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A/n- Your reception dress above...

The whole hall started emptying as everyone headed out to the outdoor reception giving a beautiful view of Yugakure's fine ocean landscapes. The whole place as already setup as the guests started taking their seats.


We stood in the changing rooms as my big (wedding dress/kimono) was removed and switched for a more simple yet stunning wedding dress that would be easier to dance in.

"Well I sure do hope that dance practice pays pressure." Kitana said with a straight face as I deadpanned. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. The sole reason I practiced with you'll so much is so that you'll don't have to worry about remembering the steps and only remember to have fun it's basically muscle memory at this point." She said laughing as I gave her a fake glare.

"If I tramp Itachi's toes it's on your head."

"Oh dear Mrs. Uchiha sure is scary." She said fake shivering.

"Hahaha very funny...So how much time till we're done with the touch ups?"

"Well your dress and make up are done Mr. Uchiha you know your husband is outside he is ready so Mrs. Uchiha as his wife are you ready to go?"

"You really are abusing this."

"Hey I will eventually start calling you Y/N but for now it's fun seeing you all giddy from the Mrs, Mr, wife, husband etc." She said as I looked away.

"Do not!"

"Fine...Itachi! You wife is ready!" She shouted as my cheeks got hot again for the millionth time today.

"Awww you're doing it again!"



We headed out to the car where we drove for a bit to the other side of the resort where a huge outdoor reception was set up seeing as it was not too hot the weather worked perfectly. We were greeted immediately by Gai who told us to stand at the end of the isle.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Uchiha!" Kitana announced as everyone applauded while we began walking down the isle to the table at the front on the stage. "Tonight is all about love and and a major bookmark in the lives of two people, the point where two separate stories become one big story. So tonight will begin with a few words from the bride and groom." Kitana spoke as I smiled knowing I would go first. I stood up lifting my dress as I walked to the mic as Kitana handed it to me giving me a nod.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, when I was told I was going to speak it felt foreign yet so familiar at the same time because knowing that I would be saying this after being married felt so different yet I can completely understand it and especially for Itachi it isn't difficult to imagine marrying him or spending the rest of my life with him. In fact it gives me a sense of excitement and suspense to beginning our married life together. We met the first time completely unknowingly, and I'm sure by now everyone knows our humorous stories. The second time was coincidental and after that the meetings became more...intentional. I would be lying if I said I didn't absolutely love his company so much so I would jump at the opportunity to have him visit again and after a while I realized that for some odd reason life was just better when I had Itachi by my side. He makes the good moments better and the most difficult moments so much more bearable." I spoke as everyone applauded.

Author's POV

Next Itachi walked up to the stage as a bunch of cheers were heard. "Family, friends and business partners you all look lovely today and before everything I would like to thank you all for attending Y/N and my wedding. It has been an absolute pleasure having you all here to witness this special day with my wife and I. We both agreed she would talk about us and I would thank everyone but I really had to add a little bit about her." Itachi said as everyone laughed. "My wife is definitely one of those women who don't need kids to be regarded as a mother. I think that's one of the first things I admired about her and slowly her helping me made me realize that there were so many more things I admired about her. She is such a pleasant, wonderful and reliable person as a friend but as my soulmate she is indeed everything I want in a person, everything about her is perfect for me, even her flaws and I just want to say...I love you and I look forward to spending the rest of my life by your side." He ended his speech looking at Y/N as she smiled at him.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now