All I wanna ever say is, "R U Mine?"

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I don't own the above image it is up to you if you want to picture this or not you're basically wearing a kimono.  Enjoy❤

"Mom where's my tie?"
"I put it next to your suit Naruto...Itachi! Are you still in the shower? We have an hour left to get ready!"
"I'm almost done and I already made breakfast downstairs!"
I quickly took off my button up blouse I wore to the salon to prevent my hair messing up as I slid off my shorts as well now completely in my red (for plot purposes) underwear.

Itachi's POV
I finished in the shower as I wrapped the towel around my waist walking out hoping Y/N and Naruto were done with breakfast downstairs as I walked into the room.

Author's POV
The door of the bathroom opened making barely no noise at all (because Itachi rich like that) as Itachi walked out of the bathroom only to see Y/N dropping her shorts as her back faced him. She turned around unconsciously giving him a full view of her undergarment clad body as his eyes widened he stood there like a deer in headlights...completely frozen.

"U-Uh..." Y/N started off as her eyes widened as she looked at him in horror as she froze too. So it was basically two people in underwear staring at each other.

"You two better hurry up the staring the wedding is going to start soon!" I shouted from thin air. (RIP fourth wall)

The two immediately snapped out of their trance-like stare.

"Uh...I'm s-sorry I didn't uh you know...I-" Y/N started off as Itachi waved his hands in the air quickly.

"N-No I assumed you were downstairs I'm sorry you uh in your...this um." He tried talking motioning to her attire as they both turned away quickly as the embarrassment only increased.
The rest of breakfast was very and I mean, very awkward.
"Do you want tea?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah red- I-I mean black tea." Itachi said internally cursing and the embarrassment overtook him while Y/N just stood there mouth agape.

They both seemed to avoid looking at each other for a while before they calmed down. They got into the car as Itachi helped Y/N with her kimono as she huffed in frustration.

"I can't wait for the reception...I can finally wear a dress."

"Oh love I can't wait to see how you manage on our wedding..." Itachi said smirking.

"You sadist!"

"Mom you look so pretty stop complaining!" Naruto shouted from the back as Y/N just huffed pouting at her predicament.


"Ladies and gentlemen please take your seats." The lady at the front said as everyone took their seats. Eventually the music changed as the bride walked down looking absolutely stunning in her white and green kimono, Y/N was there to witness the moment Izumi completely rebelled against wearing a white headdress.

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