Reversed 2 (Itachi X Reader Oneshot)

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I don't own the image above.

"You're very beautiful." I whispered too loud as my eyes widened.


"Nothing I said the waterfall is beautiful." I answered as he laughed at me making me frown. "What's so funny?"

"it's not a waterfall it's a shower and if you want I can leave your clothes on the bed so I'll just lock the door for you." He said kindly as I nodded as he walked away. After many struggles I finally found out how to use the goddamn shower that he spoke of and I left seeing clothes of this world on the bed it looked sporty. I headed out after turning the key...simple people. I walked out seeing Itachi and people who looked like his mother, father and...little brother? His mother turned to me as she smiled.

"Oh you must be Itachi's girlfriend?" She asked nicely as I scoffed about to disagree when he suddenly wrapped an arm around me making me glare at him harshly as he gave a nervous smile.

"Yeah she is..." He answered as I rolled my eyes scoffing. His mother called me over to have some supper with them. His little brother sat down reluctantly as he glared at me making me smirk at his behaviour.

"He's probably only dating you because you look like his favourite anime character." He said as I smirked even more.

"Oh really now..." I said side eyeing Itachi. "What's so great about her?"

"So many awesome things."

"Yeah it's a shame she probably wouldn't like brats like you though." I said as Itachi started choking as I passed him water unconsciously.

"You're mean."

"So are you."



After supper I had learnt his brother's name was Sasuke and his parents were Mikoto and Fugaku. They were really nice and this world was indeed very different. I have established that there are no enemies here and that I don't need to be on guard as of right now. But I wonder how my people are? How are they doing? Did they defeat the emperor? My thoughts were interrupted by Itachi however.

"You can sleep on the bed in my room I'll sleep in the guest room." He said as I disagreed.

"No I imposed by being in your world and you have been nothing but nice it's the least I can do I'll sleep in the guest room."

"Oh come on it's nice having you here I-"

"I know." I smirked. "I'll sleep in the guest room." He scoffed in defeat as I chuckled before heading into the next room. He's not so bad...

I woke up the next morning wondering what kind of ridiculous dream I had as I realised I was wearing clothes that aren't mine. Looks like it wasn't a dream? The first thing do is go to the bathroom and use the cleaning things that Itachi probably left here I see there was also a shower here. Itachi's parents weren't here and Sasuke was at a learning facility called school. I had breakfast that Itachi made, it was surprisingly delicious. Afterwards he put the magic cube, theatre thing on and there I was on the screen when the guy I was fighting back in the day said to the other guy to switch out the normal sword for a shadow infused sword because yes I am a Necromancer (magical beings that use death as a source of their power in the forms of shadows basically if Shikamaru could use his shadows like Gaara's sand)

"So that's what the bastard did?!" I shouted getting angry at the dirty trick. I knew I would never loose to a fool like him.

"You still won in the end." I heard Itachi say next to me as I let out a small laugh.

"I guess I'm even stronger huh?!" I said smirking as he smirked back.

"I guess so?"

"Why do you like her?"

"You mean you?"

"Yeah..." Why am I nervous I didn't even feel nervous when I kicked the king of his throne for fraud and I did that in front of everyone.

"Why wouldn't I? You're a smart, quick thinking strategist whose trained in many fighting styles and nothing scares you on top of that you're so beautiful." I don't even know what came over me but I leaned over and kissed him...I just met the guy.

"One thing scares me..." I said as I pulled away. "The fact that, that made my heart rate increase so much it scared me." I honestly told him as he just looked at me stunned.


It's been a month since I've been here and no sign from my world. Itachi's parents seem to enjoys my constant presence and honestly they seem to just not mind me being here. Honestly as far as Itachi and I are concerned we have developed a complicated bond. Today was laundry day which I've learn't is a type of day where we make a mechanical servant do the washing. Life is so much easier and not to say I've gotten lazy I just really enjoy not having to watch my back all the time. I decided to go for a walk outside when I saw the air ripple when suddenly I ended up getting sucked into a whirling portal. I open my eyes seeing that I was back in my world...finally? I saw my father running to me as I smiled but deep inside I knew that I wasn't really happy but I should be right?

"Y/N my daughter I'm so glad to have you back I was starting to get worried we worked so hard to reverse the spell. I was a kind of world traveling powder. I was beginning to think you would not make it in time for your wedding." Oh yeah that shitty Prince wants to marry me what a waste. I already hate it here.

A few days had passed and my wedding was getting closer and more and more I missed Itachi why did I have to meet him it makes my heart hurt not being able to tell him stories of my world and the way he would tell me stories of his and the way his eyes would light up when he spoke about Sasuke. I really miss him. Without realising it I had made it to the archives. There is was the purple bag with the powder hidden up on the shelf. Is there even any point I'm only going to be married off. So I decided to just take it in case. Walking down the passage I quickly took a turn hoping on the wheeled ladder heading to the shelf. It was right in reach as I grabbed it until. *eek* slipping from the ladder I fell.

But I felt a warm hand along my face. That smell that warm earthy smell. My eyes opened only to realise I was back on the bed...that bed looking into those deep onyx eyes.


A/N: What did you think of that did you like it?

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