Mother's Day!

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Naruto's POV

It's Mother's Day morning and I run out of bed to make toast for Y/N but before that I phone someone for help. "Hello Itachi." "Hello Naruto how are you?" "I'm good and you?" "I'm alright" "Can you help me please?" "Go ahead what do you need?" "I'm trying to make breakfast for Y/N." "Give me five minutes I'll be there." I smiled in joy. "Thank you so much Itachi!" "Anytime."

Sasuke's POV

I ran to Itachi. "Was that Y/N?" "No it was Naruto I'm going to help him make breakfast for Y/N." "Can I come?" "Of course little man." Itachi said ruffling Sasuke's hair.


We arrived at Naruto's house and he let us in as we quietly snuck around like ninjas in that anime we watched. I nudge Naruto and tell him something quickly. "We can get more help you know how?" As I started making the shadow clone signs and we both started laughing. "If only that worked." he responded as we got to work. Itachi did most of the work seeing as were still new to kitchen appliances and cooking in general. We ended up making bacon, eggs, sausages, croissants and chocolate milkshake but when we put on the blender Y/N woke up but hadn't started walking down stairs as Naruto and I hid behind Itachi. "You boys don't have to hide." He chuckled as we walked out from behind him.


What is that noise must be the maids vacuuming, but it doesn't sound like a vacuum. Oh well my sleep already broke might as well wake up so I get ready and I walk downstairs seeing Naruto, Sasuke and Itachi. As my jaw drops in shock. There was food laid out all over the table. Croissants, bacon, eggs and sausages even milkshake. My stomach growled in anticipation. "Did all three of you do this?" "Naruto was the one who suggested it I just came here to help and Sasuke had something to give you so he tagged along." Itachi said as I smiled hugging all three in a group hug. "Thank you so much you guys." "Thank you for being like my mommy." Naruto said as a smiled my heart melted inside. "I absolutely love being like your mommy Naruto you are so sweet thank you for accepting me to be like your mommy." I said hugging him tightly. He ran to his room and ran out a card with 'Happy Mothers Day' on the cover and inside was written. 'Thank you for being my mommy I love you very much.' As I smiled hugging him again "I love you too Naruto." Next Sasuke walked forward shyly handing me another card. "I made one for Mother and one for you because you remind me of my mother." He said softly while smiling as I pulled him in for a warm hug. "Thank you so much!" I said smiling as I opened the card that also had a 'Happy Mother's Day' on the cover. It said, 'Thank you for making tomatoes for me when I ask and for looking after me when Big brother Itachi has to study.' Next to that was a stick drawing of two people one with long hair that I'm guessing was Itachi and the other with H/L hair as I laughed. "I love making tomatoes for you and spending time with you and this is very beautiful art here Sasuke you are very talented." He smiled hugging me tightly as I hugged back cupping his cheeks. "You are so sweet my dear." I said as he smiled. We all headed to the table to start eating.

After the eating and chatting we sat down and decided to call Mikoto. Sasuke sat on my lap, Naruto stood by the coffee table staring at the tablet and Itachi sat next to me. That was until the video call started and Naruto jumped on Itachi in fright. We all laughed including Mikoto. "Hello everyone how are you?" She said as we all screamed "Happy Mother's Day!" She smiled brightly as she laughed, "Hello Y/N are you doing?" She said as Itachi sarcastically said, "Mom I'm here too." As we laughed again. "I'm good looking after both your sons well." I said as she giggled. "I hope the older one isn't giving you too much trouble." "Oh the older one it's the source of trouble." I said laughing. We all chatted for a while the we decided to go and get some lunch and we ended up having Ramen and watching movies until we all fell asleep on the couch and woke up at dinner time when we had some curry.

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