Escape artist (oneshot)

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(Criminal! Itachi X Criminal! Reader) oneshot. Kind of fantasy au and ninjutsu exists.

Warning: light violence

Y/N and Itachi were the worst. Every criminal has a day where his or her luck runs out, right? But for these two it seemed impossible. Almost like they could never run out of luck! They always escaped no matter how impossible it seemed.


The man ran at me as I dodged flipping over. He continued to try swiping the knife at me as I grabbed hi wrist slamming him into the wall before sending a kick to the back of his head causing him to drop unconscious. 'I have to get out of here...NOW!' I thought to myself as I ran through the archive room reaching the exit. I ran out only the men on horses charging at me. I grabbed the part of the window swinging myself up a I got on the roof, now jumping roof to roof as I approached the gate of the town. 

"Surrender now!" A man from the other roof said chasing after me as I continued to jump from roof to roof. 

"Never!" I screamed picking up my pace.

I reached the gate and jumped off the room landing swiftly as I continued running along the off roads. I managed to pass the gate jumping up the tree to try and look for any sight of Itachi as I got worried not seeing any. I carried on running through the bushes as I reached a cliff turning around only to see that I was cornered.

Itachi's POV

I ran along the path and sliced the next man's arm of as more tried charging at me. I ran down the other side of the building managing to run past the maidens as the men lost me. I escaped finally but ran towards the lake seeing Y/N on top of the cliff cornered. I immediately knew what to do as I ran further down away from the lake. 


I tried not to panic but there was no escape except jumping and that would surely kill me. Suddenly I see a bird land on the mans shoulder as he tried getting it off.

"Argh! Stupid bird get off me!" He screamed.

"Crows are far from stupid." I answered rolling my eyes as I smirked seeing more land on the other men as I started backing away causing them to get suspicious.

"I really loved the playtime today but as you know my boyfriend tends to get jealous if I spend too much time with other guys, bye!" I said jumping of the cliff as I landed perfectly in Itachi's arms. "You're late." I said smirking as we disappeared into a flock of crows appearing at another town. 

"One doesn't say that to a person who saved them after they jumped of a cliff." Itachi said smirking back as I pulled out the bag of gold coins smirking at itachi as he pulled out a bag of diamonds. "Would you like to save me and have me save you for the rest of our lives?"

"Hmmm seeing as I don't have any other guys around you win by default so yes I would love to." I said as we intertwined fingers walking into the sunset.

𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 (𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗! 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚒 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now