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• Park Ahra •


After 2 years in the Philippines, I am a post graduate for Med School and I finally came back to this amazing place called home.

I waited for my brother to pick me up in this place that has a lot of  exhausted people called airport. Me, myself is also exhausted after that 5 hours plane ride without a sleep, it's currently 7:25AM in the morning.

I sat on the lounge waiting for my brother, whether he will arrive or not.

"Ahra!" I heard someone shouting from distance, I looked from left to right and I saw my brother waving like a total idiot, just like in the dramas after having long wait to see it's long distance relationship girlfriend.

My brother came towards me panting "I'm so sorry, my alarm didn't go off" he took my 2 suitcases and I took the other one with me along with the backpack that has my important stuff in it.

"I just want to go home and rest ASAP" I said to him while looking like a lost puppy, he hugged me while patting my back "don't worry, I will take you to have nice breakfast first and let's go home afterwards" he guided me out of the arrivals area and walked to the car park.

When we got out the arrivals area, the November Korean air greeted me with a wind. I should get use to this kind of climate again.

This is my older brother Haeso, he is 2 years older than me, he was also sent in the Philippines and came back 2 months before me, because we studied in different schools with different school months.

He just started his life here in Korea, trying to have his own business with my mom's help.

We arrived in his car, someone was at the backseat. While Haeso was putting everything in on the trunk, I went into the shotgun seat and look at the girl at the back.

"Why are you here kid?" I asked her.

This annoying kid only smiled to me like she wanted something from me, I remembered that today is Saturday so why this kid is here.

My brother went into the driver's seat and look at me and this annoying kid "I think you brought a sick kid because of the November air" I said to my brother while pointing at her, my brother laughed.

"She is the one who woke me up" my brother replied, he shifted to start the car engine "so where do you guys wanna eat breakfast?"

"Let Sora pick" I replied right away while trying to make myself comfortable and to fall asleep since Seoul is a few minutes drive from Incheon airport "I'm gonna sleep a blink first" I told my siblings so they won't create dummy noise.

Sora, Park Sora is mine and Haeso's younger sister, she is 2 years younger than me and she is currently in High School, she stayed here in Korea because of her love of Kpop.

She even brought me to that stupid NCT concert, I mean that band has 20 members or how many they are, I don't care. I was only there sitting with my food and drinks waiting for the show to end. I never really paid attention because I was only their to be with my sister since our mom won't allow her to go alone, nor my brother will go with her.

She even has posters all over her room that scares the heck out of me, imagine changing clothes in that room and there's pictures of guys, like it's watching you.

What the frick?

"Wake up ma boo" Sora pokes my shoulder firmly "we are here" I opened my eyes, and I can already tell where the heck we are.

"Are you guys auditioning to become an idol?" I asked Sora and Haeso while unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Nope" Sora said while emphasizing the 'p'.

"We are here to eat" Haeso answered me, we both pointed each other's and said "again" in union.

"You said I will pick, so this is what I pick" Sora defends herself stupidly, while me and brother only knows she is here if ever her idols is here.

We all got off the car, Sora leads the way while me and my brother just trailed off behind Sora, until we made it to the counter, my brother ordered hot chocolate drink and random Idol cupcake for me, since I'm not in the mood to eat and I just want to see my beautiful bed once again and rest for the rest of the day.

Sora and Haeso came back with trays, they both looked me like an alien "I think you're about to fall asleep really soon" Haeso teases while putting my food and drink in front of me.

"You are so lucky sitting in that chair" Sora said while pointing at my chair.

What's so special with these chairs? Last time I was here she told me the same thing because I was sitting on the Chair that has an Idol's sign, I forgot which idol was that.

"Whoever who signed this chair, they are just vandalizing this chair that makes children stupid" I said while cutting my cupcake with the mini fork.

"Jaemin signed that chair" and that name made my world stops once again, I know there's lots of people named Jaemin in this country, but that name is really annoying now these days.

"Whatever he is, he is still human" I fired back, I started to eat the cupcake, my brother was trying to hold his laugh because of my sister being speechless.

After eating, we all cool down for a moment, having some sibling talk until my brother suddenly opened up a topic that makes me want to go deaf "Sora bought another concert ticket and I can't go with her" my brother said, I looked at Sora with deadly look, she only smiled to me shyly with a V sign.

"Maybe the boy group already has same population as their fans" I commented that made my brother laugh. Me and Haeso knows that my sister's favorite groups keeps adding more members I mean? There are probably 30 members in that group by now.

"Don't worry, it's a sub unit and there's only 6 members" she replied "you can memorize them after the concert"

"Whatever you say sis" I said while rolling my eyes that made both my siblings laugh "let's go home, I want to rest, I'm so tired"

So this is the first update for now, I'm planning to have the chapter 2 too, but I was thinking if maybe I will add it later once there's many reads and I will have another updates.

I hope you liked the chapter 1.

Please look forward for the next chapter.

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