When you hold me, when you touch me it's so powerful~

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A/n: As for the title...don't ask...Also above is the place you two are staying at for the night because Idk how lemons would happen with Mikoto next door. 😥😥 Also the moment you all have been waiting for. Warning ⚠️ 🔞🚫 Lemon ahead...mature content. Another thank you to Candi for helping me write this chapter.

Author's POV

Kitana left skipping away as the couple missed the mischievous look on her face.

"Wow you wanna go inside?" Y/N asked smiling at Itachi as he nodded.

"It's really beautiful." Itachi admired it pulling Y/N along with him.

They both walked in admiring the place as they both went to sit on the couch relaxing as they turned to each other.

"Cant believe we are married!" The both said in unison as they burst out laughing.

"I'm so happy but it all feels like a beautiful dream...the way today has finally arrived and now it's almost over." She said laughing holding his hand as he smiled.

"Almost..." He said as he leaned forward kissing her passionately as she immediately kissed back smiling into the kiss as he placed his hand on her face pulling away while admiring her beauty. "You look so beautiful." He smiled as she leaned in kissing him again this time more hungrily as he pulled her against him running his tongue along her lips as she opened her mouth letting him in. She reached behind him playing with his hair.


❗️WARNING ...mature content❗️

Reader's POV (Mooohahahahah!!! 😏😏😏)

He got up pulling you toward the stairs as he took you to the bedroom. Leaning you on the door as he smashed his lips into yours in a heated kiss as you looped your hands around his neck making him lean in deeper. He pulled away staring deeply into your (e/c) eyes as you both panted trying to catch your breaths. He swung the door open as you stepped back into the room while he walked up to you with a different look in his eyes.

"You know how long I've wanted to do this?" He said smirking as he walked towards you making you step back as you reached the foot of the bed when he stood right in front of you running his hands up your sides. "I've wanted to do this..." he trailed off squeezing your sides. "And this..." he leaned in kissing down your neck as you let out an involuntary moan. "And this..." he sunk his teeth into your shoulder as you arched your back into him as he smirked. "You like that?" He said repeating the action as you let out a whine when he ran his hands along your back sending shivers racing up and down your spine as you gasped. With a swift motion you found yourself on the bed your dress adding to the dramatic pose as he loosened his tie removing his suit as he hovered over you taking a hold of your ankles as he pulled you closer making your heart race as he pressed his lips to yours again sliding his tongue into your mouth using one hand to support himself and the other to grip your thigh tightly as you smiled unbuttoning his shirt as you ran your hands along his chest. He reached behind you removing the buttons on your dress as you moved forward hiding your face in the crook of his neck making it easier for him as you kissed his neck lightly. Eventually he ran his hands along your shoulders removing the straps from your shoulders dropping the dress as you breathed in deeply slightly shy seeing as this was the furthest you'll had ever gone. He kissed you deeply as he whispered to you about how beautiful you are making your face heat up as you began removing his pants as you stared at his godly figure above you as he smiled at you caressing your cheek softly as you lay there under him in nothing but your underwear panting from the several breathtaking kisses. In one swift motion he undid the clasps on your bra and you lay there in shock at how fast it happened making him smirk as he leaned down placing several kisses across your chest making your face get hot as your breathing got faster while tiny mewls escaped your lips making him chuckle making you shivered. He kissed you again before hooking his slender fingers in your panty slowly pulling it down as he placed kissed down your stomach making you arch your back again as he kissed lower eventually leaving you completely naked in front of him as you heart raced. He moved his lips to your inner thigh as he kissed higher and higher. His tongue sliding through his lips as he flicked it along your core making you grip the sheets as you moaned.

"I love you so much, Y/N. You have my heart, you have my mind and tonight I will give you my body." He spoke softly as you panted placing your hand on his face as you smiled.

"You have my all too, Itachi. I love you with all my being." You said as he leaned back in devouring your core as you moaned uncontrollably. Whining as the knot in your lower region tightened before your eyes shut feeling your juices flow as Itachi smirked while your cheeks felt like they were on fire again.

"I-Itachi..." You whimpered as you suddenly felt a rush of confidence as you flipped him over as you kissed down his abdomen removing his underwear as your eyes widened.

"U-Uh Itachi...I uh..." (Y/N exe. has stopped working✋) You shook away your fears as you gave his large member a small lick as he groaned you moved your mouth further taking it all in as you felt the tears in your eyes. Hearing him groan lightly as he looked at you through half lidded eyes as you did something he didn't expect. You hummed continually as his eyes widened, his breathing quickened as he let out whimpers shutting his eyes tightly as his lips parted making you smirk as you continued working your tongue as he pulled your head back before he came pulling you into a rough kiss as he flipped you over.

"Are you ready?" He asked as you nodded still slightly afraid of his size.

"Yes Itachi." You confirmed as he entered you making you let out a loud moan.

"A-ah you're so t-tight." He muttered as you shut your eyes in pain as he looked at you worriedly. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked scared he might hurt you.

"N-No it's fine it's nots so painful now." You said as he started moving again as the pain slowly dissipated turning into pleasure as you panted moaning. He brought your legs over his shoulders as he interlocked his hands with yours on either side of your head as he moved faster making you moan as he kissed you deeply making you moan in his mouth as you felt your high approaching.

"I love you, Y/N." He said as his breathing quickened.

"I-I love y-you too, I-Itachi." You said back as you came. With a few more thrusts he did too as he rolled on his back. Looking deeply into your eyes he smiled.

"That was amazing." He breathed out as you nodded chuckling.

"That it definitely was." You agreed as he smirked at you.

"Round 2?" He asked as you nodded giggling pulling him closer.

Author's POV

Let's just say that it was indeed as Shisui said in the chapter 'We know how to party- Part 2' , it was all a blur after round 2.

A/N: Well I hope all of you who made it this far enjoyed that...See you next time in the 'Return to Konoha' ❤️😇

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