Round and round like a horse on a carousel we go~

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A/N: And you thought there would only be two updates 🤣😆😭🤣 LOL. Also I don't own the picture.


I put on my big sunglasses yes these aren't shades these are sunglasses because today I'm the diva mom. Diva Mom is an attitude and a mindset. I mentally hyped myself flipping my hair.

"Mom what are you doing?" Naruto asked me confused.

"I'm- I- it's not what it looks like..." I turned away quickly as he laughed.

"You looked like you were mentally hyping yourself or something."

"I kinda was..."


"Well today I'm a cool diva mom?"

"Mom you are a cool diva Mom and even if you weren't I'd still think you're cool."

"Thank you my Angel." I smiled kissing his cheek as he giggled. "Mom enjoy it now because soon you can't I'll have pokey beard hair." He said jokingly as I laughed.

"Sasuke why are you so quiet?" I asked as he snapped out of his gaze cheeks turning slightly pink.

We eventually arrived at the carnival as I went to drop them off but Sasuke called me aside.

"Thank you."


"For giving Naru the chance to have a mother." He said before walking away as I smiled.

Sasuke's POV

I walked faster catching up to Naruto. I spaced out in the car because he looked so happy his laugh was so beautiful I couldn't help it. I wrapped my hand around his wrist.

"Don't get lost dobe." I said quickly trying to hide my flushing face.

"I'm not a baby teme!" Naruto shouted before laughing as I smiled.

"So where do you want to go first?" I asked as he pulled me to the Ferris wheel.

"Step 1: We must choose a ride that helps us see the whole place so that we can plan our day."

"Where did you get that from?" I asked amused.

"I made it up duh! But it's a good plan believe it!"

"Fine let's go." We got onto the Ferris wheel first as we sat on opposite sides I could see the sun behind Naruto and he truly looked like an Angel. It's been a while since I've actually come to terms with the fact that I like my best friend at first I was confused as to why I felt like that but now with Hinata helping me I know I feel like I can definitely get the boy of my dreams. I looked at those shiny blue eyes as he turned to look at me.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked as I quickly nodded face heating up again.

"Shut up dobe I was looking at the sun."

"Fine fine." He laughed...that laugh. "I said we should go win a few prizes first. Then we can go eat."

"Yeah sounds like a good plan."

"I'll beat you in them you better believe it."

"As if dobe."

"Shut up teme." He said mockingly as I smirked.

We headed to the game where we had to shoot the target.

"What can we win?" I asked as the guy we recognised as...Gai? Threw us a thumbs up.

"Now I know you boys and I know that you wouldn't be interested in a stuffed toy so I'm going to offer you a coupon to the food stall. Is that good for you?" He asked in his usual sing song voice.

"Sure." I answered suspiciously.

"We'll take your aim in this round." He said happily as Naruto took the gun aiming and...he hit it. First shot. He actually hit it. My crush hit it first shot! I walked forward patting his shoulder as he gave me a beaming smile.

"Wow you really got it first try kid. That's truly youthful."

"Well...the prize. Oh of course there is an Ichiraku coupon." Gai said handing it over as I burst out laughing.

"That's why you hit it dobe!" I said still trying to control my laughing.

"Shut up teme I would have hit it anyway!"

"My turn!" I shouted walking towards the gun.

Aiming at the bullseye I missed the first time deadpanning. I play call of duty come on! I eventually hit it on the THIRD try. How did Naruto even do this op little shit (over powered). I walked over catching up with him as we headed to the fish catching game. These games were really childish but somehow Naru made it so fun...

We eventually grabbed our coupons and went to eat. Naruto immediately ran towards the Ichiraku stand and I decided to get some onigiri and tomatoes because I love them. I decided to take Naruto to the top of the Mayor rock where we had a view of the entire city. We sat eating as we spoke about all kinds of things and Naruto showed me which was his dad and we then decided to go home.



I packed my bags thinking about the awesome week I had and the weekend when all of Itachi's friends got together to celebrate him getting married and our honeymoon. We had so much fun and now it was time to head to the airport because today we leave for our honeymoon. We chose to go to (Country of choice) because we wanted to experience the culture and everything firsthand. I was especially excited to go because they are known for so many amazing things and Itachi and I could make beautiful memories here.

After getting a ride with Obito we arrived at the airport and got ready to board our flight.

"Are you ready?" Itachi asked me as we got on the plane.


𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now