So happy together...

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I do not own this image but I did try to choose an outfit that suits all body types though if you don't like it you can imagine something else its up to you.


Since we haven't been out in a while Itachi and I decided to go out for dinner tonight but first we would relax walking on the beach since we had no other company. We missed both boys especially since they were always with us.

Sasuke's POV

I spent the past day with my uncles and my cousins would show up every so often. Currently all of us were at the beach and all these women kept drooling at my uncles and cousins, I just rolled my eyes. I miss Itachi, Y/N and Naruto we have grown very close these past four months. Suddenly I see a familiar set of people...Naruto and Iruka-sensei.

Naruto's POV

I spot a familiar Ravenette and I run straight towards him. "Itachi!" I scream running towards him.

Itachi's POV

I see Naruto running towards me as he screamed for me. I chuckled lifting him into the air only to see another familiar little boy running towards me. "Naruto and Sasuke what are you two doing here?" "I came here with Iruka..." Naruto trailed off. "And I came here with Uncle Madara, Uncle Izuna, Obito and Shisui...Grand uncle Indra is at home." "Wow I never took them as the beach type..." I said thoughtfully as both parties started approaching. Just as they arrived my plus one came back from the Ice-cream shop. Both boys ran straight to her hugging her as she laughed handing them our ice cream as I smiled...She's so thoughtful. Eventually we all ended up walking together. Obito walked in front next to Shisui carrying Naruto on his shoulders as Sasuke sat on Shisui's shoulders. I felt Y/N's hand brush mine and I took the chance to intertwine our hands as she leaned on my shoulder.

At about 4pm we all headed to our respective homes. As soon as we got home I sent Y/N to the kitchen for tea. When she was gone I ran upstairs and pulled out a black dress with a pair of stilettoes and a black hand bag I bought these for Y/N for the date. Then I left them out on the bed just as Y/N walked in her eyes widened. "What is all this?" "Your outfit for tonight..." I said smiling as she set the tea down then walked over throwing her arms around me. "Why do you spoil me so much?" "Because you spoil me so much and because I love you my angel." She just hid her face in my jacket. "Stop being so cheesy." She said as I laughed. I cupped her face. "Let's get ready okay." "Yes!" She said kissing me quickly as we both headed to get ready.

Y/N walked out of the shower her hair was wavy, she had the dress looked so good on her and clung perfectly to her (Body type) body. I watched as she walked over to the dresser and started doing her make up it was so interesting to watch her. She saw me through the mirror and patted the seat next to her as I sat watching her put some skin colored cream on her face along with some other powders. Then she used some black stick to stab her eyes which confused me but it was interesting to watch.

We then headed out the door to our date...

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now