No matter where we go we will always be under the stars...

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I don't own the above image.

Itachi and I sat in the hotel room we arrived in staring at the ceiling as we admired the change of scenery.

"Its beautiful." Itachi said smiling at me as I nodded.

"It is."

Tonight we had plans to head to a restaurant near the ocean. It's a really beautiful and we both wanted to be able to experience as much as possible.

"I am drained I'm going to take a nap." Itachi said shuffling closer as he curled into my side making me chuckle as I moved the hair off his face like a baby.

"You're so damn cute."

"You too." He said snuggling closer as I giggled.


I stood in front of the mirror giving myself the once over. As I ran to put my earrings on.

"Itachi are you ready?" I asked as I turned seeing him taking his time to put his hair in a ponytail as I tried to holdback my laughing. No matter how many times he does it I still find it amusing how he is so focused and precise when it comes to that.

"Having fun staring?" He asked making me finally let out my laughter. "What's so funny?" He asked cracking a smile as I shook my head.

"It's just you're so serious when you tie your ponytail."

"Yeah because if I tie it too tight you get these ugly furrows and if I tie it too loose it comes out and then sometimes the hairband will only go around twice when I need it to go around three times."

"Girly things am I right?" I muttered.


"Oh nothing I just sympathise with you." I said giving a suspicious smile.

"I'll tickle it out of you."

"Oh no you won't." I said rushing him out of the room as he laughed.

Table for Mr. And Mrs. Uchiha...right this way." The lady said as she motioned us to follow her to our table.

We took a seat waiting for our waitress.

"Hey I wanted to discuss something with you." Itachi said as I turned my attention fully to him.

"Go on." I said giving him a smile.

"So you know Obito mentioned to you about the house."

"What house?"

"You know the one we get when we're married."

"Oh yes I remember."

"So what's your opinion on that do you want to live in it or do you want to keep staying in the house we're currently staying in or do you want to get a house that's different?"

"Honestly I really like that they did that but I honestly think that I would personally like to get a house together. One of our choice but more than that I probably would like to stay where we currently stay."

"Yeah me too. I mean I love the house we stay at now it holds so many memories for me. It's the place I asked my first and last girlfriend out. It's the place we shared our first kiss and it's the place I asked her to marry me." He said as I smiled.

"Yeah it's more than just a house...It's our first memories."


We eventually ate and decided to go for a walk along the beach because we had enough time to waste and enjoy. The moon shone brightly illuminating the night along with the city lights. The air was slightly salty as we walked on the shore.

"Ah Itachi the night is so beautiful~" I chirped happily stretching slightly feeling the cooling breeze send chills along my skin.

Itachi's POV

"It is..." I answered Y/N seeing how beautiful she looked under the moonlight illuminating her (s/c) skin. "You look like a little moon fairy in that dress." I said laughing as she gently pushed me scoffing playfully.

"Why is it when it's just you and I you're such a child." She teased as I laughed pulling her closer.

"Because I can be whatever I want around you." I whispered kissing her cheek as she laughed snuggling closer to me.

"Itachi?" A familiar voice said as I turned seeing the one freakishly tall man that you would most definitely find in a beach.

"Kisame? What are you doing here?" I asked as he walked closer wearing his swimming gear.

"I came to work here since two days after your wedding there is a small aquarium here and I was just doing some work with some endangered species."

"I see."

"Yeah I'm guessing you two are on honeymoon?" He laughed as we both nodded "Damn what's the chance of running into you both on your honeymoon after being at the wedding?"

"I honestly don't know." Y/N laughed. "You wanna meet up tomorrow we can all go to lunch together?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah you should join us."

"I don't know it's your honeymoon and it's time for you both to bond I wouldn't like to take that away from you both."

"Oh no of course you're not! We would be happy to meet you since you're barely on Konoha with all the travelling."

"Okay I'll come and hangout with you both." He said giving in as we nodded. "Also I'll be heading back to Konoha soon."

"For good?" I asked.

"Yeah...for good. I have a job with Konoha that's going to be permanent. My work partner will be a guy named Suigetsu or something."

"That's great news...It's good to finally have you home brother." I smiled. He's been one of those friends that I may not always have there physically but I know that he will be there when I need him. And it just feels great to know he will be returning.

"See you tomorrow lovebirds." He said giving his signature sharp smile.

"Sure." I laughed as we waved him off.

"I guess he's finally making the move back to Konoha huh?" Y/N asked as I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah for the first time in a long time the daybreak will be one."

"He was literally here for the wedding."

"But it wasn't permanent."

"But he was still here."

"But we didn't officially get together." I laughed.

"Fine!" She huffed in defeat as I pulled her closer.

"Is the smol bean upset." I teased as she looked around before slamming her lips into mine in a hot breathless kiss. "Wow..." I breathed out as she pulled away smirking.

"See I'm not a smol bean." We arrived at the hotel as I laughed poking her side. "My little bean."

"I am a deadly destroyer and war goddess the bringer of chaos the annihilator of my enemies."

"You look so cute saying that."

"No!" She stomped off cutely as we arrived at the hotel room.

"Yes!" I teased as she whined."

"No!" I grabbed her wrist pulling her closer as I shut the door.

"Yes my little cinnamon bun." I smirked slyly stealing a kiss from her lips.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now