But you'll never be alone, I'll be with you from dusk till dawn~

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The picnic area was so massive and there was a golf course in view as well as a gorgeous lake and trees but the huge part was the food everywhere. There was a barbecue area next to the meat that was ready to be cooked. This was all set up on a long table with lots of rolls, salads and other dishes. I headed over to the table as Konan and Kitana were already there talking.

"Oh look who arrived." Kitana said giggling as I laughed shaking my head playfully.

"Hello you two." I said with a small smile.

"I hope you enjoy today...I worked very hard to plan up a program." Kitana said clasping her hands together in excitement. 

"I am sure she will enjoy it after all her one true love is here." Konan said smirking at me.

"Oh of course for all we know they might disappear half way through to go and spend time together." Kitana added wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh shut up that only happened once..." I said in defence.

"Uhuh..." Kitana nodded unconvinced as I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. 

"Oh don't get so flustered we're only teasing!" Konan said laughing as I huffed before laughing along with them. 

Author's POV

"Hello everyone!" Obito said walking with Shisui, Sasuke and Itachi.

"Oh you are something else!" Shisui said rolling his eyes. "It's...BONJOUR A TOUS (Hello everyone)!" He screamed as everyone next to him winced at the high volume. 

"Tais-toi (shut up)." Madara said sternly as Shisui laughed. 

"Why are we speaking french?" Itachi asked confused.

"Ask author-chan..." Shisui said shrugging as they nodded acknowledging the author.

"Well then let's get the food prepared shall we." Madara said as Obito rolled up his sleeves.

"Hell yeah!" Only to be stopped by Madara.

"You stay ten feet away from the food. You're a horrible cook." 

"You enjoy my cottage pie." 

"And that's the only thing I enjoy after you only recently stopped burning it." Madara added as Obito frowned looking away. 

"Hey I enjoy your cooking!" Shisui said glaring at Madara. 

"Really...?" Obito asked suspiciously.

"Yes you also make good pot roast you just had to learn to properly operate the stove." 

"I guess."


"Mikoto I think the food is ready now?" 

"No just give it 2 more minutes Fugaku, have some patience." She said as the meat sizzled in the pan as everyone else slowly started walking towards the gas barbecue to help the cooking. 

"Go and make my meat mom!" Natsumi said shooing her mother away as Gai looked at her in shock.

"Young lady that is the most unyouthful thing to do! You must not talk to your mother like that it is very unbecoming of a youthful lady." Gai added as Natsumi glared at him.

"How dare you talk to me!" Natsumi said sharply. 

"I'm sorry?!" Kitana said darting her eyes to Natsumi. "Are we going to have a problem here?"

"Whatever leave me alone." 

"I would but you're already alone." Kitana added walking away pulling Gai along with her. 

The rest of the picnic went smoothly as everyone was BBQing and talking. 

"Hey Y/N can I talk to you for a moment." Kitana said as she tapped Y/N on the shoulder.

"Sure!" She said as she walked with Kitana. The arrived at a more quiet spot.

"Look I know Natsumi can be really rude and she is really jealous of you but...If she ever does something more then those snide remarks and her generally bitchy behaviour...Just tell me...I know you're capable of defending yourself but you are the future daughter-in-law of this family so you can't really do much...but I'm not." She said looking up with a smirk. "So I will put her in place if you need me to." 

"I don't think she has enough of a back bone to do anything more...but thank you I consider you my friend so I would do the same if you have anyone that troubles you either." As the two stared laughing.

"Alright let's go eat!" Kitana said with a small smile as they both headed back to the picnic area. 

Four pm approached quickly as the people concerned left the get together to get changed and head to dance practice while the adults lounged around the lake having many conversations. 

"Is everyone here!" Kitana spoke up clapping her hands together in the ballroom that we used for practice. "We will be using music today for the dance recital and not just for the bride and groom to be like it was done previously but now for everyone. It is time to bring all the separate chapters of the dance to a completed dance." Kitana said reaching her hands into a fake sky above her head as she imagined the wedding night that was soon approaching. "We have three weeks! And in those three weeks I only see you three times a week meaning we only have nine more practice rounds before the big day and in that time we will not be practicing or learning new techniques we will merely be perfecting the dance so that absolutely no one and I mean no one makes not even a single mistake." She said giving an intense glare. "Understood." 

"Yes." Everyone said exhaling in relief as she smiled again.

"That's wonderful now get into position while I begin the music." She said as the couples joined hands for the dance. 

There were many stops in between seeing as Kitana was big on the 'dance showing emotion and that the movements should elaborate the emotions and explain the feelings of the song' thing.

"Y/N! You are doing well just move your head more back and Itachi please show more emotions. You love her so say so through the dance. As for you Mei this is not a barn so stop kicking so high.  And you Hidan have great form I just need Temari to be a little more relaxed." 

This continued for two hours before Kitana finally called it a day. Everyone left the dance room to see the adults had all gone to the pool area where they were talking and celebrating. 

A.n - Yeyyy we're friends!!! No seriously you are all my friends now! 🍭😄✨❤️

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now