Man of Honour to the rescue!

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This picture got me feeling some type of way ❤️😍✨even though I don't own it🥲.

I can't even begin to explain the stress mounting as the wedding approaches. Today we will go to look at resort that will be chosen.

"Y/N can I talk to you please?" Obito, my man of honor, asked as he gazed through the possible venue choices.

"Of course! Go on..."

"How do you plan on asking Itachi to come over for a professional dance choreography lesson?"

"I was going to ask him about that but I forgot?"

"Well we need to confirm that as soon as possible and the venue is set as well we are heading straight from Konoha to Yugakure a month." You see the wedding isn't happening in Konoha we are going to the holiday destination called Yugakure a place full of expensive resorts and tourist sites (I would like to thank Hidan for the destination from is backstory...Kudos to you✨). We will spend a month of games and dinners as well a family parties then on the last day we will be wed in the outdoor wedding area and a reception hall. 

"You know what I will call Itachi now."

"Okay you do that I am texting the caterer and decor group."

"Perfect!" I said leaving the room. 

"Hey Itachi?"


"I need to talk to you about the wedding are you free?"

"Yeah I just went on lunch break I have a meeting in an hour so yeah I got time."

"Great! So I was thinking that we could go to a choreographer for the dances-"

"No way!"

"Wait what? Why?"

"Because I just don't want to be going to learn dancing for one night it takes to much time and it's added stress."

"But Itachi it's not only the one night we spend time practicing together and it is something everyone does on the wedding."

"Y/N we're not going to be spending all the time at a dance studio when we could be doing something else?"

"Fine what do you suggest for the dance?"

"I don't know...wing it?"

"That is very unlike you what has gotten into you...why don't you want to just learn the dance in a dance studio?"

"Because I gave you my reason."

"Your reason isn't good enough."

"Look Y/N I don't want to fight about something so stupid can we please just drop this." 

"Practicing to dance on our wedding night is not  stupid why can't you understand that?" 

"I just don't feel like going to a dance studio is all that much of a deal...we could do a simple dance."

"Or we could learn a professional dance from an instructor and look way more polished."

"I don't-" Itachi started as the phone was snatched from me.

"Itachi shut the fuck up and agree or I am telling Aunty Mikoto. Bye!" Obito said cutting the call. "Now! I need you to tell wanted rose gold decorations right?"

" do realise he's going to get pissed at you?"

"Yeah he can get pissed at me but him constantly blowing you over about the dance was annoying and Aunty Mikoto can deal with that." Obito said with a shrug. "Besides brides happy I'm happy...that's the Man of Honour's job right?" 


"Good now the list of the brides Fuyumi Todoroki, Konan, Mei, Kurenai and Temari." 


"And btw Itachi has Shishi along with Nagato, Yahiko, Kisame, Deidara and Hidan. Kakuzu was not interested in stage presence haha!" 

"Interesting list- Hahaha!"


"I just realized you gonna be walking with Shisui."

"Oh shut up! I also heard that our very own Sasori is walking you down the isle wait you mentioned that before."

"Yeah I asked him and he looked shocked which was dumb because I wouldn't ask anyone else."

"Was he like 'Oh brat it would be a waste of time' and then gave in."


Itachi's POV

Was I too stubborn...I'm not trying to be it's just I don't really want to make a big deal out of the dance its- Ugh I bet Y/N thinks I'm a total jerk right now...I thought to myself running my hands through my hair as I let out a sigh, going back to my work. A good two hours past before I got a text from Mother saying that she wants to see me at home today and I knew exactly what it was about. I also decided phone Y/N to apologise for my behaviour. 

"Hey Y/N."

"Hello Itachi."

"I hope you aren't mad I want to apologise for earlier."

"It's okay I guess..."

"I will meet with my mother later to discuss something and I will see you after."

"Okay see you then."

"Hey...I love you."

"I love you too Dork." She said chuckling as I smiled hearing her happy again. She then cut the call and I went back to my work before calling it a day. I was leaving my office then quickly texted my mother to tell her I was on my way as I bumped into Madara on the way out. 

"Hello Itachi, how's the wedding plans?"

"Oh hey Uncle Madara it's all good I guess we have most of the main arrangements being made and well Obito is helping a lot as well."

"I heard my other nephew has been helping the bride hope he found a dress for himself too." Madara said chuckling as I actually started imagining Obito in a dress.

"Please tell me you didn't also imagine that?"

"I think a maid outfit would be more his style but it's whatever." Madara added as we both started laughing. 

"Well then I will see you Itachi."

"Likewise." I said walking to my car only to see my best man leaning on it with his arms crossed and sunglasses on staring at the sky. "Vogue is on the other side of the city." I said smugly.

"Ha! You just admitted I look like a model."

"Your pose looked like you were trying to look for Jack's beanstalk...but it's whatever you want to believe..."

"Meanie...Anyways I'm going with you today...I'm staying with your parents."

"Good for you...I guess I can survive one car ride with you." I said rolling my eyes playfully. 

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now