Can you make my heart stop hit me with your killshot baby...

476 19 44

"I expect you to at least learn a dance routine with the rest of the maids of honour and groomsmen."

"Aha! But~ Obito is a man of honour! Him and Shisui both don't have to dance."

"Itachi as your mother I can not condone you and I quote, winging it...besides they aren't the groom."

"Mother I-"

"Don't 'Mother I' me!"

"Ugh fine."

"Good now go and ask Y/N to wear some gym clothes and I will text you the address."

"Wait you already booked- Wait you said I'm gym clothes..."

"Yes she will be dancing."

"Uhuh..." Itachi said smugly walking away.

"Strange boy..." Mikoto said shaking her head.



I had just seen a patient and I was putting my files away before tying my hair up into a messy bun because I was about to go home. This morning I asked Aunty Mikoto to convince Itachi to have a choreographed wedding dance. As I was wondering she sent me a text saying that he finally agreed. I immediately did a small celebration dance that had my assistant Mei looking at me strangely. I headed to my car that I had recently bought, it was a Lamborghini Aventador and now my third baby. I own an apartment with three bedrooms which I barely stay in but it is quite beautiful and has a gorgeous view

I arrive home to change as I walk in I see a bag of take out on the table and as I near the bedroom I see a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with a t-shirt and shoes and in the bathroom I hear the shower on with distinct humming. I immediately realise which trespasser is here as I chuckle to myself. I head to my closet as I change into some leggings and a baggy white t shirt with some sneakers and a bag. I then head to the kitchen and fill two water bottles. Just then Itachi walks out from the bathroom in his underwear as I throw a pillow from the couch at him causing him to burst out laughing.

"Hey! That nearly hit me!" He said laughing even more.

"Just like the dollar bills from the neighbouring buildings, for the show."

"Oh I forgot to draw the curtains..." He said with a chuckle as I went to close them for him.

"We have dance practice right?"

"Yeah but I wanted to have a shower before that."

"But you're going to sweat more."

"Why didn't I think of that!" He said pouting like a baby as I leaned kissing his nose laughing at him softly.

"You can always have three showers."

"I future wife is really smart so I guess I have to listen to her."

"I guess..." I said laughing along.

"I got food before coming here, let's go eat first."

"I saw it on the table so yeah I'd be glad to eat!" I said walking over to the table. I needed the bowls so I quickly went to grab them from the shelf.

Itachi's POV (Basically being a closet perv)

I was excited to sit down and eat but just as I was about to drink water Y/N tried reaching the top shelf giving me a perfect view of her ass in leggings as I choked.

"Are you okay?" She asked looking at me as I nodded coughing one last time

"I just choked...I'm okay now."

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now