I'm addicted to you...

474 19 149

I don't own the pic but it's his birthday so he asked for a gift to make him happy *wraps you in gift wrap* now he owns you...if he didn't already ✌️😏.

Author's POV

The air was cool, the sun was low and there against the bathroom door the two lovers stood playing tongue twisters as the sound of lips smacking against each other echoed in the room as Y/N's arms wrapped tightly around Itachi as his arms remained tight around her waist in her emerald dress. His tongue sliding against hers as he pulled her left leg over his waist pressing further on her as she let out an almost inaudible moan...almost.

Rewind (lol)


I stood in the courtyard area with Naruto as we both laughed watching the fish in the pond only to feel a slight poke on my head turning to see Itachi putting a chrysanthemum flower in my hair as I smiled placing my hand on his as he took a seat next to me in his formal black pants and button up white shirt he looked like a literal prince as I gazed at him in complete awe. To think he still had this hypnotic effect on me after knowing him for so long now. My (skin colour) glowing in the sun as I smiled at him.

"You're so pretty."


"Yes you look like a prince." I said smiling as his cheeks flushed slightly.

"But you look like a queen." He said as I giggled looking down. "Can you believe in a short time I will be able to call you my wife..." he said gazing at me with a small smile on his face (Kitana starts playing careless whispers🤣🤣🤣🤣). Naruto obliviously watching the fish as he spots a tuff of raven hair sitting on the hill quietly as he sneaks over.

Sasuke's POV

I was just listening to some cheesy shit lol I would never be caught dead listening to this however right now I just felt like listening to some slowed, reverb songs as I felt something tickling my nose. My eyes shot open as I see the most breathtaking sight making my breath hitch. The sun shone through Naruto's blonde hair with his blue eyes shimmering as he giggled...cute. I think I just found my aesthetic. But just as I was admiring his face his lips slammed into mine as we both went tumbling down only to hear Y/N and my brother screaming for both of us.

My whole body hurt as I groaned trying to remember what happened to put me in the miserable state. I turned my head trying to figure out where I was. I turned seeing Itachi looking sorrowful at me. And just when I was about to talk I remembered...I kissed my crush. I remember feeling his soft lips on mine before we fell down the hill.

"What were you doing on the hill?" Itachi asked as his face turned serious as I gulped not sure whether he saw what happened.

"I was listening to music...feeling the vibe of my...diss rap tracks." I said remembering my actual music playlist.

"How did you fall?" He said voice still stern...geez and I thought dad was the problem.

"Naruto came to see me and I got a shock and when I jumped I startled him so we ended up rolling down the hill." I said not wanting Naruto in trouble as he sighed pinching his nose in frustration before engulfing me in a hug.

"I was worried about you. Please be careful next time." He said as I nodded wrapping my arms around him.

Just then Y/N walked in the room as she rushed to me hugging me with a much calmer face then my brother previously had.

"Are you okay? You took quite a tumble." She said poking my cheek as I chuckled.

"I'm alright...How's...Naruto?"

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now