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This part was supposed to be released on Christmas Day, but I was so busy and now I got more busy, luckily I have a free time and I will be having a mass update for both stories cause I am planning to have a new story and I really hope many people love and like this story, don't forget to leave a like for this story and share this story.

Stay safe always.

• Park Ahra •

When Sora and Haeso left me with this annoying guy claiming himself as my boyfriend, he suddenly started acting all clingy and weird, God knows what he wants from me.

Probably his Christmas gift?

"So" I started to speak to him "what do you want for Christmas gift?" I asked and he just continue to smile ear to ear while holding my hand with his large hand.

I just notice how much he change after we had part ways for a long time, he got more taller, more handsome, more clingy, more cuter and most of all more annoying.

"Spending New Year with you will be fine" he simply replied to me, he placed his head on my shoulder "I just want to have more time with you before year ends since we will have promotions later on" he added.

I nod to what he said "where do you wanna spend New Year then?" I asked him one more time and he took his head from my shoulder then looked at me eye to eye.

"Anywhere will do"

"What about physical gift? Don't you want anything that came from me?" He only shrugged on my question.

"I'm not really up for something, but it's up to you if you will give me something since you are going to spend New Year with me" he brightly replied as he peak a kiss on my cheeks.

I suddenly felt the warm blood rushing to my cheeks.

Damn! I hate this guys!

He knows where I can fell for him.

"Who said I'm going to spend New Year with you?" I cheekily played with him and he cutely pouted.

"Stop it Nana!" I pushed his face away "why don't you ask permission to my parents if I can go with you"

"That's easy" he leaned back to my shoulder.

"Hey guys I brought you some fresh baked cookies and milk" eomma came with a tray that has a plateful of cookies and two glasses of milk.

"Thank you Eommoni" Jaemin speaks to my eomma that shocked us both.

"EOMMONI?" I asked to be sure.

"Yeah? Why not?" He asked me as he took some cookies "we are going to get married in anyways" he started to play with me and eomma just laughed of us.

"I think I'm starting to like your guy" eomma commented before she turned "have fun" then she went back to the kitchen.

"This is good" Jaemin commented at my mom's cookies while munchkin them.

"Eomma is the best cook in this family" I replied as I helped myself get one for me.

"Chenle wasn't lying" he added that made me stop and look at him "when Chenle came back from your house he keeps on saying how good your house is, you eomma's cooking, everything in here is good, how he wanted to come back in here" he tried to mock Chenle that made me laugh so hard.

"Speaking of Chenle, where is he and the others?" I asked him.

"In their own family and homes" he simply replied to my question while focusing on the cookies on his hand.

"I thought he is from China, same as Renjun?" I asked again.

"Chenle's bought a house here in Korea so they go back and forth in China, while Renjun his family is also here because of our thighs schedule and I think they are also going to watch the show tomorrow" he explained.

I only nod to his explanation when appa came back wearing, sweatpants and some Christmas Theme sweater.

All of us are wearing same theme sweater since eomma had a hard effort to find these sweaters and we also planned to have a family picture tonight on Christmas Eve.

"How are you doing these days Jaemin?" Appa took a seat on the single seater couch, taking some cookies on his hand "I told my daughter to look after you because of your, you know? Past conditions" I remembered why Jaemin was my father's patient, because of his herniated disc issue.

"Well I've been doing well these days" he answered appa politely all sudden "the treatment you gave me helped me so much" he commented to appa that made appa smile.

"I thought you weren't well since Ahra only tells me 'Jaemin is fine!' 'Jaemin is strong!' 'Jaemin is not that sick anymore' and many more" Appa suddenly mimicked my actions that made Jaemin laugh "'Jaemin even has time to diss me'" he started to have another line that made me give him a poker face look.

"But since you are both happy again, I hope your happiness will also help you get more healthy" Appa suddenly started to worship our relationship.

"You better not be too hard on him, he confessed to me before about his past with a girl and I didn't know that it was you" and now he is siding with Jaemin.

"Tell me more" I told him while Jaemin is becoming pale, I looked at him while my left brow is raising.

"He told me about how much he misses you, he wonders how you are doing, he wanted to see you again, he said he is welling to find you anywhere in this planet, he also describes you like an another person that's why I didn't have a clue that it was you" he answered "I was clueless and answered him 'she is going to be fine' 'one day she might come back' and I also told him that there are more girls waiting for him, but he still continues to wait for you" Appa continues to talk.

"I didn't know you became a psychiatrist" I joked to appa and he just laughed.

"I treated Jaemin like a son, since you and Haeso are in the Philippines" he explained that even made Jaemin flattered of what he said "well obviously you two will probably end up together in a church" Appa added another joke and playfully pointed at Jaemin.

"Why don't you tour Jaemin around the house?" Appa suggested and I nod to him "also why don't you stay the night in here Jaemin?" He added another suggestion that is for Jaemin this time.

"I would love too" he answered Appa with a brightest smile he could do or always do "I could spend more time with Ahra" Jaemin adds as he took my hand.

"Well" appa wae? "Ahra show him your room too, he will be staying with you since the guess room is not clean" Appa lowkey teases me as I shot him a bad look while he just gave me two thumbs up.

"You guys are old enough to decided with your lives! You can do whatever you guys want and we trust you" appa waves off his hand "and Jaemin probably missed you, just gave in your time with him"

"Why does it seems like your siding with him than me who is your daughter" I commented as he just laugh off.

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