung sat next to me, extremely stressed out.

"Ahra texted me" Kun put his phone in the middle of the table "who told her?" Taeyong asked.

"We got her and Jeno investigated they might know where he is but they are also shocked about it, Ahra started blaming herself since Yeri attacked her and blamed her" hyung answered Taeyong hyung.

3 months have passed

Jaemin was tracked down in Paris, but he is not there anymore, Jisung thinks that he probably is in Switzerland.

Jisung and Ahra will try to find him in Guam, they will find him there secretly since they hired a person to find Jaemin everywhere in this world, and luckily Jaemin is staying in one country for a month already.

Park Jisung

Me and noona arrived in Guam for 5 hours already and we just found Jaemin hyung, he is sitting alone by the sea.

Noona went to him to take him back since everyone is already looking for him, noona wanted to pay all the things that happened.

Na Jaemin

Watching the calm sea seemed so refreshing, being in a place away from everyone, away from traitors, enemies, and person who thinks of me as a complete nothing.

Months away from those people gives me peace, being in a place that no one knows me feels like I am just a person, not NCT Dream Jaemin.

I wanna start again with my life alone in this place, without Ahra, Jeno or my parents, just myself.

Someone suddenly sat next to me, not that close or that far "Will Guam will be my best choice?" I asked the stranger who sat next to me in English, but the stranger seemed not to understand me even in English.

"I feel good being away from people who hates me now" I spoke once again in Korean.

"Do you think those people lives peacefully now?" Familiar voice asked me.

"How did you find me?"

"I am taking you back where you belong"

"You want to take me back when you are the reason why I left" I said sarcastically "get lost Park Ahra and go back without me" I stood up, she held my hand before I can leave her "get your hand off me Park Ahra" I don't care if this will go hard, all I need is to get out of this place.

"If you leave I will kill both of your children then?"

"If you want me to choose, you should choose like how you did" I harshly took her hand off me "get lost please" I left her right away.

She started sobbing, but crying won't work for me anymore, I got hurt so bad because of her choice and now this was also her choice to taste her own blood.

I never wanted to hurt her this bad, but the test she gave me was enough, I won't care anymore if I don't get to see my children or everyone will hate me for this.

Taking my chance to have rights to become a father to my own children is not fine and I will do anything just to let the any taste it's own blood.

Even if I will have to live full of guilt.

I went to a restaurant to have some peaceful dinner alone, I just hope she will get lost and never come back to my life again.


"You are also here?" I asked with a smiled "take a sit" he sat in front of me, not looking happy at all.

"Have you already eaten dinner Jisung-ah?" I opened the menu book to order something for him too "hyung your parents needs to come back" he started talking about this nonsense again.

"Jisung-ah, you wanted me to be happy right?" He only nodded "I am happy in here, being alone"

"Your eomma is in the hospital since you left"


"Hyung ever since you left everything becomes a big mess, your eomma is sick because of your disappearance, your appa wants to give up, scandals are everywhere that you died, hyung everyone can't live in peace" he explains "including the twins"

"Hyung please! Your family needs you"

"Ahra noona promised if you come back to Korea he will clean all messed that happened"

"Too much bullshit about her" I sarcastically said.

"Fine I will come back!"

"Just promise me I won't see a shadow of Park Ahra, I won't leave" Jisung seemed hesitant to answer that but by the end he agreed.

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