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• Park Ahra •

When I came back to Chenle's house, Chenle looked like he saw a ghost when he answered the door for me.

"Noona" he smiled awkwardly and opened the door widely.

He suddenly stopped me "before you go in, I non of us knew he was coming" I break free from Chenle and started to look for Jasmine.

And there she is, sleeping in her appa's arms, Jaemin sleeping having her in his arms.

Renjun suddenly grab me out of the room and brought me in a room.

"Ahra before you react, non of us knew he would come, and things started to happen, Chenle told Jaemin she is his niece" he started to explain, I turned my back.

"All I need is to keep my daughter away from him!" I said to him coldly, I walked out of the room and went back to my daughter.

Jaemin was already awake and also looked shocked seeing me.

"I need my daughter" I plainly said to him.

He didn't react nor move an inch from where he is right now.

I went near him to pick up Jasmine from his arms Jasmine suddenly held into Jaemin "I want daddy" Jasmine suddenly talked in her sleep "mommy is back baby, we can go to your brother now"

She loosen her grip and I carried her in my arms "I will bring her home now to let her have proper rest" I announced to everyone, I exchange goodbyes and Renjun offered to walk me and Jasmine to the car.

"We are really sorry Ahra" Renjun spoke after he opened the car door for me "we had no idea and we can't just let him stay away from the child since Jasmine felt comfortable with him"

"It's alright" I replied after I closed the backseat door "his family already knew"

He only nodded and give me a half smile before I went in the car.

Huang Renjun

When I went back in the house, the 3 of them are so quiet.

"So she was Ahra's daughter?" He looked at Chenle, Chenle only nodded.

"She is not just Ahra's daughter, but also yours!"

"Hyung" Jisung stopped me "you have no solid proof Renjun that she is my daughter"

"Well it's up to you Na Jaemin, but remember the child seemed so close with you, you also heard what she said" I have enough of his stupidity already and he still didn't learn his mistakes "she wants her 'Daddy'"

"Her real father could be out there somewhere anyways" he said before he left.

"I really want to beat up his stupid ass for being so stupid" I spoke.

Na Jaemin

Jasmine Park

Ahra gave her a beautiful name.

So Ahra really had kids? I don't know if I am her daddy but, I think the mother herself doesn't want me to go near Jasmine.

Maybe eomma is right?

I drove myself to my parent's house.

"Are you alright?" Eomma asked.

"I played with Jasmine and she feel asleep in my arms and Ahra came" I explained briefly.

"She is so beautiful eomma, she is the kindest child I saw in my life, she is so soft, amazing, she smiles a lot just like how Ahra does before I destroyed her"

"I used to wish to have a beautiful family, become a father who would tuck their children until they fall asleep, but Jasmine? She tightened her grip on my shirt when Ahra took her and wanted her Daddy"

"They grow up without a appa who is supposed take care of them, who will give them a home to keep the family together"

"It's never too late Jaemin-ah" appa rubbed my back "try to talk to Ahra, make things right for you and the kids"

"But I love Yerim appa"

"It's your choice Jaemin-ah" eomma replied "just make sure you won't hurt Ahra once again"

"Ahra sacrificed for the kids, she nearly gave up her studies for them, you can see her sacrificing, she got more skinny and look unhealthy" eomma added "she sacrificed for you"

"What if I can't do the same for them?"

"You are old enough to make decisions Na Jaemin, and we will support you no matter what because you are our son" appa wisely said.

My phone suddenly buzzed

Where are you? Can we talk? Text from Jeno. How fast can the news run?

I replied to him where we should meet.

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