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• Park Jisung •

When I arrived, Ahra had a life oxygen attacked her nose yet she smiled to me clearly fake.

"Gwaenchana Jisung-ah?" She still manage to ask me that?

"Noona!" I hugged her right away with tears rushing down "it's going to be alright Jisung-ah, just don't tell my parents or anyone"

"Noona they are here, mianhae" I let go of her and she really got shocked "noona I am scared"

"Don't be" she took my hand and held it weakly "noona is going to be alright"

"Ya Park Ahra" Sora pushed me aside and hugged noona, I look who came and Jaemin also came in with them, but standing where Ahra can't see him "you scared the shit out of me" Sora started crying while hugging Ahra.

"I am going to be fine" she patted Sora with a weak laugh.

"The ambulance is ready for transport miss Park" the nurse came and announced to us.

Samchon went with the nurse to have some paperworks while imo is crying by the side, I went next to her and patted her.

"Why on earth are you guys crying like I am about to die?" She joked.

"NO! You are not dying!" Sora screamed and cried harder.

"Jisung-ah, where is the twins?" She suddenly asked, I think Jaemin hyung will kill me for what I just did.

"They are with their grandparents, they are going back to Seoul, to distract them since Jasmine was the one who saw you" I explained "they will bring them back to your house" she only nod.

"Everything is settled" samchon announced, the nurses started to move the bed out, I saw Jaemin hyung walk away right away before Ahra can see him.

"I will follow" I said to Sora noona and she just nod, I quickly went to look for Jaemin hyung.

"Hyung" I called him "are you coming?"

"Jisung-ah, ottoke?" He asked.

"You should try to think first hyung" I patted his shoulder "I will go now"

Na Jaemin

Appa started calling me and texting me, I know things will go worst.

I went back to my car and drive back to Seoul.

My task is nearly complete, getting disowned, CHECK, being band to see my kids, nearly getting there.

Is this the start of my life getting even more messy?

Park Ahra

The next morning.

I woke up in the morning, with someone's presence next to me, staring at the floor with red right cheek.

"Jaemin-ssi" he look up slowly and looked at me "why are you here?" I asked "do you need something?" I asked one more time and he stayed quiet.

"You can leave if someone asked you to stay here with me" I slowly sit up and he continues to look at me.

"I beg everyone to see you" he finally replied to me "I am sorry, for everything"

"You can leave now" 

"If they can't find a heart donor, I will give you mine, I've been worthless to everyone, it's best for me to disappear, I wanted to be by their side, but everyone is preventing me to go near the twins, I am disowned by my parents because I can't give them what they want, and now you ended up in a hospital gown once again because of me, Ahra I just wanted to let you know that I've always wanted kids, but I wasn't ready by the time I found out, when I saw Jason in a hospital bed I realized of what kind of a person I became, when I gave my day to them I felt nearly complete when I see them smile and happy for finally having someone who they can call 'daddy', everyone was right" he stopped talking as his tears suddenly fell  "you've raised a wonderful children, they are like fallen angels"

"Ahra I am sorry for those years, for making you suffer because of me, I just found out how capable I am to hurt someone who didn't do anything to me, and I have regret doing all those things to you, hurting you again and again until this time came, if only you came back here in Korea without me seeing the kids or you, your vacation would be peaceful, I am sorry once again Ahra, I know you won't forgive me but it's alright" he stood up from the chair and placed an envelope in the bed.

"I won't bother you"

"I promise"

He left the room just like that, I didn't move an inch, I only stared at the envelope.

Park Jisung

We got out of the elevator, ready to see noona since I promised her to bring Chenle and his special home cooked food.

Jaemin hyung was sitting in the floor curled up like a ball "hyung gwaenchana?" Chenle asked him and he continues to cry "hyung why are you crying?" Chenle started to comfort him "everything is going to be alright hyung, noona is strong and I'm sure she will give you a chance to be their father"

"Chenle-ya" he looks up to Chenle "I just realized how much I miss her, how stupid I am, how heartless I am, I screwed up everything, her life and now here she is again, in a hospital gown because of me again"

"Hyung she will have a heart donor soon and she can surely make it" I patted his back.

He suddenly laughed out of nowhere that caught us of guard "HAHAHA! I already signed up as her donor, but her parent's won't let me because they don't want me! I already fucked up my life! I am not allowed to go near my kids, my abeoji just fucking slapped me, my parents have disowned me, my friends doesn't trust me, my fucking best friend doesn't want to talk to me and lastly my life has no point anymore!"

Me and Chenle didn't say anything "I just want a family" he started to cry once again "but they are slowly fading starting from my parents who recently just disowned me and my children who won't be able to see their 'daddy' once again, and Ahra? Who calls me like a stranger, like I am just a pointless person in the world"

"Hyung it's going to be alright, we will help you get through this, we will help you get to back on your feet once again" and all sudden he fainted.

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