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• Na Jaemin •

Jeno arrived in the park near my parent's house same time I arrived. Jeno is sitting in a bench near a tree.

"You're here" Jeno smiled to me "Chenle told me what happened while ago"

"Yeah" only word that can come out my mouth.

"They need you Jaemin-ah" and that made me turn to him "Ahra is not as strong as before, your son is sick"

"Ahra doesn't want me near her daughter" I let out a small laugh "I also promised that I won't go near Ahra or anyone"

"Jaemin-ah talk to her before it's too late" Jeno stood up and look at me "I won't make a move for her, I will wait for you" he walk off right away.

"You don't need to wait" I spoke before he can disappear.

Next day

I didn't go back to the dorm yet since things won't go well, just let the heat chill for the meantime.

I thought of visiting Dr. Park to have someone to talk and console. So here I am waiting in his office since I arrived earlier than him.

I just hope he is not mad of what I've done again, for meeting Ahra like that and for making her mad once again.

"Na Jaemin" Dr. Park came in with a bright tone, I faced him with a smile "what are you doing here? Do you feel something?" I only shook my head when he settled in his seat.

"I am not feeling anything, I'm just here to ask you something" he only nods as a signal that he is willing to wait "is Ahra mad because I went near her daughter?" His facial expression changed when I mentioned Ahra and Ahra's daughter.

"Maybe Ahra is just furious since she is not feeling well these days" he calmly replied to me then the door burst open with a panting nurse by the door.

"Dr. Park! Your grandson stopped breathing" the nurse informed that made him stand up right away "your daughter performed CPR" he left me right away with the nurse who came and informed him.

I also stood up and follow where my feet is taking me.

I saw a little boy that looks like exactly like me, laying in the bed lifeless, Ahra doing CPR while crying and a long beep with a straight line in a monitor.

"Jae wake up!"

"Please don't do this!"


Ahra was pushed aside to let the Nurse and Dr. Park take care of the little boy, Ahra sat on the ground like a ball.

Jasmine's brother is not just sick, but very sick.

I was about to go near her when someone went to her and dragged her in a chair. When she was seated she shifted her head and looked at my way and Haeso hyung followed her gaze to me.

The beeping suddenly came back that made Ahra spring up back to the bed.

"Ahra-ya we have to do the surgery before it's too late" Dr. Park said to her "let's just try for the best"

"Appa what if he won't make it?"

"You should trust your son, he is brave like you" he hugs her "Jason won't leave you"

Jason? So that's what she named Jasmine's brother?

I just turn around so Ahra have another problem by just seeing me.

"You should talk to Jaemin, he needs to know Jason" I was about take my step when Dr. Park said that all sudden.

Maybe I don't deserve to know any of them, one wants her Daddy, one laying in a hospital bed for I don't know the reason.

I was about to walk away when someone held my shoulder and guided me in a hospital room that is empty, ready to recieve a punch from someone.

"Your son needs you" Hyung started to speak "Ahra needs you"

"I don't love her anymore"

"So you'll just turn your back on your children?"

"If you turn your back on them then much better if you don't go near any of our family including appa, how about that?" He tries to challenge me, probably this is also my punishment "you don't have any reasons to come near my family anyways"

"I will do as you please hyung if that can make them happy"

I turned around and saw Jasmine with a big smile plastered on her beautiful face "uncle Nana!" she came to me with a wide open arms and the biggest smile she ever showed me.

"Why are you here?" She started to ask questions as I lifted her up into my arms "are you sick like Jason?"

"Nope!" I emphasized the 'p'.

"I came here to visit someone" she smiled more and "Can you meet my brother? I wanna introduce you to him"

Ahra suddenly came in with a worried face, I look back to the beautiful child "sorry, but I can't" I slowly put her back in the ground.

"But why? Are you busy?" She whines and I kneel in front of her "I have to go somewhere else and this could be the last time you will see uncle Nana" her smile disappeared when I mentioned 'last time you will see me' with her eyes getting teary.

"But I will miss you" I caressed her cheeks "be good to your mommy, listen to what she says and you can see me, is that okay with you?" She shook her head as a no.

"But you are like a daddy to me?" She started to cry and I just cage her in my arms for one more time "there is someone better that could be your daddy" I whispered to her.

I brought her up again and walked towards Ahra with the crying little girl in my arms "hers mommy" I brought her to Ahra and she started to tighten her arms around my neck "please stay uncle Nana" she beg one more time.

"I'm sorry baby" I let her face me, and now she looked bad and sad because of me again.

"Jaemin let's talk" Ahra spoke "oppa please watch Jasmine for me please" hyung came to take Jasmine from me and then they both left the room to give us more privacy.

I looked at Ahra who is in a really terrible state right now, seeing one child in the hospital bed, one who is crying because of me.

"Don't worry Ahra if you don't want me near them, I won't come near them or your family" I spoke before she can speak.

"Jaemin please stay for them" she suddenly kneels down bowing her head "appa wanted me to promise to them if Jason will have a successful surgery I will give Jason what he always wanted"

"I want them to be happy and know what it feels like to have their real father, if you want when Jason gets better you can freely leave without a problem, I promise not to hold you back and steal your happiness after this"

"Ahra you don't have to kneel" I kneel down to her "I don't want to hurt you again or your children"

"Please Jaemin, I am willing sacrifice for them and manage the pain for them" she continues to bow her head "I am willing to pay the price, new car, new house, anything"

"Ahra I can't" my reply to her.

"Please Jaemin, even if you toy me, any favor you want I will give it back to you"

"Even if you want to hurt me"

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