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• Park Ahra •

Christmas Eve is finally coming, while I'm just chilling with my brother in the living room, watching random shows in the TV.

It's still early afternoon, and we have nothing to do.

Eomma is not letting us do anything to help preparing meal for Christmas Eve.

Jaemin and the other guys keeps on texting me, trying to trick me to go to their practice. They keep telling me one of them is injured then suddenly one of them will say someone else is injured, in short their alibis are not working as a team.

I still wonder how all NCT members and WayV members has my number these days, even WayV who is in China are also bugging me.

"Your phone seems so busy" Haeso commented while looking at my buzzing phone "you have boyfriend already?" He jokes.

"Just some weird idols buzzing" I replied to him emotionless and he just nod.

Sora suddenly came in with her computer on her hands "your phone is so busy" Sora jokes.

"Yeah!" She took a seat next to Haeso that made Haeso sit in between us "some terrible liers" I added a joke, she just laughed.

My brother, took my phone "dolphin, I can't breathe" he reads.

"Nojaem, Chenle broke his ankle" he continues.

"Dark Sun, we are dying"

I ignored him as he continues to read some messages from annoying guys.

He suddenly looked at me suspiciously "Nana, I miss you" Sora also did the same.

"Well well?" He put back my phone on the table "who is Nana?" He asked with a smirk, crossing his arms.

"Why does he miss you" Sora copied Haeso's action "something is fishy"

"Just one of those annoying idols, nothing to worry" I wave off my hands, both of them are not convinced with my answer until appa was standing in entrance of the living room.

"Appa" I flashed next to him "look at them, they are bullying me" I noticed someone was behind him too.

"You bought guest?" I whispered to him.

"Well not me" Appa moved away from the guy "you"

"Well the fishy becomes more fishy" Sora butted in.

"Annyeong" the guy smiles to me.

"What are you doing here?" I dragged him out of the room towards the lounge.

"I wanted to spend time with you" Jaemin replied "it's Christmas Eve!" I playful slapped his arm.

Jaemin just continue smiling ear to ear "you should have warned me, my parents still didn't know you dumb crack" I slapped him again, this time harder.

"Well it's about time to tell them" he came more closer to me, someone suddenly cleared its throat.

Me and Jaemin looked at the entrance "what are you two doing" Haeso asked.

"We are just talking" I answered him.

"More like nearly kissing" he suddenly jokes "I guess you two got back again" Haeso smiled "I'll just leave you two" Haeso left after he smelt the fishy.

Me and Jaemin went back to the living room where appa was with Sora and Haeso.

When we arrived, Eomma was also there too.

"I didn't know we are expecting a special guess" eomma jokes, they laughed while I just scratched my neck.

"More like special guy" Sora added another stupid joke.

"I started to wonder why Jaemin knows you even you haven't met before" appa started to wonder and looked at me suspiciously.

"Do you both perhaps know each other's before?" eomma also wonders, Sora was about to open her when I shoot her a look.

She acted like she was zipping her mouth. Appa and Eomma looked at me with wondering look.

"I can't lie to you" I gave in to them "Jaemin and I started to date when we were 14, and we broke up officially last November" eomma and appa looked shock of what I just said.

"And I guess they date again" Haeso added that cause me to look at him sharply "what?"

"Well, we are actually dating again" Jaemin spoke with full of confidently "I love Ahra too much, and I can't let your daughter go" he spoke to my parents who was really impressed, not to forget! Sora is dying out here.

"Well I know you're a good guy" Appa spoke to him, as he continues to smile towards Jaemin "I hope you won't hurt our daughter again Na Jaemin" Jaemin nod to what he said.

"Take care of our daughter since you can see her when she is at work" eomma talks this time.

"I promise not to do the same mistake" he replied to my parents.

"It's almost Christmas Eve" oppa suddenly spoke formally to Jaemin "why aren't you with your family"

"About that-" Jaemin was cut out by Sora "-will you two sit down, it seems like you two did something bad and got scold" she half jokes to us.

I dragged Jaemin to the other couch that is a two person seater as he continues to speak "I told them I just got back with the person whom I longed"

"My eomma suggested I show be with her, to make it up to her and to spend more time with her" he explained to them, while I just listened to their audible reactions "my parents found out about our relationship when I was on a hiatus, they started to wonder why I always lose hope and I didn't want to hide my relationship with her to my parents since it only seemed like I don't love her"

"Well since you're back together, what are your future plans" eomma asks us both "you are an idol Jaemin-shi, our daughter is going to continue college after having one year experience with you guys"

"I will do my best to have fair amount of time with work and Ahra" Sora was dumbfound of his answer.

"You should have fair time with studies and works not just by passing grades then NCT" I playfully scold her and she just gave me a poker face.

"I wonder what you see with this person?" Sora asked Jaemin while pointing at me.

"I like her for being just a simple person, a person who won't matter on what kind of living you live in, a person who is really kind, a person who is not after for something, humble and most of all loving" I let out a fake puking while Sora was also doing the same thing, the elders only laughed.

"Well, you guys enjoy, I'll go prepare meal" eomma said before she stands up and leave.

"I will also go change" Appa also stands up "make yourself at home" He said to Jaemin and left.

"Well I also have to pick up something for dinner" Haeso announces.

"I will go with you" Sora follows Haeso.

"I thought you will stay since NCT is here" Haeso told her as she shook her head "I don't wanna third wheel this two birds"

They both left me and Jaemin in the living room.

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