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• Park Ahra •

The day that I've been waiting for finally arrived, I prepared myself really early since dad told me to get to their dorm, dad gave me their address that is really private. Only me and dad knows where their dorm is because of crazy fans that follows them around.

I went down to our kitchen and mom was already there preparing breakfast really early too because of me who has to leave early. I have to get there by 8:30 and our house is an hour away, the manager even told me to go there earlier on regular days and try to babysit these idols.

I started to think if these idols are really wild since they needed a private doctor or nurse, do they get injured day by day? Are they that wild?

"Morning dear" my mom greeted me when I entered the kitchen "excited on your first day?" I nodded to her with a smile "you got everything you need?" She asked me once again.

She gave me a plate with 2 stacks of chocolate chip pancakes with cut strawberries on top of the pancake "Appa packed everything on my bag last night" I replied to her.

"Your appa even bought you a stethoscope and other medical things you need" I started to have my first bite while mom talks to me "your appa is really supportive with yours and your brother's decision in life" I nod to her as an agreement.

Appa never tried to control our future plans, he wanted us to go reach our dream goals, and the important thing for him is us to finish school successful.

"It's almost 7" mom reminds me and I tried to eat more faster, mom also puts a glass of juice in front of me.

My sister came down wearing her uniform, ready for school and sell some merch to some of her friends who wasn't able to go to the concert.

"You look like a smuggler, selling something to others that can't be bought somewhere else" I commented to my sister who sits next to me, waiting for her food to arrive.

"It's how to make money" she replied to me and mom just laugh at her.

I finished my food and put the plate on the sink while drinking my juice, after I finished my juice I also put it on the sink with the plate that I just placed.

I went back to my room to brush my teeth once again and have some mouthwash.

I want to have nice impression to some wild idols at least.

After I finished, I took my handbag with me downstairs, along with my car keys, the documents I need to know about the idols, phone and some glasses, since sunrise will probably blind me while I'm driving.

"You're ready to go?" I went back to the kitchen, I nod to my mom's question "drive safe okay?" I nod to her one more time.

"I'll text you if arrive there and when I head home too" I said to her, she nods to me "good luck sis!" Sora cheered for me, I smiled to her and she smiles back at me.

"I'll head now" I informed them both, I kissed my mom goodbyes and Sora gave me cheerful hug.

I exited the house and went to my car to start driving to the idols' dorm.

An hour

I informed the manager Kim that I have arrived the building and I'm heading to the elevator, I also informed my mom and dad that I have arrived the dorm complex.

I arrived to the right door and ring the doorbell right away, manager Kim opened the door for me right away with a welcoming smile, I smiled back to him.

"It good to see you again Ms. Park" he lets me in "and good morning"

"Good morning to you too Manager Kim" I greeted him back while he leads me to the living room, where people are sitting at the couch.

Not just any members, but I landed to another nightmare once again.

"Ahra!" Hot and Young kid happily stood up "you are our doctor?"

"Chenle, where are your manners?" Manager Kim scolds him "she is not your doctor, but her father is Dr. Park" he introduced "also Jaemin's Doctor when he was on hiatus" he added.

I noticed everyone was gathered in the living room except for Na Jaemin.

"Chenle-ah you should address her more appropriate" manager Kim corrected him that made me chuckled, he looked at me.

"It's fine Manager Kim, I can't even remember all their names, so they can call me as they wish" I said to him and he scratched his neck "if you say so" he clapped his hand once when he replied with a smile to me.

"So guys this is Park Ahra, Ms. Ahra-" I cut him off.

"-don't call me Ms. please" I said to him and he just nod "I'm younger than you anyways"

"So Ahra studied medicine in the Philippines for 2 years, she plans to proceed here in Korea after having a year of internship under her father's hospital, so her father gives her task to take his spot here since he is a busy doctor and all she needs to do is to keep you all healthy" he explained to him while they listened to manager Kim carefully, he suddenly faced me "if this idiots are gonna give you pain in the ass, don't try to stop yourself from harming them, or just inject them something that can calm them" he tipped me a joke and I nod.

"So these guys are NCT Dream" he pointed to the boys "you know them?" I let out a awkward laugh.

"I met them in a idol store in Coax, they taught me how to purchase their albums and they also gave me free signs for my sister along with other many other guys" I explained to him, he just nod "I also went to their concert last Friday and Saturday with my sister"

"So you know them?" He asked.

"I can only remember that shy tall guy and that rich guy" I pointed to Chenle and the other guys, Jisang?

"How about you try to name us all?" Another guy sitting by the end of the couch spoke, I accepted the challenge since I don't care.

I'll just give them my own name "Jisang" I pointed to shy kid and they started laughing "Chenle" I pointed to the loudest kid "No Jaem?" I answered unsurely since that was the name he told me when I first met him "Haesun?" I pointed to the dark kid next to the guy by the end of the couch "I can remember he is also a Jun" they started to laugh more when I pointed to the Jun guy, even the manager is laughing.

"What did you even do while you were at our concert?" Haesun asked.

"I was studying" I lied, since I was just spacing out, shaking the Minecraft light.

They laughed more when I answered them with my lie.

"Well let us introduce ourselves once again to you for the fourth time" No Jaem said "my name is Lee Jeno, Nojaem is just a nickname by them since they said I'm not funny" he said.

"I am-" Chenle was about to introduce when Jun covered his mouth "just shut up, she already knows you" he hissed to him.

"My name is Park Jisung, I am the Maknae here" he introduce.

"My name is Huang Renjun, we are same age as Jeno, Jaemin and Haechan" Jun said "I'll just call you Jun, since it's hard to pronounce Chinese names" I said to Renjun.

"I am Haechan, my real name is Lee Donghyuck and I am the full sun of this group" he happily introduced his self to me "no wonder" Renjun said to Haechan.

"I need Ahra to check up my blood pressure since it keeps rising up when this guy is around" he jokes to Haechan with scary look, I think he can murder Haechan soon.

"So Na Jaemin is the other member" Manager Kim said "and Jaemin is not feeling well these days, and I already informed your dad about Jaemin's knee situation" I nod to him.

"Please help these guys cheer Jaemin" he pleaded to me, the guys went silent at the moment "I have to go for a meeting for a day, so you'll have to watch this guys"

"Appa already told me and I hope they won't harass me" I joked to manager and he just laugh "trust me, you will wish to get out of here as soon as I leave this dorm" he joined my joke.

"I have to leave now!" He said to the guys "don't give her hard time" he said, I walked him to the door "also please treat Jaemin's knee" he reminded me, I just nod.

Manager Kim left me with NCT Dream, who are starting to rise from the seats.

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