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• Park Ahra •

After me and Jaemin talked for sometime, we went back to the living room with Jaemin wearing something the same as my Christmas themed sweater that was mine last year, it fitted Jaemin since it was big for me and even to Jaemin it's a bit big.

Now he is not out of place since he is wearing the same sweater as me and my family.

At the same time Sora and Haeso came back from picking up whatever Haeso bought online or some restaurant to add up for the meal.

At the same time Sora also still can't buy the fact that Jaemin, the NCT Jaemin is here in our house just to 'have some time with me' according to Jaemin.

It's also perfect timing dinner is already settling at the dining table. Eomma prepared a lot of food and Haeso also brought some things.

Jaemin also asked Hyunmo oppa to come here and bring something he can give since he came here empty handed and unexpectedly. Jaemin is lucky that Hyunmo oppa still let him off the hoke since Jaemin seemed really improved a lot and more things keep him go better.

Hyunmmo delivered him homemade kimchi since it's the first object Hyunmo oppa saw in his house. So that added in the table.

We all gathered at in the living room where appa was at before we left, Sora is just tangling with Haeso who is busy teasing her about me being lucky to be close to her faves.

"I should have kidnapped Chenle" Jaemin joined Haeso tease Sora, while appa is their audience for tonight's gag show.

"Wait for your time kid" I said to her and they all had questionable look on there faces "when time come's you will have a boyfriend, you will remember your stupid days going after to someone" I told her wise words that made Haeso laugh so hard.

"Sadly the guy won't be Chenle!" Haeso teased her along with a shout.

Sora picked up the pillow that was near her and slapped it to Haeso's face hardly, the three of us only watch the chaos that they are currently making in this house.

"Dinner is served" one of our maid came to the living room to inform us that everything is ready, appa stood up before us.

Me and Jaemin followed appa while God knows when are those two gonna stop bricking at each other's , I always wonder why they are both like that.

"WOW! Jaemin" Eomma went to Jaemin and cup his face while looking at his outfit "very lovely" she commented and Jaemin's thick self blushed shyly.

"You should join us later for family picture" eomma suggested to him with a big smile plastered on her face "EOMMA" I whined, I know where this is going.

"What?" she tried to play with me, Tom and Jerry came in with a laughing Haeso.

We all went to our seats, appa and eomma was on the middle chairs, while Tom and Jerry was just across me and Jaemin "Ahra, look after your boy" Haeso suddenly spoke, he eyed me Sora who is across Jaemin "she might steal Jaemin" he teased Sora again that made us laugh.

"Shut up oppa!" Sora nudge to Haeso, Haeso only chuckle "we all know that Jaemin tried and tried to comeback to her, and even come up to the house like a stranger, I didn't know I was actually talking to one of my idol who is going to be no longer an idol since I'm positive he will show up anywhere in this house now since he is dating Ahra again" eomma and appa stopped eating after she mentioned about Jaemin.

They both turned to me and Jaemin "hehehe" I nervously laugh "I also just found out about it when Jaemin and I talked"

"I was also scared, but turned out it was Jaemin" appa slapped his forehead "did you know we nearly called the police?" appa asked "we didn't call the police because you seemed you are not harassing any of us so we let it slip" appa explain with full of worried tone , Jaemin stands up from his seat and bowed to eomma and appa.

"I'm sorry if I scared your family" Jaemin bowed to them again "I wanted to show who I am that time but I can't, someone might notice me in the streets so I decided only giving hints but, Ahra never got the hints, and I was longing for her, I always show up in here in a bad timing so I had to leave something" he explained to all of us.

Jaemin keeped his head down "Well it's alright now" eomma spoke "sit down dear" eomma gestured him to sit back down as he also did it but still with his head down.

"No wonder ever since you started working for them, no one suddenly keeps coming" Haeso spoke all the realizations that came up to him.

"I was scared, someone might planned something on Ahra" appa finally spoke less worried this time "I understand your situation now, why you became so lonely when you became and Idol and wanted to quit your career"

"Well on the bright side" appa said positively to Jaemin that made Jaemin look up to him "you finally found your missing puzzle piece" appa smiled to him "I hope you will be more happy and positive to your upcoming future"

Jaemin nod his head to an agreement to appa.

"Anyways" eomma takes back our attention back to her "since you are here to spend your Christmas Eve here with us, what about your Family?"

"Ahh! About that" Jaemin looked at me first before he continued "I wanted to spend New Year with Ahra" eomma and appa nods for satisfaction on Jaemin's reply to their question.

"So you are spending New Year in here too?" Sora asked Jaemin bightly that made Jaemin grin.

"We haven't discuss about that yet" Jaemin replied to her and she slowly looked down for disappointment.

"Don't you want to spend New Year with your Family?" appa asked him, Jaemin only looked at me "What?" I shrugged.

"My parent's told me I should win back what I lost, so I wanna catch up with Ahra" Jaemin took my hand that is just laying on the table.

I used my other hand and brush his hair, I can see everyone's attention was in me and Jaemin "Jaemin?" I called out.

He brightly smiled to me "I didn't know that you became dumb all these years?" I sarcastically said to him, his smiled turned into a frown "you know we can spend New Year with your family, your just making things hard for your head"

"Because you might not agree" he answered with a pout.

"Now I'm also wondering what Jaemin sees in her" Haeso suddenly spoke to Sora and they both had a high five.

"Shut up single monkeys" I fired to Haeso and Sora.

"You should've seen Sora's disappointed look when Jaemin replied to her if you two won't spend New Year in here" Haeso started laughing at Sora who thought that she is playing same game as Haeso oppa.

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