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I don't own this beautiful picture.❤️


It's been six years since we were married and we have four beautiful children apart from Naruto and to some extent Sasuke. They are two girls and two boys. The last boy and girl are twins. Honestly it has been amazing having such a wonderful family. We often get Naruto and Sasuke to babysit them when we need to tend to something. They are definitely very good with kids and sometimes remind us of we first had to babysit together.

Through all the things that have happened I can sure say I've never been happier. I am grateful to have moved to Konoha because indeed my life here has had its tough times but all in all it has allowed me to learn and love and I am eternally grateful.

I have grown my practice a lot and having the worlds best husband would be an understatement but honestly he's just amazing and supportive and I really made the best choice when I married him.

Naruto's POV

Damn! I just got home from a seriously exhausting day we had so much of trig it really is a sin. I immediately went to the nursery to pick up my little munchkins. Walking with none other than Sasuke who is still my crush I really hope I could finally confess to him though for some reason we still end up sitting together and just ending up alone sometimes. We headed to the nursery school down the road picking all four of them up as I saw the car pulling up.

"Mom!" I shouted as all the kids got excited seeing her get out of the the car and head to greet all of us.

"You got here earlier that me." She laughed as I nodded.

"Yeah we finished our clubs a little earlier."

"Oh Itachi and I have to go to a charity dinner today could you please watch them for me?"

"Sure I'll be home anyway and I mean Sasuke could stay over."

"Sure dobe me and (1st daughter's name) have been meaning to play some need for speed."

"Yeah! Uncle Sasuke I'll beat your ass."

"Wha- Thats not a very nice word young lady." Mom reprimanded as Sasuke looked away suspiciously.

Eventually Mom dropped us home. We had our baths as Sasuke made some snacks for everyone while we got out our homework to finish before the fun began.

"And then that mean kid came over and tried talking to me!"

"And did you do what I told you?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah I told him that kids like him shouldn't be talking to me they should bow to me instead!" (1st Son's name) said triumphantly as I burst out laughing hearing the comeback.

"Yeah and what did he say."

"I can't remember I was walking away and every time he spoke I told him I don't speak peasant."

"That's my boy."

I couldn't stop laughing what was Sasuke even teaching these kids? After we were done with our home work we sat around playing games and decided to make a pillow fort like how we had when we were little.

"You know when our cousin comes to visit I'm telling her about that one show we watched."

"Who Izumi's kid?" I asked.


"Alright but it's time for bed now. Well clean up but you guys gotta brush your teeth and get ready for bed." I said cleaning up all the dishes and the dinner dishes while Sasuke put away all the snacks. We even set up the mini fort as the four ravenette children headed downstairs. They all hurried in the tent as I giggled at the cute site tucking them in before reading a nice bedtime story. Shortly after putting them to bed Sasuke called me pointing to the roof as I shook my head following him upstairs to the roof. The sky was littered with stars as we stared up admiring the view.


"Yes thank you everyone for attending this Charity dinner towards the children of war in Amegakure." Kitana said as everyone applauded. "Now that the dinner is over we would like to invite you all to the floor to dance." She said as Itachi and Y/N made their way to the dance floor among other couples.

"So when are we going to tell everyone?" She asked him as he smiled nodding at her to elaborate. "That we're having another baby."

"We should have a cute picnic since summer is approaching." He said as she smiled kissing him softly.

(Back with Naruto...)

"I want to say something dobe but I-" He sighed trying to get the words out of his mouth looking into Naruto's eyes as he did the same forgetting the stars above because right now all that mattered was the two of them. They both started leaning closer to each other both looking at each others eyes the lips and back till they were close enough and then like the momentary impact of an explosion their lips met, causing a jolt of electricity to pass through the both of them. Their lips danced together like two devils in the middle of the night as the midnight air softly brushed their skin. As they pulled away the world moved back into place as they smiled at each other. They didn't even need to say anything because they both knew they had fallen for each other.

THE END...❤️

A/n: Does anyone remember that last part...

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