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Your undercover outfit though it seriously is up to you...

Option 2:

Eventually Shisui arrived and we all had a game night with Naruto and Sasuke

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Eventually Shisui arrived and we all had a game night with Naruto and Sasuke. Then we watched movies and went home we decided to stay at Itachi's house since it was closer.

The next morning the boys went to school and it was time for the undercover job. Naruto and Sasuke were with Madara and Obito was with us helping us prepare for the meeting.

"Start again Itachi...just one more time."

"Hello my name is Fugaku Uchiha and this is my wife Mikoto."

"Good! because its show time baby!" Obito said sounding like a director or something.

I was wearing the wig that had long black hair with bangs in the front. Luckily for us this man hadn't met Mikoto or Fugaku so we didn't have to look exactly like them. All I needed was black contact lenses and a long black wig my other characteristics didn't matter. We walked in our arms were inter-linked. 

Itachi's POV

We entered the hall at the second building of the college to be met with an unexpected ally. 

"Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha! I was expecting you both said Jiraiya the world renowned author who was apparently part of the plan to make our act more believable. The hall was not full but had a scattering of people engaged in quiet conversations. Jiraiya walked over to me taking my shoulder whispering to me.

"The third table on the right is believed to be the target. Place this in his food and leave." He said handing me the tracker Sasori made, that would stay in his body for about a month by catching on to his intestines. We walked to the table seeing an old man with bandages on his face as we sat I ran my hand along Y/N's thigh and she moved it away giving me a look of annoyance which we did to make Mr. Shimura believe we were unhappy while also passing the tracker to her. 

"I'm going to get a drink Mikoto. Do what you want I don't care." I said walking away with a frown as the target watched us moving closer to Y/N as I brought my sleeve to my mouth whispering to the mini mic.

"Target engaging Y/N, phase 1 is complete." 

Mr. Shimura's POV

I have heard of that disgusting family no doubt. I hate the Uchiha's. This is my chance...rift their marriage further. I must lure this Mikoto lady. 

"Hello darling what might you be doing her?"

"Oh I uh...you see my husband dragged me along I was just...he is just busy now but..."

"Darling don't worry your pretty face I will take care of you." I said caressing her cheek.


"Of course my dear come sit with me." I said with a fake smile luring her, it was working so well she was too naïve and innocent to believe otherwise. 

Itachi's POV

Y/N was playing Mr. Shimura like a violin. He actually believed he was luring her as she placed her hand on her head then back at her side then did a well disguised foot tap signaling me to initiate phase two. 

"Initiate phase 2..." I said as Hidan walked in with a suit smiling over at me. 

"Mr. Uchiha come with me let us go meet a few collogues!" He said loud enough for Mr. Shimura to hear as Nagato walked in as a fake bartender straight to Y/N.

"Hello Sir I bring drinks." Nagato said bowing at Mr. Shimura.

"Oh please call me Danzo...Danzo Shimura." He said as we finally got his name surprisingly easy.

"Phase 3." I said next as I walked away passing Konan in a dress as she fake saluted us.

"Hello Mr. Shimura I would love to talk to you..." She said as we headed outside.


'This is my chance!' I thought as I turned the man now named Danzo toward me while dropping the tracker in his drink. "D-Danzo i-is that y-your name r-right." In fake flustered tone. 

"Yes darling."

"C-Can we do a toast?" I said as he smiled at me and we both clinked the glasses together before drinking.

"To leaving limitations behind." He said looking at the ring on my finger referring to marriage.

"T-To l-leaving limitations b-behind."

"Good now I will be back let me talk to this woman interrupting me." Danzo said as I smiled a fake innocent smile.

"What is it woman?!" Danzo shouted at Konan.

"That woman is married sir."

"I know." He said as he walked away from Konan and turned to see me gone. I left to Itachi who was acting possessive. 

"Who was that man you were drinking and smiling with?!" He said loudly and sternly catching Danzo's attention. "We are leaving...don't think you can cheat on me Mikoto!" He said dragging me outside as we all cleared Amegakure to a safe hotel a short distance away. 

A/N- Just some random and some obvious information about Itachi and you, but mostly you-:

- Firstly you would notice that Itachi and you don't disagree a lot and haven't necessarily fought yet. Well the relationship is very mature so it would take a lot more than jealousy or annoying habits to cause a fight. Itachi himself is very mature so it takes a lot to annoy him.

- Though this is obvious though Sasori was your first best friend, Itachi is actually your first bestfriend in Konoha and your second best friend altogether. Your relationship started from you both realizing that challenges became easier when taken on together.

- The basis of your relationship is ultimately an emotional connection. The first impression was nothing to write home about. The first time you two met you'll barely acknowledged each other and it was only when you went on the roof to stargaze did you actually realize how physically attractive Itachi is.

- You had no idea about the Uchiha's because you aren't into business and at the time you weren't aware of their popularity. Your Uncle however is a businessman so he knows about them.

- You ran away with Sasori from a quiet part of Suna to the more populated part where you went to college which he payed for because at the time he was working then moved to Konoha to further his studies where he met Itachi and the rest of his friends.

- You are a qualified Psychologist not a babysitter you are only around Naruto 24/7 because he is the Mayors son and he therefore gets the best of the best.

That is the end if anyone has absolutely anything they want to know let me know... This was not requested I simply wanted to let you all know some info ❤. 

Please comment below...

Love you all! Ciao!

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now