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• Park Ahra •

After that conversation we had about Jaemin's health and past, I decided to take him on a house tour, also to getaway from my dad keeps on siding with Jaemin, and also to avoid weird topics that I don't wanna go back.

I started to tour him on the dining area, then we went to the kitchen and watched eomma cooking for a little while, we went to our indoor garden where eomma hides all her precious flowers. I also showed him the indoor gym and pool where my oppa and appa are always at, then I took him upstairs on the study room, our movie room, where Sora sometimes watch movie alone. Then followed by showing who's doors, then I also showed him Sora's weird room that has pictures of Chenle.

And lastly I took him to my room. He comfortably sat on my bed and put down his bag on the floor like it's his own home.

"You seemed comfortable huh?" I sarcastically asked him while crossing my arms in front of him.

Jaemin only pulls me towards him to snake his arms on my waist "why not? It's your room"

"You're lucky your handsome" I gave in to him and brush back the hair on his forehead "you are getting more clingy Na Jaemin" he lookup to me with a pout and furrowing his eyes brows after I commented to him.

"I missed you that much" he smartly answered to me and I give him a cheeky smile that made him flush into pink pint.

"You are really pretty and beautiful" he pulled me to take a seat next to him "is that how girls works?" I furrowed my eyebrows "when someone leaves them they become more prettier and hotter?"

I bursted into laughters of what he just said just now and he is absolutely pointing out what some girls does when someone leaves them.

"I'm not like those girls" I answered his question "I'm still the same person, except we both grew up and that's the only difference"

"To me you" he started to lean closer to me "you became more beautiful and became a woman who is more stronger" I only smiled to his compliment while closing my eyes.

"Me myself can tell I don't deserve a person like you, so even I make another mistake, I will let you go even if it's painful" this moment was the most sudden, I feel soft lips savoring my lips and involving a tongue wanting for entrance.

I gave him access in and let this moment go by. This is the moment that we've been waiting before and now time finally came that we both grew up and become adults who can freely do something that we wanted to do without being stop because of the limits we crossed.

Jaemin lets go of my lips with his lips glazed in saliva, I was about to wipe it for him when he looked away from me "don't!" he took my hand "I don't care if we both shared salivas, because I'm willing to share everything to you" I only nod to what he said.

"You are the brightest start of my life" he peaks on the corner of my lips.

"Jaemin, if we date?" reality started to hit me "what about your fans? Your career? What if they will find out?" he only smiled to me who is worried for the coming future.

"If they will find out, then better! I can take you out anytime, but if they will not support me it's also fine as long as I won't loss you" he bring me into his arms for a hug "real fans will stay and support me"

"I already told Hyunmo hyung about our relationship so he can inform SM" he calmly said and at the same time I pushed him away.


"Hyung is alright with it, he has been waiting for this to come and Lee Sooman himself also supports me with my future plans" he calmly answers me "don't worry, you are not in trouble" he rubs his hand on my shoulders.

"They will have to agree with my decision" he added and I only look at him emotionless.

"What if your fans will find us?" I shoot him question, he just smiled while thinking "it's up to you if you want public relationship, because I also want to show to everyone who I belong to"

He proudly answered to me that made my jaw drop to the core.

"Stop drinking coffee"

"It's destroying you and your health"

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