After the afterparty we're gonna keep it going...

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I don't own the above picture...That's the afterparty though 😏. And should I warn you about the  major fluff or like...

Author's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the afterparty!" Kitana said along with another man. "We are your MC's Kitana and Might Guy and we will be your youthful hosts this evening!" The both said in a weirdly enthusiastic tone.

The place was packed as Y/N and Itachi left the car. Y/N then leaned over to Obito and said something.

"I was expecting the party to be a little, I don't know...smaller?" She said as he shook his head laughing.

"We're Uchiha's we don't do small." He said in a slightly cocky tone. "Oh and consider it a gift from the Uchiha family."

"Well this is a beautiful party."

"Oh I wasn't talking about the party Y/N I was talking about the house." He said as her jaw dropped.


"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this is your engagement gift from the family but you two probably won't live here, I mean there is also the one for marriage."

"Why would you gift someone a house...isn't that a bit...over top?"

"It's tradition."

"Yeah but couples usually buy a house together and it signifies their first big decision after marriage and is highly important for a couple to be-"

"Hey don't go all shrink on'll can buy a house too..." He said as she just stood there shocked. "Hey come on we gotta party!" He said snapping her out of her shock.

The paparazzi's immediately took pictures of the newly engaged couple before the party began in full swing.

"Ladies and gentlemen this event is a celebration of love, it is in honor of a great couple who have got engaged today...please put your hands together for Mr. and the future Mrs. Uchiha." Kitana said clapping as both Y/N and Itachi emerged through the beautiful lantern lit pathway.

"This kind of display of youthfulness must be celebrated in style and Kitana and I as your hosts have the perfect idea, we will kick off this afterparty with a special cake cutting and I know that there was a cake cut at the engagement but rumor has it this couple has quite the sweet tooth."

"That is right youthful Gai also this cake was a gift from none other than Sasori." Kitana added.

"Well then shall we bring out the cake?" He asked.

"Go ahead!" Kitana answered as a massive six tier cake was brought out.

A loud cheer was heard from the crowd as the magnificent cake was brought out

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A loud cheer was heard from the crowd as the magnificent cake was brought out. Y/N and Itachi both smiled at the stunning sight before them as Kitana passed the mic to Sasori.

"I wanted to make this day special for you both knowing how much you both love sweet things I thought why not gift you both another cake, these flowers are edible by the way." He said as the crowd awed at the seemingly emotionless mans warm gesture.

"I love it!" Y/N said running to give him a hug as he smiled .

"I am glad." He said thinking of how much she has grown from that little girl who was dependent on him for emotional support to a girl who can take care of herself. "You make me feel like a success Y/N how much you have matured I can't help but feel extremely proud of what you have become..." He said as the crowd awed again. "Itachi I couldn't think of a more perfect life partner for Y/N." He said as Itachi smiled giving a grateful nod.

"And I couldn't think of a more perfect woman to share my life with." Itachi said as the crowd kept awing causing Obito to laugh as he started clapping looking to the crowd to join him as they started clapping too. Kitana took the mic back as she announced for the cutlery to be brought out for the cake cutting.

After the cake was cut and Y/N and Itachi fed each other another announcement was made "Now ladies and gentlemen I command all of you to get to the dance floor because it's time to dance and party!" Kitana said as Gai hoorayed. Everyone started gathering as the lights went out and everything had purple lighting instead. The newly engaged couple moved to the dance floor as Itachi wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both swayed getting lost in the music. 

"I never felt so single." Kitana said to Gai as he chuckled. 

"That's what being a party host means Kitana, you must resist temptation to delve into relationships..."

"Urgh Gai you can be such a buzzkill sometimes." She said sipping her orange juice box.

The music went from slow romantic songs and quick transitioned into EDM making everyone become lively and dance.

Naruto's POV

I really wanted to dance but I suddenly felt too shy to as a hand suddenly pulled me making me loose all my fears as Sasuke pulled me to the floor dropping his uninterested facade as I smiled at him we both danced and the thought crossed my mind that he looked really good...god what am I thinking?! 

Author's POV 

Eventually after much dancing and partying Y/N and Itachi decided to sneak out of the party to do what they had always the stars. They slowly edged towards the exit sneaky like ninjas only for them to walk past Kitana causing them to stop as she looked at them understanding what they were about to do as she smiled looking around before leaning closer to them. "Go. I'll cover for you both...have fun...but not too much fun." She said laughing at her own joke as the just smiled awkwardly leaving behind the over energetic woman. 

The hopped in the car as they drove to the bay not to far away . There was a cliff there that had the ocean view at the bottom and the stars at the top and in the middle they met in dreamy clouded bliss. Y/N looked at the view in awe as they both sad on the top staring at the stars  as they looked into each other's eyes the stars reflected in Itachi's charcoal eyes and Y/N's e/c eyes, without realising it the both began to lean closer as Itachi took the chance to pull Y/N into his lap so she was straddling him. He then pulled the fancy hairpin out of her hair as her hair fell from the messy bun falling slightly on her face as he tucked the strand behind her ear then pulling her face to his as their lips met in a lustful dance as her hands clutched his shirt his hands moving to her butt as he pulled her closer to him as her hands moved to his hair as she loosened his ponytail letting his hair fall as she ran her hands through his soft hair causing him to let out a low groan as they pulled away for air only to crash their lips again as she moaned feeling him run his hands up and down her thighs as he pulled away only to move his lips to her jaw then down her neck as she moaned when he reached a certain spot driving her wild as she hid her face in his shoulder causing him to smirk as he pulled her back for a sweet loving kiss as they pulled away resting their foreheads against each other panting. 

"What am I going to do with you?" Itachi said with a chuckle.

"Whatever you want to..." Y/N shot back with a wink as he kissed her nose smiling.

"I love you so much." He said pulling her to his chest as she closed her eyes savouring the closeness and love she felt in his embrace. 

"I love you so much." She responded as her smiled kissing her head. 

A/N: Well that's the furthest they've ever gone they look like they're  gonna snap any second...also I got bored so I decided to attend 😃 if you spotted me! 

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