I'm so fancy~

498 18 596

Here I sat on my bed waiting for my nails to dry as I went through my phone feeling bored I opened the one app I haven't touched in years and I blame that on my fiancé but...whatever. I sigh opening 'Wattpad' as I laugh to my self evilly seeing all the x readers I haven't read with a certain ninja. Oh dear is it considered cheating...but he's 2D...but we'll be in love...but I love Itachi...oh god decisions, decisions...I'll just go with a ship then. (In real life I wouldn't care but in this fic it's Itachi and the man deserves 100% commitment so...*cries*)

"Hey Y/N I just wanted to-?" As  you dropped your phone. 

"Oh hey what are you up to?"

"Oh um...I was...I...reading?"

"Why did you say it like that?" Kitana asked as I felt the nervousness seep in. 

"I just you know...was you know I..."

"You sound like Kashi when I first saw his book collection...hehe talk about questionable book choices..." 


"Oh he reads romance books."

"Oh I never took him as the...at least it's not-"

"Oh it's explicit graphic porn don't even bother I remember he was a sitting under a tree so I went to talk to him and saw him asleep with his book so I picked it up and flung it at him after the first scene."


"Yeah...all the girls thought he was even cuter because he likes to read but I saw right through that bullshit."


"Are you reading dirty books like him...?" Kitana asked suspiciously as I waved my hands dismissively.

"No no no! I am reading I-innocent books hehe no lemons at all..."

"Hehe you mean fanfics?"


"Don't worry I won't tell...is it anime fanfics?"

"Ye- How did you-?"

"I indulge in some blissful fanfics myself some authors just get it right! You know what I mean they just...Get. It. Right!"

"I didn't realise you were that passionate about-?"

"Oh there's so many great authors that just know how to portray the characters! There's Digi and- sorry sorry I'm rambling again aren't I?"

"Uh yeah you kinda-"

"Damnit! Anyway you my girl are ready for your dressing your dress is in the dress room and you have make up in half an hour and- whoops! Gotta get Gai some of the decor he was running out of...See you! Go up stairs now okay!" Kitana shouted dashing out of the room as I giggled putting my phone down heading to put on my gown and head to put on my dress. 


"You are almost done Mam. Just turn your head to the right please." The make up artist instructed as I nodded turning my head as he (must normalise men having make up sorcery powers) applied the make up to my face his relaxed confident and bored expression somehow giving me confidence too. 

"Mr. Rintaro will you be doing my wedding make up too?" (I can smell the Haikyuu fans excitement)

"Yes and your reception make up since the outfit is different I will be adding touch ups to keep your colour scheme going don't stress about it I won't be doing anything flashy or extreme when I can just build on your natural beauty."

"O-Oh um thank you Sir I appreciate the compliment."

"That goes for every woman regardless how much make up she wears she must always know she's beautiful bare faced as well after all make up is a choice not a necessity beauty comes from with in and resonates without it is not determined by physical attributes." He stated in a bored tone as if it was the most obvious thing. 

"Uh..." I just sat there... (Y/n exe. has stopped working!) "Those were very wise words." 

"I know I make sure to tell people especially guys who think that they can decide how much make up a woman should wear or how long she should take to get ready." 

"You are very cool sir."

"Thank you." He said adding the final touch ups as I though about how Itachi likes watching me get ready and never seems to care how long I take making me smile to myself.

"What are you smiling about? Not that I really care."

"No just thinking about how goddamn lucky I am."

"That's what I like to hear." He said with a slight twitch of his mouth into a ghosty smile.

A/n: Do you hear that? Oh yeah the second last chapter in the pre-wedding arc hehe. 

I can see lemon trees after that arc...dear lord👀👀... also please let me know any specifics you want in the lemon just know that Itachi is a top 👀👀👀 so...

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now