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• Park Ahra •

I went home with a huge ass box left on the car, and shit loads of poster.

While I was driving home, I can already hear my sister's screams when she opens the gift I brought for her.

My mom came to me with a wide smile on her face "where have you been?" She ask me while dragging me to the kitchen "I made snacks since your sister is going to be here soon"

Reality hits me until I remembered that she was supposed to be in Singapore until 2 days "why are you here mom?" I asked and she laughed when she saw my face.

"Business meeting got cancelled" she replied and I nod, she put a plate of waffles in front of me "seems like your sister gave you another headache huh?" She asked while all I can do I nod while eating.

"I bought her a gift" I said plainly.

"Did she ask you to buy something expensive" she asked me with a worried tone, I shook my head.

"Well it's expensive now" I said sarcastically "I bought her sign albums" I answered her, she looked shocked than I expected "I also met her idols while ago, 3 of them helped me find their own albums and offered to sign the albums for me" mom gasped with her hands on her mouth "and gave me this" I took the VIP pass and tickets for Friday which she doesn't have because mom and dad won't let her go "it's the boys' gift for her" she still looks so shook AF "and those seats are VIP" I added.

"I think I'm talking to myself" I said sarcastically and continued to eat.

"I think you are more luckier than Sora" my mom laughed and I nod with a slight laugh.

"How stupid to think, I asked one member where the albums are, and I ended up getting signs in front of them along with a VIP pass and chatting with them" my mom nodded of what I said.

"Let's just tell her the next 2 days" I told my mom right away since I heard beeping of the lock passcode on the front door.

My mom agreed.

"IM HOME SIS!" Sora shouted from the front door, then she suddenly arrived here "EOMMA!" She runs and hug mom "I thought you and Haeso oppa are going to Singapore?" She wonders too.

"The meeting got cancelled" mom gives her simple answer, she took a seat next to me and mom also gave her some waffles for snacks.

"What do you like for your birthday?" I asked, since I never asked her because her answers will be the same album and also not to look suspicious.

"Well, since you will come with me on the concert for 2 days" she trails off while looking like a smart idiot, pretending to think "cheering for NCT a Dream is enough" I looked at her with disbelief face, Eomma was also in disbelief.

"I shouldn't have bought those expensive mother fckers" I cursed loudly and cause my eomma to laugh.

"Wait you already got me a gift?" She asked with surprised face, I stood up and went to the car to get that damn box.

I went back inside and put the box in the table, my eomma and my sister is really surprised with the gift "who wrapped this?" My sister asked with suspicious look on me "just open the damn gift so you'll know, I'm so tired and broke because of that" I spiked to the table, she begun to remove the tapes right away, slowly and carefully.

She suddenly smiled brightly when she saw the box, I only looked at her. I also looked at my eomma who is confused why she smiled because of the box.

She took the car keys beside me and used it to slice the tape on the box, when she opened it, there was a letter on top she took it first with another suspicious look on me.

"This is not your handwriting" she said, I just shrugged at her and she begun to read the letter.

"Hello dearest Sora, we are NCT" she started to read the letter out loud, she looked at me with shocking face "Jeno, Chenle and Jisung saw your sister while ago, trying to find our albums, they helped your sister out and decided to ask other members to come and meet in one place to give your sister some help with her gift for you, I hope you will like the gift that your sister got you, and this is also our small gift for you, we are so sorry if Lucas, Taeyong, Ten and Mark are not able to give out there own signs for you since they are on tour, but they sent us a message to put along with a picture" she stopped reading while tearing up, and looked at me with a happy crying ugly face.

"Can you continue reading" I said with annoyed tone "I don't know what that Kun guy put there"

"Sora, study well in school, be good to your parents and sister, since this is expensive gift, she really bought 1 album per member so our signs won't be in album, we also have another surprise for you since we know you are coming to our concert, but we will let your sister decide when she will tell you our surprise, enjoy your birthday and stay safe, healthy, don't share this to others, your dearest Idols NCT 127, NCT Dream, and WayV" she finished reading with extremely ugly face, crying like a baby.

Well that was worth, seeing her crying for that. HAHAHAHAHA!

"I think your sister is more luckier than you" our mom joked at her, me and my mom had a high five while she stomped like a kid while crying.

"SHE MET MY BIAS CHENLE!" She begins to cry more on the floor, my brother suddenly came up from his room "what's happening in here? Why are you so loud?" He started to bombard us with question, he saw Sora on the floor crying "what's her deal?" He asked mom while pointing at her.

"Ahra went to buy her gift, Ahra bumped into her idols and gave Ahra signs and happy ending" my mom explained, my brother burst into laughters "how unlucky for the both of you" he said loudly while pointing at me and Sora.

"I know right?" I replied to him, we had a fist bro.

Haeso started looking through the box "wow! So many albums for this kid" he scrambles into it "a long with a picture of some people who just woke up" he took the picture of Sora's idols who just woke up in the middle of the night for this ugly cry baby.

"How much you paid these guys?" He suddenly asked me, I formed my fingers into 0 and his jaw dropped "but I paid those stupid albums" I explained and he just nod, Sora went back to her sit and started to look at the albums.

"They even put letters on it" she started tearing up again.

"Happy Birthday dear Sora! Be good and be healthy, Lee Jeno" she reads and hugs the album.

"Try to look if there's a Chenle one, I think he didn't sign one" I joked, she begins to scramble to the box and took it.

"Hi Sora! Your sister only knows me as 'Young and Rich' member from NCT, I think she doesn't know us" she reads excitedly "study well Sora, make your sister proud since she gave a lot of effort for you, I hope to see you as successful kid soon, thank you for supporting me and NCT, your sister told me about my poster in your room, now you can also sleep with this album since I touched this" she started shouting like a crazy human being after reading that Chenle's letter for her.

The 3 of us covered our ears and then Sora started jumping around, shouting like a mad person who escaped the psych ward.

The 3 of us only gave eye contacts to each other's since we are the only human being in this house.

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