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Park Jisung

As I entered the dark room, Jaemin hyung is curled in the same spot where he was when I left the room while ago.

Hyung was all silent.

"Jisung-ah, you are the only one I trust and I know Haechan wants me to speak to Ahra" He took my attention and I focused on him "I knew she was pregnant, her appa told me about it and I wanted to set her free quietly, because I know what I did was too much, our baby died because of me, I don't deserve to speak a single thing to her"

"Even it hurts, I have to do this for her to move on and start her life once again, without me who caused all the miserable things to her"

"She is the most amazing person I've ever met and now she is gone for good, I just wish I take back those days where I started hurting her in front of people she just met, I never deserve the chance she gave me"

"Hyung, what if your baby never died?" I just asked him, since I also can't tell him that the baby is alive inside Ahra's womb.

"I will still let her go Jisung, for her and the baby's sake" I patted his shoulder "I also don't know if that baby is alive and when it grows up will be able to accept me nor Ahra will allow me to go near him or her"

"I just hope that fetus can forgive me" he curled more and hug his knees next to me, silently crying.

"It's going to be alright hyung, you said you will be happy for Ahra is she is happy, right?" He just nod silently that made me sigh.

5 months passed

Ever since Ahra left, things have changed, Jaemin hyung becomes little silent, he never shares things to us anymore, barely starts a conversation to us.

We are all still in touch with Ahra except for Jaemin hyung, hyung also tries to move on these days which is pretty sad to know.

Ahra is also near to her due, which is a bit exciting. Other guys still doesn't know her pregnancy since she never told them and I'm the only know who knows, Jaemin also doesn't know about the baby.

Ahra also told me once the baby is born she will continue college once again, Sora also followed her there because she needs someone with her while she is carrying the baby.

Chenle was a bit sad about Sora leaving Korea, Chenle had a crush on her, but never got the chance to make a move. How cringy to think, rich boy is a scaredy-cat.

"Jisung-ah" Jaemin hyung suddenly entered the room "hyung is already here and he wants you to hurry up" he said with a small smile, I smiled back to him.

He barely smiles when there are no cameras, lately he is not emotionally healthy.

His parents also knew about the baby, they know the fetus died even it is alive and healthy as what Ahra said last time I check.

His parents also felt bad about the news, they even let Jaemin hyung go to their home for 3 weeks to heal from the outside world.

Everyone in this dorm became more cautious to what they talk about, we can't talk about Ahra or Sora anywhere near Jaemin since we don't want to see him in the dark caging himself.

I went to follow Jaemin hyung out of the room "everyone is already waiting in the car" hyung informed me and I just hummed to him.

Jaemin hyung made sure our dorm is locked before we left and went to the elevator "hyung" I called out to him "are you alright?" He looks at me with a sad smile and nod.

"I was just thinking if the baby survived, Ahra could probably gave birth to it now or soon" he said with those smile while slowly looking down "don't worry about me, I will be fine" he patted my shoulder as the elevator doors opened.

We walked straight in the car and everyone was fooling around Renjun hyung. I sat at the back with Jeno hyung while Jaemin hyung sat in front of me with Chenle, Renjun hyung on the shutgun seat. Haechan is somewhere over the rainbow since he lives in different dorm.

My phone suddenly vibrated from my pants. Text from Sora noona.

I call her noona even she is same age as Chenle.

It is a baby girl and a baby boy! I accidentally gasped loudly, they all turned to me and looked at me weirdly.

"You forgot something again Jisung-ah?" Hyunmo hyung asked, they all raised there brows.

"No hyung, I was just shocked about something" I lied, they buy my lie, but Jeno hyung is still suspicious to me.

How come there is 2? I asked Sora, Ahra never mentioned about having twins, she just told me the baby is fine and done.

Wow! Jaemin hyung is that powerful.

Jeno hyung suddenly snatched my phone and started reading my text with Sora.

Please save me! I still want to live!

He gave me back my phone and looked really surprised and confused at the same time "you and I are gonna talk when we arrive" he mouthed to me and I just nod.

I hope he won't kill me for keeping this secret for nearly 6 months or else NO MORE JWISUNG PWARK.

We arrived the SM building, Jeno hyung excused us both and brought me in a empty studio and locked the doors.

"What was that? And what's baby girl and baby boy? Did you get someone pregnant?" My eyes turned owl when he asked me that last question.

I pulled my hands up towards him "Hyung chill! The baby us not mine nor Sora's" he raised his bro, I sighed before spilling beans.

"Ahra didn't have a miscarriage, Jaemin knew about it, but he thought the babies died, Ahra thinks Jaemin doesn't want the children because by the time Ahra told him, Ahra's appa already told Jaemin about miscarriage, I think this is also for the better" I didn't bother to look at Jeno hyung.

"I'm sorry for keeping it for a long time, Ahra asked me not to tell anyone, even Chenle" he only pats my shoulder.

"I understand Jisung, but you also have to tell Jaemin, he is the father and he has rights to know about his children" I looked at him, he gaves me a positive smile "Ahra might get mad, but at least you gave Jaemin a chance to at least know about this" I smiled back to hyung after he said that.

Maybe he is right, even I promised Ahra.

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