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Park Ahra

After dinner Jaemin drove us back to my house right away since the twins started to feel tired and fell asleep in the car right after we left SM. Jaemin helped me place them to their beds.

After helping me, we walked back to the living room when he started to speak "this Sunday, eomma will be celebrating her birthday and she is inviting you and the kids to come with us on a trip to Busan" he said "will you come with us?"

"Eomma wants to see you" he added, I nod to him and he just smiled "thank you"

I walked towards the kitchen and he followed me "Ahra, is everything alright?" He asked while I opened the cabinet for a cup to get a water for myself "you normally don't agree and you are starting to scare me" I look back to him, he looked really worried for no reason.

"I am not taking the kids away, I just want what's best for the twins and the rest you don't have to find out about it" If you only know what Jeno said while ago. I don't have much choice now since I have nowhere now.

He only nods "I am just worried" I smiled to him to make him buy it "you don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself"

"You should go rest now, I know you are tired and I will also get going now since I have to pack for Sunday" he said "I will pick you guys up by 5AM on Sunday since we will be driving there" I walked him out of the house "goodnight" he said before leaving.

Na Jaemin

I didn't drive straight to my house since I started to wonder what's wrong with Ahra today, I decided to drive towards Jisung's house to ask him.

Surprise, Jeno is also here with him. Having a few drinks and a bit tipsy now.

"Why is he here?" I whispered to Jisung, he just signaled me 'later'.

"Jaemin-ah!" Jeno called me "please take care of them, don't hurt them" he placed a ring in the table and then stood up then walked towards the guest room.

"First Ahra, and now him" I said to Jisung after Jeno disappeared "what's wrong with today?"

"Jeno ended things with her while you guys are at SM for dinner, they talked in the phone and it happened" Jisung explained shortly "Jeno and Ahra have been talking about this for months, Ahra just didn't want to let him go because she learned to love him back, I won't say more or you might blame yourself for this again"

"Jeno did this for me didn't he?" I asked Jisung and he just shook his head "then why?"

"He wants the kids to have a happy family with you and Ahra noona, by saying 'do it for the twins' and Ahra didn't have much choice since Jeno told her that he will be more happier if she will give the happiness that the twins deserves"

Ahra will probably hate me more now if this happened to her, I just wish I can take out all the pain that are all caused because of me and she will probably never live the life that she always wanted.

"No wonder why she keeps agreeing to me and the kids today" I said while Jisung only nods without saying anything.

Sunday early morning

I picked up Ahra and the kids for our trip to Busan to celebrate eomma's birthday, the kids are still sleep and they continued to sleep in the car while Ahra is sitting in silence, looking at the window, I started to mess up with her life again, specially when it's already in public about their engagement being cut ties now, people are also starting to point out because of 'Jaemin and Ahra building their family again' while I just stayed low for her not to get involve with me again.

I know that this is hard for her, but she doesn't have the trust to tell me things and I can't blame her if she keeps lying to me since I also have no rights since I am just the 'twins' father' and no other label for me. I want to help her get through this.

"Why don't you sleep?" I asked her "we still have an hour and half to get there"

"I can't" she answered me plainly.

After an hour Ahra also passed out, I stopped at the nearest gas station to get gas and also to cover them with the extra blanket I brought with me for them to stay warm during the drive. I look at her, even in her sleep she doesn't look like she is sleeping in peace because of the things happening to her.

I really hope I can help her get through this someday. I just hope she can relax while she is here in Busan.

I continued our journey to the house that appa rented for us to stay in while the kids and Ahra are also joining us, appa also wanted the kids to enjoy the environment with a house that has a pool for them to enjoy. I don't know how will this go for Ahra, but I hope she will enjoy or relax.

We have arrived the house, the kids are still a bit hazy and still can't process where are we right now, eomma is already awake when we arrived and she prepared us some breakfast.

Park Ahra

After the breakfast, I stayed with Jaemin's eomma to help her clear the table and do the dishes.

"You can go and relax" she said after I placed the plates in the sink "it's alright" I replied to her.

"How about you just sit down?" She pushed me to the stool to sit down, I watched her walk back to the sink to start the dishes.

"I feel bad for making you do the dishes since it's supposed to be celebrating your birthday" she only laughed when I said that.

"Important is I get to see you and the kids" her reply to me "I missed seeing you" she added. I suddenly remembered the times she hated me because of the past incidents, after that incident I never tried to show up in front of her. She told me she already forgiven me since I am the mother of her grandchildren and I still can't forget about it that made me even more cautious with the decisions I make.

She came and sat across me "I know we have some conflicts and I know you are more careful to us now, and I am really sorry for that" she took my hand, I only nodded to her since I have nothing to say "I am just hoping that we can rebuild our relationship again, I know it is hard for you since you still have to deal your problems with Jaemin and I know that as a woman that you are now more sensitive and cautious"

"I know you are scared and I know that you built a thick walls" I continued to nod since she is right, I am scared to get fooled once again or seeing someone like him leave again.

"Jeno left me" I said plainly, she looked shock when I said it "Jeno wants me to stay with Jaemin no matter what"

"I lost someone I love once again"

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