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• Park Jisung •

Jaemin hyung is already in a bad fit, Ahra finally had a heart donor, this family had a daughter who got into a bad car accident just an hour ago, the family already coordinated with samchon and they talked to Ahra noona about it.

Ahra already knows about it, that's why all of us are going there since she is scared of what's going to happen to her next. Jaemin hyung wanted to come and Doyoung told him it's best for him to stay at home and rest since his been having a hard time, he tried to contact his parent's after he talked to Ahra, but they already blocked his number, his parents also helps Sora take turns to have someone with Ahra, also takes turn watching the twins.

The twins sometimes stays at Chenle's house since they already had fun in there, Chenle even bought them a dog which is Ahra doesn't know yet.

Ahra will probably kill that idiot.

We all gathered in Ahra's hospital room since she only have 2 hours left before her surgery, Jaemin's parents, Family members are here, the guys to except for Chenle, Winwin hyung and Jaehyun hyung who agreed to help Chenle.

We all gave Ahra some positive words, what we will do after she gets discharged in this hospital, she's been here for a week already, Jaemin hyung is always outside the room, but doesn't goes in there.

"When you come out we will cook you your favorite food" Taeyong said to her and she had a big smile.

The smile suddenly faded away and looks at Jeno "where is Jaemin-ssi?" She suddenly asked that made everyone turn their heads to her "I wanted to talk to him about something, just incase"

"We made him stay at home since he has been restless" Doyoung hyung replied to her question.

"Do you want us to call him?" Jeno hyung asks her and she just nod weakly.

Jeno hyung went out right away maybe to call Jaemin hyung, but he suddenly came back right away with Jaemin hyung.

"I told you not to bring me here, I am fine outside" he tried to take off Jeno hyung's hand from his arm.

"Ahra noona wants to talk to you?" I said to him awkwardly "let's give them privacy for a little" I suggested, but people aren't moving an inch.

"It's fine guys" Ahra noona smiled to her parents and they silently walk out quietly with the other guys, me and Jeno stayed to come out last "can you stay Jisung-ah?" Me and Jeno hyung looked at each other's before he nods and left us three in the room.

"Jaemin-ssi, can you take care of them?" She started to talk without looking at Jaemin hyung, hyung is also not looking at her "incase I wouldn't make it"

"I promised not to come near you or the kids"

"If I won't make it or if I make it they will look for you, they want you already" she replies to him "please? Please stay with them at least?"

"All the promises I made to you are all broken and I don't want to break another one"

"Promises are meant to be broken" her voice starts to cracks up "you are amazing and I never regret meeting you, loving you, coming back to you that time, maybe things are really meant to be like this, this could be the time we part ways, I hope you won't let me down this time Na Jaemin"

"Please don't say that"

"Mianhae Na Jaemin, jinjja mianhae" she started crying, same goes to hyung.

"You didn't do anything, you don't have to be sorry, it was all my fault, not yours" he replied to her.

"Noona don't say that, you will get out of here after 10 days or so and then you can spend time with the kids" I pat her shoulder softly, she hugged my waist while crying softly.

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