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• Lee Jeno •

"You got caught, didn't you?" Renjun asked him, Jaemin didn't say anything "there's no turning back Jaemin, you did what you just did" he added.

Jaemin was about to walk away when Chenle held him back "hyung don't"

"What if something happens to her Chenle!" Jaemin suddenly screamed at him.

"Now you are worried?" Renjun came to him, I held Renjun back before things gets worst "we warned you Jaemin, but you never listened to us"

"What's happening?" Hyunmo hyung came in with our drinks that we ordered from the cafe.

"Forget it" Jaemin harshly took Chenle's hand off of him.

"I dare you to hurt Chenle like that once again and I won't think twice on hitting you!" Renjun suddenly screamed to Jaemin, Jaemin didn't turn to him.

"If you guys are going to fight let's stop this practice and have this practice resume early morning" Hyunmo hyung shouted to us before leaving the practice room.

"You guys should go home first and sort this out" Our choreographer told us, we bowed to him.


The night has fallen deep, I tried to contact Ahra but her phone is off and she hasn't came home yet, Jisung can't sleep for worrying, even Haechan stayed in this dorm to wait for Ahra.

We also asked Sora since Chenle has her number, Sora also doesn't know where she is nor she is in their house.


We are still waiting for Ahra even it's late, still no signs of her.

"Hyung what if something happened to her?" Jisung asked us, Renjun sighed loudly.

Beeping suddenly cued from the front door, we all stood up Ahra came into the living room with a plastic on her hands.

She seemed a bit tipsy and looked at us weirdly "why are you idiots still alive? Huh?" She asked us in a tone laughing and disappointment combination.

"Ahra where have you been?" Haechan when to her, he dragged her to the couch while her hands are on her pockets.

"Y'all should not get girlfriends because all girls are same like me who isn't enough" she suddenly laughed and suddenly turned to Jisung.

Jisung was startled with her "you should stay baybeeee! And don't become immature man" Jisung only nod continuously.

She stood up from the couch "I'm gonna go have a drink" she walked towards to the rooms.

"I thought she is going to have a drink?" Jisung asked, Haechan slapped his faced "what?"

I followed her to her room, she didn't close her door and she opened her balcony.

I stayed and looked at her actions. She sat on the floor and took our some bottles, I can't see what are those, but probably some alcohol.

I left her since there's nothing I can help her.

3 days later

We all came back to the dorm, but the dorm seemed empty, but the kitchen lights were on, I went to the kitchen to check and Ahra was laying down in the floor with blood on her legs.

"Ahra is not in her ro-" Renjun came and said in low tone "AHRA!" He kneeled next to me.

Hyunmo hyung came with the other guys "bl-loo-d" Jisung started to shake when he saw blood "I will call an ambulance" Hyunmo hyung said to us.

Jaemin pushed me away from Ahra and took her "baby please wake up!" He started to cry while shaking her "wake up!"

"Why are you like this?"

"I'm sorry, please don't do this" he keeps on shaking her, Hyunmo came back "ambulance will be here in 5 minutes" he announced to us.

"She-he is going to be alright right?" Chenle asked us while tearing up.

The ambulance came right away, they took her on a stretcher, Jaemin followed but Hyunmo hyung stopped him "stay here"

"No one is going out of here!" He demanded to us before he left with them.

"I'm not staying here" Jaemin left before we could stop him.

"We are so dead" Chenle said.

• Na Jaemin •

Luckily when I arrive in the street the same time there was a taxi and I hailed it right away to follow the ambulance which Ahra was in it, I don't care what's gonna happen, I want to make sure Ahra is alright.

We arrive at Ahra's appa's hospital I followed to the emergency room, hyung looked pissed when he saw me, Ahra's appa is also here to take her to the emergency.

"What happened?" Dr. Park asked me and hyung.

"When we came back she is already unconscious" hyung answered, dr. Park's eyes didn't leave me "let's talk later Jaemin" he said before going to Ahra's bed.

"What happened to you and Ahra?" hyung took me out of the emergency room "why did I saw her crying yesterday?"

"I cheated" I didn't dare to look at him, I know what I did and I know things will get more intense.

After 3 hours of waiting, Dr. Park came out and informed us that Ahra is already in a room. He also invited me to his office.

"Jaemin do you know why you are here?" He gestured me to sit down, I didn't reply or dare to look at him "did you know Ahra was pregnant?" I looked up to him.

"She found out 3 days" he added "and now she had a miscarriage"

"I noticed she also smells like an alcohol, now answer me Jaemin, she had been drinking didn't she?" I think this is where my life is going to end, all I did was nod, because I can't utter a single word to him.

"And you didn't stop her, why?" He continues to ask.

"She-she threatened to kill herself in front of me" I answered him full of nervousness and scared of what's next.

"Don't tell her I told you that she was pregnant" he said before he turn away from me "when she gets better, please do something that is right for the both of you" I only nod even he wasn't looking at me.

I was about to stand up when he gave me a picture, not just a picture, but a ultrasound picture of a fetus from Ahra's womb.

The baby died because of me, because I didn't take care of its mother, I let Ahra alone and drink something that is bad for Ahra.

This was supposed to be my first child.

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